So here it is, what was purchased. Basically, I got an Acer with an Athlon 64 X2 processor 4200+ (faster than intel!), and upgraded to 2GB of memory. MUCH cheaper than an HP of the same specs. I also added the service plan and the spyware upgrade, because that is what was wrong with my laptop… well worth it for the peice of mind.
Also, I threw in a new ipod (mine is TOTALLY full, seriously, I have to take things off to add new stuff), and Bose desktop speakers. Overall, I spent less than $1400, and I have 24 months to pay it off! Goddamn, sometimes, retail therapy can be a fantastic thing!!! The wine in the picture is to prevent me from having buyer’s remorse!
Thanks for all the words of advice from everyone on the whole computer purchase, I really appreciate everything. I took it all to heart, and it really helped me. The guy at Best Buy totally hooked me up, and I feel like I got exactly what I wanted. Which is exactly what I was looking for!!!
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