Month: April 2007

on a high

Who needs anti-depression meds when you can just buy things!?! Seriously, I feel so bouncy and happy today, all because I have some shiny new things at home. It doesn’t come from the items themselves, but it was the actual “getting new things” that does it. It could have been anything. But this boy loves his technology, and I got a hefty dose of it.

And yes, I did need a new ipod. At least, that is what I keep telling myself. LOL I did order this kick ass skin for it from (papaya wrap with the mandarin band, in case you were curious). I was going to go with my tried and totally trusted iskin, but the motherfuckers decided not to make orange cases anymore, and I am sorry, but that is just rude. I was holding out hoping that they would eventually add orange to their colors, like they always had, but no dice. They should realize that not everyone likes generic blue, red, pink, white, green, etc.; some people actually like vibrant colors, and ifrogz has my back. I can’t wait for it to arrive. I might have to just use to the old ipod until the case arrives, so that I won’t scratch up my new baby. Oh yeah, his name is Charlie. How cute is that?

As for the computer, I am IN LOVE with Vista. Perhaps, I am more in love with the fact that my computer actually does what you want when you click on something now. And it does it fast. When you drag a set of mp3s to make an itunes playlist, it takes less that 1/2 of a second, before, it took like 20 seconds. No lie. HUGE improvement. I don’t know why I waited so long to get a new PC, but I am glad that I finally did. Vista is pretty, but a bit muddled, as they make simple tasks difficult to figure out. It took me like 20 minutes to map my home network; although, to give it credit, it jumped right on the network upon just plugging in the ethernet cord. I guess you can’t have everything. I am going to attempt to burn a DVD tonight, and hope that it goes smoothly; after all, that was one of the reasons I wanted a new PC.

That’s about it for me today; it is difficult to concentrate, but that isn’t a bad thing… I am riding that retail therapy high. It feels really good. I can’t wait to get home and organize my music on my new PC, as I discovered that MOST of the music on my other ipod isn’t on my hard drive anywhere. Oh well… something for me to do! I also want to get some videos on there, that will be cool.

James is on spring break this week, and will be leaving me and Sydney all alone from Wednesday to Sunday. If there is anyone out there that wants to do something, this is the week to do it, because I will have access to lots of free time. Anyone interested in doing something one, two, or all of those nights?? Let me know! I am ready to hang, ya’ll!

Hope your Monday is going well!

the result

shopping spree!, originally uploaded by duanecmoody.

So here it is, what was purchased. Basically, I got an Acer with an Athlon 64 X2 processor 4200+ (faster than intel!), and upgraded to 2GB of memory. MUCH cheaper than an HP of the same specs. I also added the service plan and the spyware upgrade, because that is what was wrong with my laptop… well worth it for the peice of mind.

Also, I threw in a new ipod (mine is TOTALLY full, seriously, I have to take things off to add new stuff), and Bose desktop speakers. Overall, I spent less than $1400, and I have 24 months to pay it off! Goddamn, sometimes, retail therapy can be a fantastic thing!!! The wine in the picture is to prevent me from having buyer’s remorse!

Thanks for all the words of advice from everyone on the whole computer purchase, I really appreciate everything. I took it all to heart, and it really helped me. The guy at Best Buy totally hooked me up, and I feel like I got exactly what I wanted. Which is exactly what I was looking for!!!

buying a computer may just be…

…one of the most stressful and frustrating things that you can do in life. I have been looking for several hours at different features, different prices, and different brands, trying to make a choice that I won’t regret. What I have found out, other than realizing that I don’t really want to buy one, is that there is absolutely no solid consensus on which brand/model is better, and why. Even consumer reports finds that the difference isn’t significant between the top brands (with of course, the exception being Apple).

While I would love to get an Apple, I simply cannot afford it, and I sit here scratching my head, wondering which PC would be the best for me. I have had HP in the past, and only started to hate it once it started getting slower and slower. That was a result of time, I know, but the damn thing still works, and it was purchased in 1998. So I guess that is saying something personally for HP. BUT, James has a Dell, and loves it. No complaints. Other people want to piss on Dell, so there is no consensus as to which of the two is better. And then you have to consider that there is Gateway, eMachines, IBM, etc, out there, that may or may not be any better; again, can’t seem to find a consensus.

Overall, buying a new PC, something that I thought I would really look forward to, as my slow ass laptop leaves me more frustrated with every click of that iTunes icon, has turned out to be a solid example of frustration. Major frustration. I am going up to Best Buy to see if I can make any progress with a Geek Squad person, but I am sure that they are just going to try and up-sale me on a system that I don’t need.

Are there any computer experts out there that have a definitive word as to which computer would make for the best purchase? I don’t do any gaming with my PC, and I use it mostly for photo editing, mp3s, and the internet. I also tend to watch videos, but that is usually late at night, if you know what I mean. I don’t need anything super powered, but I want something that will run pretty fast, and do it every time. I want a machine that won’t break the day after the service plan expires, and I want one that will actually run the fucking “standard” Windows Vista. Do you have any answers to quiet my frustrated mind?

An appropriate response will not include any of the following:
“dude, just buy an apple.”
“I hate _______.”
“I have never had a problem with mine, but I haven’t really heard anything else either”.
“have you checked consumer reports?”
“get a ____, I work there!”

Alright, there it is. Let me know what you think. It should also be said that I have a Toshiba laptop which has been a gem of a computer, but they don’t seem to do much in the way of desktops, which is what this whole quest is centered on finding. I just hope that I can find something that will make me happy, and not take my wallet through the ringer in the process.


BIG ASS UPDATE: So, um, should I just say FUCK IT, and go with a Mac Mini? I mean shit, it is only $50 more than the HP I am looking at. Seriously. Who thinks that is the best idea?