Month: February 2007

sweetie… what is going on??



BRITNEY!!!! Bald??? While I do have to admit that you look seriously hot bald, why this sudden shedding of the locks? Were you just really hot one night and decided that it had to go (ala Napoleon Dynamite)? Did you watch V for Vendetta and feel a sudden urge to find your inner Natalie Portman, and so you picked up the clippers?? What is going on?

The reason I ask, is because there is no way that this is going to strengthen your case that you are a sound and sane person to have sole custody over your children. Seriously, K-Fed is trying his best to get a chunk of your hard earned money, as well as a wedge in the rest of your life by getting some custody of those kids… and you can’t let that happen!!! Find a good excuse as to why you decided on this new look, let us all know that you were filming a killer comeback video, and we can all salivate in anticipation of your new bald-headed comeback. Don’t let grubby K-Fed have another cent! Otherwise, you are in danger of starting to come across a little Anne Heche-ish, and we all know that you don’t want to walk down that road. The next stop on that highway is robot Katie Homles-town, and I would hate to see you end up there.

So, let me say a big congrats on the new look (seriously, you pull off bald pretty well), just be sure to let us know what was going on in that beautiful bald head of yours when you decided that the locks had to go. Hell, say you wanted to donate it to locks of love!!! Yeah!! Say that! Just don’t stick with the “I was tired of people touching me” thing that you reportedly used as your reason for cutting your hair, because that sounds a little close to a nervous breakdown to me. Perhaps you just need some R and R?? Take the boys, drop them off at mom’s for a week, and go on vacation somewhere they have sippy drinks and clear beaches… just make sure to take plenty of sunscreen for that newly shaven head… okay?

We love you, girl, and just hope that things are alright… We want you to have a glorious a comeback already!!! So take care of yourself!

hell yes!!

I just went to CNN only to find this peice of awesomeness:

It is great to see democracy in action!!! Perhaps now a real FACT BASED look at the war can occur in the House, and we can hopefully move towards bringing our troops home. I wonder what “the decider” is thinking right now? Perhaps a little bit of, “Oh shit… I’m not going to be able to just do whatever I want anymore”? I certainly hope so!!!

Now, I know that this is a SMALL step… but it is an important one in the right direction!!!

welcome to the land of digital SLR

That’s right.

I am a point and shoot ‘only’ boy no more. Today, I got what I have wanted for the past year and a half… A digital SLR camera… specifically, the Canon Digital Rebel XT.

Now, I know that many of you know that I like to dabble in photography, but I have always felt limited by the equipment that I had… and after having a close friend get one of these cameras (and then another, and another), I just felt like it was what I needed to stop dabbling, and actually grow as a photographer. But one thing stood in my way… money. Well, I was lucky enough to get a decent tax return this year (I STILL can’t believe it), and I splurged and got myself this awesome camera (in silver), in hopes that it will re-awaken, and further hone my photography skills and interests. I can’t wait to get into learning more about this camera, as well as what it can do with different lenses. I was lucky enough to have a great friend hook me up by giving me the starter lens that comes with the starter kit for the camera, allowing me to save about $200 and only get the body of the camera. While things are coming in from different directions… camera from online… lens from my friend… memory card from online (hasn’t arrived yet… UGH!), I am happy that I went this route, because I have saved myself a lot of money by waiting, and having a generous friend (thanks again Deb!).

This is one of the first times in my life that I have gotten a tax return that did anything more than go directly into my savings, or go directly towards paying off a big bill; so I am so excited that I was able to get this camera. Now, I can’t wait to get taking pictures with it!!! But all in due time!

Just wanted to share my joy… sometimes retail therapy, even if it is a year and a half in the making, can feel so, so sweet. Anyone want to go on a photo stroll?? I’ll be ready as soon as my memory card arrives!!!!!

just a few thoughts

On Iraq:

  • I really hope that Congress does something useful for a change; we need to get out of Iraq and soon. Seriously, when you have no idea what constitutes a “successful” mission, then you have no goal, and that is scary; especially when it is costing us thousands of lives (3100 and growing… not counting the hundreds of thousands Iraqi deaths), and destroying hundreds of thousands more.
  • If you think that sending 20k+ more troops to Iraq will solve the problem, please explain that to me, especially because the top military officials have said that it will take more than 5 times that amount to even do anything (which would mean a total occupation, which is not what we are supposed to be doing over there). Their recommendations are to get out… why aren’t we listening and actually doing something to accomplish that goal?
  • Do you think that we are really going to attack Iran? I don’t get why we would want to do that; especially when we really aren’t supposed to, like we weren’t supposed to attack Iraq (at least, not without UN counsel, yeah, that we forgot to do with Iraq). I mean, the president is really pushing it now… it is like he has a personal vendetta with that whole region (and I think that he probably does). It looks more and more everyday like the only reason why we chose to occupy that territory (which we are doing, and it is also what we said we wouldn’t be doing), was so the contracting companies could get even richer. What sucks, is that we, the taxpayers, have to pay for that; and if not us, then our kids will. That just makes me sick.
  • Yes I support the troops, so don’t even go there. The people that don’t support the troops are those that underfund and under supply the troops that need our support that are already in Iraq, as well as those coming home injured and abused. It is inexcusable to say that you support the troops when you don’t provide them with the equipment to adequately protect themselves in a combat zone. It is also completely reprehensible to say you support the troops when they have to wait for VA services upon returning home from Iraq. That is just awful. Shame, shame, shame. Republicans constantly say pulling funding for the war is wrong because it will be pulling funds from those already in Iraq, when they don’t take into account that they already don’t have what the need, and the funding is active. Why can’t they see that (eh, because they don’t want to)? It doesn’t make sense.
  • What about the representatives that are still saying they agree with the war, and still want to support it? I say that you show us you are serious about your position. Give up some of your salary, and send your kids to fight. Show us you are serious. Many of those that have their kids over there are experiencing it personally, and have a better perspective on this than you do, even though you get to make the decisions; maybe it is time for you to pony up and put your money where you mouth is.
  • I have many other thoughts on this subject, but I don’t want to put too much in one post; people tend to have a hard time digesting it all… even me. So enough on Iraq for now.

On global warming:

  • Seriously. How are there people that still don’t think global warming exists?? Seriously. I saw that the Czech president said that there was no such thing, and that saying that it does exist is political propaganda. WTF dude? Why is science so scary for some people?
  • How can we, as the biggest locust nation on the planet, consume and consume and consume without giving much back to the environment we are raping? How come the government isn’t really doing anything about it? Does that make sense to you?
  • I am really scared to see what is going to happen over my lifetime with regards to nature, climate, and the world. We have done enough in 100 years to significantly damage a planet that has been around for billions of years. Can it be fixed? I worry that it can’t.

On depression:

  • I really think that people don’t understand my sometimes. I feel like I talk about how I feel, and it just goes right in one ear, and out the other, mostly because people essentially tell me that the way to get over my depression is to get over it. I freak out because I can’t get over it, and I don’t understand why others can’t see that.
  • I also freak out because I worry that I am being too needy. I worry about my depression which causes more depression. That doesn’t even make sense! UGH! I feel trapped in a box with no way out… depression sounds a lot like desperation.
  • I often wonder if we truly do deserve to be happy. What if we don’t?
  • I read an article earlier today about evolutionary psychology, and how it viewed depression. It talked about depression, like other mental conditions, as being a product of evolution, and therefore, a response to change over time, both environmentally, and emotionally. Basically, they were saying that if you were depressed, it is partly because you have learned that in order to get what you need, you feel depressed, because it is an evolutionary trait we developed meet those needs. Also, depression is viewed as anger turned inward, and while I can see part of each argument, the first suggests that depression is made up; which I truly don’t believe it is, because if I made it up, I should be able to make it go away. Also, with regards to the first argument, I don’t think the reason I am depressed is so people will meet my needs, I feel like I can’t even meet my needs, which really depresses me. Explain that! With regards the the anger turned inward argument, while that may be some of depression, I don’t know how that can be all of it. Depression is such a weird thing that can be different for different people… it is so weird how even psychologists don’t grasp that concept sometimes.
  • Part of my depression comes from issues I have in life. I have talked to many people, and discovered that a lot of people share these problems. But is that supposed to make me feel bad that I feel this way? It kind of makes me feel like I am being a baby, and that freaks me out even more; mostly, because I’m not.

Well, that was probably a lot to take in today, but that is pretty much what is going on in my head right now. Feel free to discuss any of that you want to; the posts for the last couple of days haven’t seemed to interest too many readers. Hope everyone is staying dry today…

randomly remembering childhood things

This morning, I was looking through digg like I usually do, and I saw a link for “interesting statues from around the world”. Interested (ha!), I checked it out, and to my surprise, one of the statues was of the Japanese anime character, Mazinger Z. Now, I am sure that many of you read that, and were like, WTF is Mazinger Z? Seriously? That’s what I said too, because to me, the statue looked like the robot on a show I used to watch called Tranzor Z; which I quickly learned was the same as Mazinger Z, essentially, translated for the US. I don’t remember much about this show, but often when I have thoughts (albeit very few thoughts remain of childhood) of my childhood, this is one image that I distinctly remember as a good memory. I remember watching the show, and seeing the image again made me happy to put a name with that image I have had in my mind for so long. I have even mentioned that show to other people in the past, only to be met with a puzzling look, because everyone I have ever asked has never heard of Tranzor Z. I thought it was awesome that I was able to find it randomly this morning, and it got me thinking about other stuff I loved when I was a kid. (I also looked on ebay and amazon to see if I could get DVDs, but I didn’t see anything worth exploring… other than some Spanish dubbed bootlegs).

Interestingly enough, just the other day I mentioned, in the post that I made about the movies I was interested in checking out, that while the Transformers remake is exciting the hell out of people on the internets, I would love to see a Thundercats movie. When looking into Mazinger Z, I totally flashed back on all of my Thundercats toys, and the fun that I used to have watching that show as well. Now, Thundercats wasn’t the most fantastically produced show, and the dialogue between the characters is pretty juvenile, but to a kid, it is awesome; as it was to me when I was a kid. The cool thing about Thundercats, is that they have been releasing Thundercats DVDs for the past couple of years, and at some point, I may be overcome with nostalgia, and have to snag a set or two. And because my mind works like a snowball rolling down a hill, that got me thinking even further about childhood nostalgia, and got me seriously wondering; where the hell are the Silverhawks (DVDs at least)?? I mean, the Silverhawks came a few years after Thundercats, and was essentially the same show, but with hawk/human hybrids in space (although, when I was little, I apparently wasn’t aware of this, and if I was, I certainly didn’t care); so it should have a similar fan base (even though it apparently wasn’t as popular), and market for DVDs or other stuff.

For those of you that didn’t watch Silverhawks, let’s take a second to compare the two. Both shows had sage-like guidance from an older/deceased counsel (Jaga for TC, and Commander Stargazer for SH), they both had a range of characters that fought on the same team that had similar characteristics (being that they all were cat/human or hawk/human hybrids), and surprisingly, they had almost identical foes, with the Thundercats fighting Mumra, and the Silverhawks fighting Mon*Star; both of which transformed using some hidden power before facing the heroes. I watched a video on youtube of the intro to the Silverhawks, and really find myself wanting a set of these DVDs as well (not bootlegs)… and I only hope they make their way to DVD soon. There doesn’t seem to be much info on the web about the Silverhawks (other than it was a show, yadda yadda, and stuff I already know), but it is definitely planted deep in memory, and it is cool to randomly remember things like this that I loved when I was a kid. Seriously, I was all about this stuff, I had the Thundercats lair with all of the action figures, and I had several Silverhawks as well. Luckily, I still have my Liono, and the picture I took of him serves as my icon in many places; I just wish I had all of the other ones!

It is interesting how something so innocuous can jog a memory of something that you loved in your past. Mine was a statue of a character from a cartoon that I can’t remember much of, other than the fact I loved it when I was little. Are there any things that you remember from your past, that you wish you could have (like DVDs or whatever)? What were your favorites from childhood? I hope that I can find more stuff, but at this point, I am just crossing my fingers and hoping for Silverhawks on DVD at some point in the near future, and I may have to go ahead and give into that nostalgia and pick up the Thundercats as well.

because I said so

No, this isn’t your mother talking, what this is, is my opinion of the new Mandy Moore/Diane Keaton movie, Because I Said So. I wrote a list of movies that I wanted to see yesterday, and this one was at the top, because I had already made plans to see it. And I am very glad I did! This movie was seriously cute, and a total romantic comedy, which I usually, and in this case definitely, love.

In the movie, Mandy Moore plays the youngest of three daughters, Milly, who were raised by their single mother, Daphne, played by Diane Keaton. When the Milly has another failure in a series failed relationships, her meddling mother decides to step in and “help her have one succesful relationship” before she dies (Milly that is). What Daphne proceeds to do, is place a personal ad on the internet, with the basic jist of the ad being, “mother seeking life parter for daughter”. When Daphne goes to meet all of these potentially eligible men, she basically has to go through a bunch of freaks, before finding one she apprehensively likes for her daughter; only he isn’t there to talk with her about meeting her daughter, he is a musician at the resturant. Just as she is getting to know him a bit, in steps “Mr. Perfect”, who is everything she wants for her daughter, leading her to forget about the musician; only what she doesn’t know, is that the musician grabs one of Milly’s cards, and decides to check her out for himself.

What happens, is a meddling mother pushes the “perfect” guy on her daughter, while she finds someone else who genuinely fits her (the musician); causing her to juggle both, and confusing her as to what she really wants. The result is a good romantic comedy that has just enough laughs to balance out the hurt that inevitably comes with situations like this. In the end, I really liked this movie, mostly because Mandy Moore is completely adorable, and so utterly fantastic in this role. She is a beautiful girl, and it is pretty hard to believe that she would have a hard time finding any one to be with. Also, a HUGE bonus for this film, is that the musician is played by Gabriel Macht, who is fucking hot hot hot!!!! I didn’t even know who he was before this movie, but I am definitely paying attention now. He plays such a genuine and sincerely romantic guy, that it just makes me melt thinking about it. The only part of the movie that I really didn’t care for, strangely, was Diane Keaton; at times, her acting was just painful to watch. Luckily, Mandy Moore’s greatness, and Gabriel Macht’s (who’s pictured here) hotness, balanced it out enough for me to forget about it, and enjoy the movie. If you are a fan of romantic comedies, then this one is a must see. I give it 5 out of 6 stars (), because it is definitely a film that I enjoyed throughout, and it is definitely one I will be owning on DVD. It won’t be winning any awards, but that shouldn’t be the benchmark of “good” films anyway! If you are looking for a feel good rom-com, then you should definitely be checking this one out; but if you need another reason, do it because I said so!!! (sorry, I just couldn’t resist!)

[as always, the pictures aren’t mine]

the upcoming movies I want to see post

I mentioned on Wednesday that there were a lot of movies coming out in the next month or so, and that I should probably make a list; so I am. After seeing some good movies recently, I realize that while I don’t really like to go to the theater (who needs it when you have a 42″ TV and a soft couch at home?), there is some stuff I feel like I have to see, without waiting for DVD; although, I am sure that I won’t see ALL of them in the theater… Here’s my list so far (listed in the order in which they are coming out):

  • Because I Said So: I will probably go see this tomorrow with John and the boys. It looks cute, and it has Mandy Moore. She is awesome, and that is pretty much any reason to see a movie she is in.
  • Ghost Rider: Now, I HATE Nicholas Cage with a passion, but I LOVE comic book movies. I will probably give in and see this one. I just hope it doesn’t suck monkey nuts; because it definitely has the potential to. And it isn’t a good sign that they aren’t letting reviewers see it before release… that never is, really.
  • Zodiac: Jake Gyllenhaal movies are always worthy of a trip to the theater. Seriously.
  • 300: Holy fucking shit I am so excited about this movie. I talked with Deb about seeing this at IMAX, because based on the MANY previews I have watched, this movie is going to be stunning. I predict it will make my best of 2007 movies list.
  • Premonition: I saw the trailer, and it looks like it could pretty cool. I really like Sandra Bullock too, so perhaps she will make this one worth seeing. I find the whole idea of someone dying, and you waking up the next day and it didn’t happen yet, as a pretty creepy idea.
  • Blades of Glory: I am going to seriously have to see some trailers for this; because it looks really promising, but also looks like it could pull an Anchorman (which wasn’t that funny). At least Ben Stiller isn’t in it (even though he is one of the producers), because that would make it a definite NO.
  • Grindhouse: Holy nerd’s wet dream, Batman: Tarantino AND Miller in one film?!? Well, it’s actually two films, but I am still totally excited. Rose McGowan’s character has a gun for a leg. Fuck yes.
  • Hot Fuzz: Simon Pegg and Nick Frost?!?!? AGAIN??? These two did Shaun of the Dead, one of my favorite movies. I will see anything they do. This one is a top of the list type movie.
  • Spiderman 3: Duh. No need to explain this one at all; I still can’t believe Venom is in it. Wet dream anyone?
  • Shrek the Third: The second one was better than the first one… will the third be better than the second? We shall see.
  • Fantastic Four: The Rise of the Silver Surfer: OMG. I was terribly excited when they announced this, and have been following it ever since. I really liked the first one, even though many didn’t, and can’t wait to see Silver Surfer in action!
  • Transformers: Alright… I’ll bite, but I am not going to be running to the theaters. I liked them when I was a kid, but not that much. I would love to see a Thundercats live action movie. That would be awesome.
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Duh again. Harry Potter movies are always must see movies.

Wow, that is a pretty short list. I was thinking that there were more movies that I was excited about… what am I missing? What are you excited about seeing? I am probably just drawing a blank on something, so let me know what I am missing, kids!!!

Also, totally unrelated, but I am FINALLY getting my camera; my tax refund was much more than I was expecting, and I am getting a digital SLR!!!! I have wanted one forever, and now I am getting it (just the body, though, because my GREAT FRIEND Deb is giving me a lens!!!)! Woohoo! In case you were wondering, it is the Canon Digital Rebel XT; but I am getting the 8MP version, because it is about $200 cheaper than the 10, and I don’t think there will be THAT much difference, you know? Still, I’m excited!!! Hope everyone’s Friday is rock awesome!

introducing… the Atlanta POPcast

I want to welcome you to the very first episode of the Atlanta POPcast!! I just recorded my first podcast this weekend, entitled the Atlanta POPcast, and the first episode of the show is officially up and live on the Georgia Podcast Network. This is a new venture for me, and hopefully, it will be something that I do fairly regularly, and will help me continue my quest in finding the best pop music there is out there; and then bring it to you.

In this podcast, I explore none other than the beast that is pop music. Far too much music is released all over the world every single week for one person to sift through and find the good stuff, and as someone that has had a hard time in the past, I know how it can be frustrating to be left with only a few good choices. I also find it frustrating to rely on sources like the radio, because often they pass of utter crap as pop, and we are expected to buy it; but sometimes, it is just too much to bear.

Since my insatiable appetite for music only grows with each passing day, I am constantly on the look out for good pop, stuff that can literally be music to my ears, and I often find some really great stuff (often with the help of friends). Additionally, I, being a giving and caring person that I am, really wanted an opportunity to share this great music that I find with others; because there is a good chance that if I had to search hard for it, many others haven’t yet heard it! That’s where this POPcast comes in!!

I will use this podcast as a forum to play clips of songs from the albums that I feel are worthy enough to present, so that you can get a better feel of an artist’s album; from someone who likes the CD, not just a music critic. I will be doing my best each episode to bring you a few different CDs, and hopefully, we can explore some great pop artists and albums together. If I turn one listener into a fan of some great pop, then I have accomplished my mission. There’s so much out there we are missing out on, and hopefully, this can at least bring a few more CDs to your collection.

So, go to the Georgia Podcast Network, download my POPcast, and check out what I have been spinning; you may find music you too will fall in love with!! I will also be sharing singles that are tearing up my ipod, because sometimes, we have to face it, not everyone can pull together a great record, and one song or two may be all they’ve got. But that won’t stop us from loving what they have, right?!!!

I hope you will go and check out this episode of my podcast, as well as continue to check back for future episodes. Feel free to give me some suggestions if you have a great pop band out there that you want people to hear about… I am always in the market for new tunes, and it may end up on the show! Let me know how you like my podcast, okay?

hump day observations

Randomness switch on…

  • Why do people think that just because you have an opinion on something, and that because someone says, “hey, that’s mean, could you not do that?”, that it qualifies as a controversy (or “non-controversy”, as those that believe it isn’t worth the title of controversy would call it)?
  • Why is Indian food so good to you, and yet, so bad to you at the same time?
  • I started watching a new show last night: Top Design. Lori and I both realized something interesting: Todd Oldham’s upper lip doesn’t move at all. And, that show is fantastically gay. I will start watching it starting tonight.
  • Where do people find music? I find mine from blogs and friends… just curious where you guys get your music from.
  • I want to win the lottery. Or find out that I have a rich Aunt out there who just died and left me every bit of her multi-million dollar fortune.
  • Could you be in a relationship where your partner wouldn’t let you work? Why or why not?
  • What is it about hairy men that is so hot? I mean seriously. I seriously have a thing for looking at guys. I could do it all of the time and be happy.
  • There are a lot of movies coming out I want to see. Perhaps I will do a post about that.
  • Why don’t they release a new ipod? Mine is full. I need a new, bigger, touch-screen one. Now.
  • It is quite possible that I will be getting the largest refund from my taxes ever this year. I am sure that it is some mistake, and I will not be getting as much as TurboTax is telling me.
  • What is the allure of Clap Your Hands Say Yeah? I have tried, but I just don’t see it.
  • Why do I always feel the need to say, “but in the good way”, when I say something is gay? Duh, gay is awesome.
  • Would you ever have sex with someone to further your career/get a job? Is there a limit to that?
  • I recorded a podcast this weekend for the Georgia Podcast Network. While I don’t like the sound of my own voice, I am excited about it. It’s called the Atlanta POPcast. I will blog about it when the first episode is up. It’s interesting the things that interest me; when there are so many things that still remain unable to shake me from this nothing.

Randomness switch off.

That’s what I got right now. Man, the Shins really make you reflect, and, well, make you mellow and shit.

that “gay” snickers ad

I am sure that everyone has seen, or heard of, the Snickers “gay kiss” ad from the Superbowl. Most of what I heard about the ad, is the fact that many people thought it was funny. I for one, know that the people at the party I was at laughed hysterically when it aired, and I honestly thought it was at a minimum, pushing the boundaries of being completely anti-gay, even though I didn’t initially get upset about it. But, I am still wondering; what about that scenario is funny?

So, two straight men kiss accidentally, ala “Lady and the Tramp”. So what? Why is that funny? And why is it portrayed as something funny?

Now, while I wasn’t personally offended by the ad, I have to admit that I did get a little uncomfortable when everyone busted out laughing. Again, why is this so funny? I mean, they kissed accidentally, right? If it were a man and a woman, it wouldn’t have been anything to laugh at; which must mean that the reason it is funny, is because it is making fun of gay men. And what about when they feel it necessary to do something to assert their “manliness”, in essence, to prove to each other that, “hey, I’m not a fag”? This too must mean that the reason it is funny, is because gay men aren’t seen as manly; which again, is making fun of gay men.

I am pretty sure that if this scenario did happen in real life, and if those two men were as homo-scared as their characters indicated by their actions after their accidental kiss (ripping out chest hair to prove that they were “real men”), then things probably wouldn’t have been so funny to either of those men; and it would have potentially been upsetting to them. But why? It was an accident, not a full on sexual encounter! Now, I know that I can’t say how individual men should react to kissing another man, but it shouldn’t be something that is so queer and “wrong” that one would need to go so far as to “cover up” that action with another one, one that somehow “asserts” the fact that they are indeed, not gay. After all, just because the two men kissed, it doesn’t mean that they are instantly gay; and by ripping their chest hair out to prove to each other that they aren’t gay is both stupid (ouch!!!) and insensitive to gay men. It is acting out and furthering the belief that gay men aren’t really men.

Basically, what Snickers has done, is they have taken something innocent, such as an accidental kiss between two men, and used it to get a cheap laugh by making fun of gay men. Then, they went a step further, and reinforced the societal belief that being a gay man must mean that you are effeminate, or un-manly, because in order to “feel better” about their kiss, the men had to do something “manly” like rip out chest hair; instead of just ignore it and go on with life.

While the commercial itself was seemingly “innocent”, as I look back, I believe that it reinforces what a lot of people wrongly think about gay men, by showing that if two straight men were to kiss, that it would mean something other than just a kiss. They have shown that two men kissing is essentially something to laugh at, or something to make fun of. They have shown that if two straight men were to accidentally kiss, that they would need to assert the fact that they weren’t gay, by doing something “manly” to cover up their previous actions; which again, reinforces the belief that gay men aren’t really men at all. The more I think about the ad, the more I don’t like it, and honestly, I can see where people would be offended. I guess even more than that, I wonder why we, as a society, still cling to these covert anti-gay messages, and continually portray gay men in this light? All it does is encourage people to continue to make fun of gay people, which trickles down to children, who then use these stereotypes to seek out and torture gay kids. It’s a vicious cycle, one that uses “humor” to hurt a particular group of people.

So what do you think? Do you think that I am overreacting? Keep in mind that I am not trying to rant here, but I am trying to observe that yes, the ad was pretty anti-gay, and typical of a less than accepting society. I am saying that I see how people would be offended by something that seemed innocent to most; simply because it covertly reinforces the belief that gay men aren’t really men at all, and that kissing another man is wrong. Tell me what you think/thought about the ad! Were you offended? Do you see where the media continually makes fun of being gay?

Also, if you are interested in more thoughts on this ad, here’s a link to commecial closet, a website dedicated to GLBT portrayals in the media; they seem to agree with me.