So, I said this weekend that we were going to finished caulking and painting, but we didn’t schedule our time right, and as a result, we just decided to clean up, and leave things as is for right now. After all, our house was a MESS, and we literally couldn’t stand it any longer. It does look great as is though, so perhaps that is why we weren’t so antsy to break out the paint brushes to give it the finishing touches. Trust me though, those are on the way in the very near future. But, in the mean time, here is the progress that has been accomplished thus far: (with a little slideshow from the beginning of the project up until now)
Here’s were it begins…
James starts by trying to find a stud in the wall. Needless to say, it beeped the entire time he was holding it; perhaps it had already found a stud:
Sydney works hard by laying on the couch and being cute. This will only continue throughout the project.
So after the first day, we have made some real progress. Two walls are almost completely beadboarded.
The next day, I was home sick from work, and our friend Daniel came over to help James. They made a ton of progress, and actually got all of the beadboard up for the rest of the room.
Sydney continued his stint on the couch, still looking extremely cute.
James put up the trim and the chair rail the next day while I was at work. Then Saturday morning, we were supposed to caulk and paint, but all that was accomplished was James puttying up the big cracks and we ended up cleaning up and moving the furniture back.
Even though it isn’t painted, I still think it looks great. It definitely gives a different feel to the room. Even though I think it looks great as is, I will still be very glad when it is all done and painted. Hopefully, that will happen in the near future, and when it finally does happen, you should expect an update right here. Well, that’s about all! Let me know what you think of our hard work!
2 comments for “beadboard: what’s been done so far…”