what about condoms? do we just forget about those?

Everyone is all abuzz here at CDC because there was a recent study that looks at the efficacy of male circumcision on the prevention of HIV transmission, and again, I sit here and scratch my head. Why? Because things like this really blow my mind. The efficacy was found to only be around 60% effective, and already, I can feel the decline of pushing condoms and other much more highly effective prevention techniques, all because this shows some promise in the highest infection areas of Africa.

Why does that upset me? Well, what that means, is that when our focus shifts even slightly from prevention tactics which are 99% effective when practiced consistently and effectively to a medical procedure that only promises 60% efficacy in the highest risk areas, it tells me that our priorities are not steadfast, and can crumble. Not only that, people will see these messages, and apply them to their own situations, even though they most likely do not share the characteristics of the study; i.e., the study looked at this as a last ditch method of prevention, because condoms were too expensive in these areas, and other people will simply see that as an excuse to stop using condoms. That is pretty scary, and extreme, but it is true.

I for one DO NOT advocate circuncision, period, but also definitely not as a means for preventing HIV. If you want to prevent the transmission of HIV, USE A CONDOM. It is 99% effective (when used consistently and properly), and is something that is way less invasive, and again, way more effective at preventing HIV. Having your child circumcised should be your decision, yes, but please don’t use HIV prevention as the excuse. Consider what a botched circumcision would do to your child; I for one wouldn’t want to have to have reconstructive surgery on my penis, which was completely fine BEFORE the doctors tried to cut it off when I was born.

Long story short:
Condoms prevent HIV.
Circumcision is only an effective method of prevention in extremely high transmission areas where CONDOMS ARE NOT AVAILABLE or ARE TOO EXPENSIVE TO USE REGULARLY.

DO NOT use this as an excuse to stop using condoms, nor as an excuse to cut the head of your sons (or your own) dick off. Please. And frankly, the “it looks better” excuse is unethical; let your son decide that, okay?

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