interesting talks

I had a talk with my Grandma today, and it was interesting that we ended up talking about my “life” and the “choices” that I have made. She obviously doesn’t agree with the whole gay thing, but she nonetheless assured me that she loved me no matter what, and that there was nothing that would change that, which was very, very nice. This is nice when you wonder how your family really feels about you, especially when you have a pretty good idea that they don’t agree with your life, and are just too self absorbed to say anything about it.

She did want me to come home for Christmas though, so it looks like I will be making a BRIEF appearance. I am serious… In and out!

Also, something else which really baffles me… I saw a talk that Jimmy Carter was doing the other day about his new book, which calls for peace between Palestine and Israel, and heralds that peace as one of the most important things to bring stability and peace to the middle east, and a self identified republican called in and called him a bigot and an anti-Semite because he wasn’t hugging and patting Israel on the back for all of the shit they have caused. It confuses me and baffles me, that we, as a country still don’t talk about this volatile “holy-war” that has been going on far too long about a claim on a little strip of land. Both sides of that fight are doing the wrong thing; they are both fighting over land that doesn’t necessarily belong to either of them (if you want to get right down to it). (I’m not saying that we should take a side, because there isn’t a side that is fundamentally right! Seriously, we have to just come to some sort of agreement, which is, uh, the point of trying to make a peace treaty, right?) Additionally, we have been in Israel court for so long, that any time anyone suggests trying to view it from a different perspective, that perspective being to not wipe out Palestine and kill all of the people there and chuck the land back to the Israelis, that you are anti-Semitic. That is just bull. First of all, Jimmy Carter is one of the biggest humanitarians in the world, and for what it is worth, as he mentioned to the caller, he is the only one that has brokered peace with Palestine, back in the 70’s with Egypt (which is still honored today). In my opinion, he doesn’t sound like an anti-Semite, he sounds like a man that realizes that war will not solve their problems, and reaching peace between these two volatile territories is the only way to truly secure peace in the middle east, if we could ever truly get it. Why people that ignorant still baffles me. Interestingly enough, as my friend Deb pointed out… those people usually are the same people that are against the Jews over here… go figure.

PS, I also have to turn comment moderation back on, some spam bots are overloading my CPU usage, and until I can get that figured out with my host, the inconvenience falls on you guys. Sorry in advance, ya’ll, please don’t let that stop you from commenting.

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