rear-ended, and not in the good way…

I was driving in to work in bumper to bumper traffic (why do I continue to use the freeway? Perhaps now I will stop), and all of a sudden… BAM! My head hits the headrest, and my heart is beating wildly… I have been rear ended! I have lived in Atlanta for more than 6 years, and never so much as a ding… then, I am rear ended today. While no one was hurt, and there was NO damage (thank GOD), I did pull over immediately, over to the left of the HOV lane. Crazy Asian lady followed. While I sat in my car, calling 911, she pulls in front of me, halfway sticking out into traffic, and holds her hands and head out of the window in the “what the fuck is going on, why are we stopping?” pose. While this makes me mad, I continue with the call, and just as I get the operator, a cop pulls up behind me. I got out, walked over to the lady’s car, and explained that we needed to talk to the officer, after asking her if she was okay. She immediately launched in with the “there is no damage!” “why do we need to talk to the cop?!” “there is no damage!” routine. Um… yeah. So I stand there with the cop and the lady, and we assess that there actually is no damage, but her attitude is continually growing more and more unfriendly. Keep in mind, crazy lady, you hit ME! So then, it gets good. The lady tells the cop that she is late for work, and doesn’t have time for this crap. Then she asks him who he works for!!! LOL He replies with a laugh, “Um, I work for the State of Georgia. I am a highway patrol officer, ma’am.” Then he tells her, “Ma’am, if you feel that you do not have time to fill out a report, which will take a considerable amount of time (and she is still saying over and over, “I’m late for work!”), I can just take you to jail right now for leaving the scene of an accident.” She goes, “I don’t want that! I am very late for work!”. The cop is doing everything he can to hold back laughter, and looks right at me, as the Asian lady walks back to her car to move it (as it is in the middle of the HOV lane), and says, “I personally don’t see any damage, and she is going to be very difficult to deal with. Do you want to fill out a report? I am telling you right now, that I wouldn’t.” So I decided not to, just on the simple fact that there really wasn’t any damage, and I was so shaken up, that the crazy lady screaming “I’m late for work! There is no damage” was just too much for me. The cop was very kind, and then sent us on our way. What was funny, though, is that after she had said, “I am in a big hurry, very late for work”, I told her, “lady, the reason why we are even standing here is because you are in such a big hurry. You need to slow down and not rear end anymore people, okay!”. At least I got that quip in there.

I was still a little shaken when I got to work, but at least there is no damage. Hopefully, this will be my last accident while living in Georgia… or ever, for that matter. I will, however, by steering clear of the freeway for a while.

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