Month: October 2006


Today is kind of a poopy day. But, I can’t wait till December 19th, because I can get this on DVD:

Maybe chili, booze, and Mommie Dearest will cheer me up this evening. And therapy.

Since my friend Stu hooked me up with tons of Brit pop the other day, I have been listening to almost nothing but Girls Aloud and Sugababes. My brain is made of syrup. Cherry syrup. With sprinkles.

national coming out day

Hey, ya’ll, it’s national coming out day. Let’s here it for the homos!!! Seriously though, coming out is a huge step in every gay person’s life, and isn’t something that should be looked upon lightly. It takes the utmost courage to stand up and declare who you are, especially in the face of potential judgment, bigotry, hatred, and in some unfortunate circumstances, harm. I know that it is no surprise to anyone that meets me that I am gay, and that may have always been the case, but it took a long time, and a lot of self reflection, pain, and mental turmoil to come to that conclusion myself. I am glad that I was able to finally come out and be myself, which is something that cannot be truly and accurately described to the point anyone that has not experienced it could truly understand; it is a feeling like you are reborn, and you finally get to be yourself. Unfortunately, in our society, this feeling of freedom, and in many cases, the first time you feel truly happy, comes with the feeling of being outcast, and shunned for the very same reason, which is definitely a shame. Hopefully, one day, we will all live in a world where people can be themselves without fear, and coming out will just be a natural part of a gay person’s life; rather than something that threatens it. Here’s to all us gays, and to all of you that haven’t yet come out (either to yourself, or others), being out and proud takes a lot of guts, and it is a continual process, but it is one that is definitely worth it. Proud. Out. Gay. That’s me!

Since my coming out story is a bit long, and since I have written it before, I though that I would link it here, for those of you that want to know. Happy coming out day!

rear-ended, and not in the good way…

I was driving in to work in bumper to bumper traffic (why do I continue to use the freeway? Perhaps now I will stop), and all of a sudden… BAM! My head hits the headrest, and my heart is beating wildly… I have been rear ended! I have lived in Atlanta for more than 6 years, and never so much as a ding… then, I am rear ended today. While no one was hurt, and there was NO damage (thank GOD), I did pull over immediately, over to the left of the HOV lane. Crazy Asian lady followed. While I sat in my car, calling 911, she pulls in front of me, halfway sticking out into traffic, and holds her hands and head out of the window in the “what the fuck is going on, why are we stopping?” pose. While this makes me mad, I continue with the call, and just as I get the operator, a cop pulls up behind me. I got out, walked over to the lady’s car, and explained that we needed to talk to the officer, after asking her if she was okay. She immediately launched in with the “there is no damage!” “why do we need to talk to the cop?!” “there is no damage!” routine. Um… yeah. So I stand there with the cop and the lady, and we assess that there actually is no damage, but her attitude is continually growing more and more unfriendly. Keep in mind, crazy lady, you hit ME! So then, it gets good. The lady tells the cop that she is late for work, and doesn’t have time for this crap. Then she asks him who he works for!!! LOL He replies with a laugh, “Um, I work for the State of Georgia. I am a highway patrol officer, ma’am.” Then he tells her, “Ma’am, if you feel that you do not have time to fill out a report, which will take a considerable amount of time (and she is still saying over and over, “I’m late for work!”), I can just take you to jail right now for leaving the scene of an accident.” She goes, “I don’t want that! I am very late for work!”. The cop is doing everything he can to hold back laughter, and looks right at me, as the Asian lady walks back to her car to move it (as it is in the middle of the HOV lane), and says, “I personally don’t see any damage, and she is going to be very difficult to deal with. Do you want to fill out a report? I am telling you right now, that I wouldn’t.” So I decided not to, just on the simple fact that there really wasn’t any damage, and I was so shaken up, that the crazy lady screaming “I’m late for work! There is no damage” was just too much for me. The cop was very kind, and then sent us on our way. What was funny, though, is that after she had said, “I am in a big hurry, very late for work”, I told her, “lady, the reason why we are even standing here is because you are in such a big hurry. You need to slow down and not rear end anymore people, okay!”. At least I got that quip in there.

I was still a little shaken when I got to work, but at least there is no damage. Hopefully, this will be my last accident while living in Georgia… or ever, for that matter. I will, however, by steering clear of the freeway for a while.

Indigo Girls were awesome!

So, I took the advice of everyone, and took my camera with no problem last night. I managed to get quite a few pictures, and I will try to get them up on Flickr sometime this week. I had a great time, and as usual the Girls did not disappoint. They are so flawless, though, I doubt they seriously could. It is always fun to go to a concert that you know is going to be totally worth every penny. I am glad that I wore ear plugs too, because that is the first time I have left a concert, and wasn’t worried my brain was going to ooze out of my ears. Now I can’t wait for the Scissor Sisters concert in two weeks. That should be fun! I will definitely be taking my camera again, and perhaps this time we will get there earlier and get a better spot. Not like there’s a bad spot at the Tabernacle, but I want some more fun pictures, and I know the Sisters will deliver lots of interesting things to shoot!

Now back to my lazy day… gotta clean up and get ready for the drive in tonight!

3-day weekend… HO!

This weekend is a well deserved three day weekend. Here’s how it is looking right now:
Tonight: Indigo Girls at the Tabernacle. I really want to take my digital camera… does anyone know if you can take them in there? It doesn’t say anything on the ticket. Does anyone know if they use metal detectors? Because if not, I am sure I could sneak it in… Thoughts? Because of the concert, I don’t get to go brewery hoping tonight… can we do it next week? Hope so!

Tomorrow: Drive in. What are we going see kids? My vote is officially for School for Scoundrels followed by The Covenant. Thoughts?

Sunday: probably use this day to just pal around the house with James, as I am sure he will have lots of school work to do. Maybe we’ll do dinner with someone that evening. Who knows… you may get the call!

Monday: I currently have nothing planned, but if someone has off Monday and wants to hang out… let me know; I don’t necessarily want to sit around all day.

I also went to my tattoo consultation today for the remaining work on my 1/2 sleeve, and I am really excited. We are going to do a turtle on my inner arm, and a flower (like this one, just more pink and orange) on my outer arm near my elbow. I am really excited to see what it is going to look like!!! I just hate that my final appointment isn’t until January… I hope someone cancels so I can get in there in December… But then again, it really is only like 15 days longer than I was expecting, so it isn’t the end of the world. As always, there will be pictures posted when work is done, so stay tuned. Hopefully we will have a kick ass flower to show off next weekend!!!

you love to make me hit you, don’t you?

I have to turn comment moderation back on for a little while. The spammers are not only locking up my website by using too much bandwidth at one time, they are preventing me from getting emails by flooding me email box with the emails that go along with those comments. Sorry about this, hopefully we will be able to be mature blogging adults again soon, but for now, I need to take some control.

Thanks for understanding in advance. I know that it sucks that the few ruin it for the many; and why is it always like that? Damn.

so you say you’re depressed…

What does that mean? Last night, I ended up on a drunken tirade (not really, but it was a monologue, I guess) about what it really feels like when one is depressed, and it was actually quite interesting to be talking to two people that have partners that have experienced/are experiencing at least some level of depression or depression related stuff; while they themselves have not. While I know I was probably a little too drunkie to realize I was preaching to the choir-by-partner, it was interesting to me, because I have come to really truly believe that unless you have been there, you really don’t know how it feels; even if I describe it to you. Reason being, is that you can’t really explain depression, because you (the person with the depression) really don’t understand it yourself. You don’t understand where these feelings are coming from, and worst of all, don’t understand how to make them go away. I know for me, it is one of those things that when I talk about being down (especially on here), people will say “buck up young one”, or “think of all the good in your life”, in a manner of being nice; and not to say that it isn’t appreciated, it is, but honestly I do think about that stuff. I think of what I have, and feel ungrateful. That adds to the depression. Most of the times, people tell me to feel better like I have control over it, and that is partly why I don’t think people that haven’t been there, don’t truly know. I myself never knew how it felt before a few years ago, and even now, it bugs me to no end that I can’t just nip it in the bud, you know?

Either way, I guess I just say this because it is nice to let people know that just because you are depressed it doesn’t mean you are going to commit suicide, and it also isn’t something you can just shake off by thinking about bunnies and rainbows. It is chemical, and until your body can fix it (with the help of meds and counseling), it isn’t going away. It’s serious, and hard to get through, but sometimes, you can’t use advice, you just have to stick it out. You have to wait, in fact, it requires a lot of waiting. And it does suck. But just know, I appreciate the words of kindness… just understand that they can also sometimes turn into words of frustration, especially because it is something that I know that at least I have almost no control over. Ah, that depression… what a bitch, eh?

Hope everyone’s Thursday is going well. I am completely bored out of my mind, and I am ready to go home. Top it all off, we have a 3 day weekend this weekend, and I know that tomorrow is going to be a difficult day to be at work. Hopefully it won’t be that bad… Laters!

Dear Shannon,

I am writing you this letter because there are some things that I feel that have come between us over time, and I wanted to both address them, and hopefully, start a dialogue that will help us to move past them. First of all, I want you to know that while I do live in Atlanta, I haven’t disappeared from the face of the earth, so the relationship that we once had is something I believe that we could one day have again; but it is going to take some work. It is going to take both of us working to ensure that we are respecting and caring for each other in a capacity that will be a a level high enough for maintaining and fostering a relationship. This is something that I believe we currently lack, and more than likely explains our current circumstances.

I am sure you are wondering where this is coming from, because like mom and dad, you guys tend to look at my life as being so far away that it is almost no longer visible. While things continue on the same as they always have for you and mom and dad, I moved away to Atlanta to follow my gut, to go to school, and I really ended up building a life here, one that I am proud of, and one I would like to share with the rest of my family. But as it stands, we are not only separated by physical geography, we are emotionally disconnected. I feel like the only role I have in your life is being the brother that is probably only mentioned when someone asks about me, or if for some reason I come up on conversation. I feel so separated, and forgotten, and this all comes from the cues and actions that I have experienced up until this point.

You see, I never hear from you. I know what you are thinking, “you never call me either, duane”. That is an easy excuse, but honestly, a part of that is true. I never call. I never call because I have learned from all of the times in the past, that usually, you either don’t want to talk, don’t have anything to talk with me about, or simply won’t return my calls if I leave you voicemail. Additionally, I feel as if our connection has been severed so severely, that it is almost as if we are two strangers trying to have a conversation about lives we don’t know the other is leading. While this isn’t the best situation, this is what I have come to know and understand as my family. My family, to me, consists of people that I see once a year, and hear from only when I haven’t called in a long time, or if something has happened (such as a birth, death, etc). Unfortunately, the main reason that I don’t call, is because every time I do call, either you or mom and dad, there is no concern or interest displayed about me and my life. All I am met with is guilt for not calling, guilt for not visiting, and a complete lack of interest in my life. I don’t know how else to say these things, so I have just been honest. This is how I feel. I am not accusing you of anything, but my feelings are real, and have only grown stronger over time. I will be honest and say that truly I don’t want it to continue this way, but I can’t be the only one that makes that decision. I am going to need your help.

First off, I want you to know that I am telling you that I feel this way, because it is true. My actions (staying distant, not calling) are merely reactions to what I have come to understand as the aforementioned description of “family”. I feel so separated, that I often feel as if I am unimportant, and therefore, not worthy of the time to call, write, or see. The reason I keep my distance and remain disconnected, is because I hear that you and mom and dad care, and that you miss me, but that is not what you show me. You show me that it is my sole responsibility to maintain our relationship, and honestly, if that is the case, then I have pretty much decided that it isn’t worth it to me. It isn’t worth the guilt and the pain that comes from trying to force my way into your lives, because you continually show me that it doesn’t matter if I am in your lives or not. Additionally, when I do come home, I am met with criticism and am often ridiculed, laughed at, talked down to, and made to feel like I have done something wrong, or am some how inferior. I don’t believe that you, or mom and dad, want me to feel this way, and so that is why I am telling you that I do. This way, we can move forward, and the way in which we treat each other can change. It can grow. I want to have a relationship with my family, and I believe that right now, I do not. I hope that we can change that, but again, I am going to need your help.

I am glad that you have read this far, and listened to what I have to say. While you are probably thinking that I am being hurtful, I want you to consider why I have written this letter. I want you to think about what I described that I was feeling, and understand that I have been hurting for a very long time. But I hope that can change. Please let me know if we can salvage our relationship, or if I should just concede defeat. I will always love you, and mom and dad, but I don’t see myself continually running after a train for which I seem to have no ticket. Again, I love you, and hope that we can make this work.



(FYI, if you are reading this, and going WTF? I just decided that I would write a “letter” to my sister, after she called me this week and gave me nothing but guilt and grief, in order to tell her how I felt about our lack of a relationship. I don’t know if I will ever send it, but if I decide to one day, at least I have gotten out how I truly feel, and I can reference that if the need should arise. Thanks for listening… perhaps a letter to the parents will be in the future.)

still having unprotected sex?

Then stop! No seriously, for some reason, people are seemingly becoming more complacent about HIV and other STDs, and are willing to take more risks as a result. The result of that is more sex, and in particular, more high risk sex (which includes unprotected sex). I spoke yesterday about saying something about this, and while I don’t want to get preachy, I do want to say my piece, and hopefully open up a dialogue with all of you that read this site. The article that I read, which was pretty much the straw that broke the camel’s back, considering it is one of umpteenth million things I have seen referring to this subject, talked about increased risk behavior amongst the highest risk groups for HIV infection. While I don’t need to remind anyone that HIV is transmitted through sex, I often wonder what it is that convinces people that certain things are acceptable, and causes them to place their actions into the category of ‘risks they are willing to take’?

Why is it that some people have sex with their partners (of known or unknown status), and find it an acceptable risk to go without protection?** There are even barebacking parties that still occur, and we are 25+ years into this epidemic; which is showing no signs of slowing down. Is this because people can live longer on HIV meds? Is it because people don’t care about becoming infected with HIV anymore? Or is it because people don’t see HIV around them, and so they don’t believe it exists, or could happen to them? It is certain that things are very different now with regards to the visibility of HIV in the community, but is that the reason? Are people just forgetting that they are still just as susceptible today to HIV infection as in the past?

I guess I pose this topic, because it honestly baffles me, as a behavioral scientist that works in HIV research, how people still continue to put themselves in unnecessarily risky circumstances, when the education, information, protection, and preventative measures are readily available. Is it complacency? For some it probably is. Is it purely the ‘heat of the moment’ mentality (i.e., no condom because sex was animalistic or whatever) or sensation seeking? I am sure that is some of it. But I feel like it has to be something more than that. What is it that you think causes people to believe that one experience (or many for that matter), may have a risk threshold that is acceptable to take; even when the threat of HIV infection does not decrease (and in many cases, increases)?

What do you all think? Seriously, this is very interesting to me, and honestly, it totally varies by individuals, as I am speaking directly about individual behaviors. Let me know what you think, what you have observed, and, if you want, what the answer is to you. Is having unprotected sex in the continued wake of HIV an acceptable enough risk to just go forward? Does one really not think about the consequences of participating in risky behaviors (like barebacking parties), or do they have a mechanism for turning off that protective voice in their head? If so, why do you think that is? Do people just not think about it? Why do you think that is so?

Alright, I have asked a lot of questions, and really do what to know what you think. I hope this will be a good and informative discussion, I am really excited to see what people think.

Sidenote: I know I have a lot of gay readers, but this isn’t solely focused on gay sex. Heterosexual females are actually the current highest risk group for infection, so I am interested in heterosexual views on the “disappearance” of safe sex.

**It was pointed out to me via email that I neglected to mention exclusions to this, such as monogamous serocordinant partners. This would be the safest situation in which to have unprotected sex, and is a situation in which I find myself; we are both negative, and we are monogamous, and therefore, there is minimal (if any) risk for either of us getting infected (so long as that monogamy is honored).