worst webhost EVER!

That’s right kids… I am here to bitch. I AM LIVID. After MONTHS of back and forth and back and forth with those fuckwits at bluehost, I have had enough. I am sure that many of you have noticed (some have even told me) that my website goes incredibly slow, especially when you are trying to post a comment. Well, according to the service status in my very own cpanel, the server load is running in the red, but according to bluehost “support”, the problem is on my end. That’s right, the problem is with my IP; or as the case may be, anyone’s IP that tries to access my site. That just doesn’t make sense to me. I even followed their instructions and did a tracecert thingie, only to have them tell me that they couldn’t get the results, and that it wasn’t their problem or some shit. I even called today, and you guessed it, they still insist that their servers are kicking ass and taking names, yet in my very own cpanel, it shows that it is, at best strained. Fuck that. Anyone want to help me find a new server/hosting company, because I am completely fed the fuck up. I hate being told that something isn’t their problem, and that they cannot, and are not, willing to do anything about it, because it is on my end. Especially when I am NO WHERE NEAR my allowance of both disk space usage OR bandwidth usage. Anyone else believe this is BS, or do you see where bluehost is coming from? Because if it is on my end (I would be greatly surprised), then I would like to know why.

Thanks in advance. Also, here is a picture of the service status screen. See the pretty red dot? Yeah, it is ALWAYS like that… interestingly enough, when it isn’t red, the site goes pretty fast… coincidence? I think not.

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