we have a lot to cover…

First of all, this pretty much sums up what goes through my head every day:


Now, for this Paris Hilton mess. She’s a mess. Arrested for drunk driving, and all her publicist could say was, “she only had one drink, and hadn’t eaten all day”? Well, she probably doesn’t eat for weeks at a time, that is no excuse. At least she didn’t hurt anyone. My only thought is why she was driving anyway… if I had that much money, I would take limos everywhere. Or at least have a drive, jeez. Get some class Paris; or as you shall now be known (in my head) Drunky Hilton.

Finally, there is a huge sigh of THANK GOD IT FINALLY FUCKING HAPPENED after watching Project Runway last night. First of all, before I get to the sigh of relief, why in the fuck did those judges rip Kayne a new one last night? His dress was actually quite stunning, and it was a hell of a lot better than anything Laura, Vincent, or Michael had up on that stage. I personally thought it was going to come down to either Kayne or Uli winning it, but Jeffery’s outfit was worthy; I just didn’t think it was the best one. It CERTAINLY was not at all couture. I do think his model gives him points; that bitch can work a garment. I was sad to see Michael’s suck so bad, because I honestly think he has a shot at winning the whole thing. Laura, she has gotta go. EVERY dress she makes is the SAME, just with different fabric, and a different frilly nonsense around the plunging collar. Seriously, she has no boobs, and must make everything so that the models also look like they have no boobs. Get past the chest already Laura, we’ve seen it! And that brings me to my happiest thing so far this season about PR:
DING DONG THE VINCENT IS DEAD! That motherfucker is the worst “designer” ever. I can’t even believe he got on the show, let alone lasted this long. I was SURE he would be kicked off several times, and yet, he was still here; until last night. Last night, the gods of fashion answered my prayers and he was sent home to realize cashing in his 401k for something he can’t do worth shit was a bad idea. I do have to say, though, that his staying on the show this long solidifies my belief that they do not even consider what you designed in previous challenges; it isn’t about talent, so much as it is about being able to come up with something great for that challenge. I don’t know how that makes me feel, because it kind of makes it less of a continuous competition, and more of a one mistake and you are out, thing. But whatever. THE FUCKER IS GONE! Thank GOD. Vincent, honey, I hope that you are reading this, and I certainly hope it “got you off”. (What the fuck was that “I don’t care, because it gets me off” shit all about anyway?)

If anything else pops in my brain today, I will be sure to update here. Hope your Thursdays ROCK; I for one, am counting the minutes until I get to go enjoy swirl(s) from Casa Grande with the boys.

[fyi: the top picture is from toothpaste for dinner, and the one of vincent was doctored from a photo I took from fourfour, the GOD of project runway and ANTM blogging.]

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