why? just because, that’s why

So, I think that I going to buy a new camera. I love my other one, but it is honestly too bulky (ha! I never thought I would believe that from a small hand-held point and shoot, but, eh, there it is), and as a result, I hardly use it. So, I am going to get one I can slip in my pocket and take places. Here’s the one I am going to get. Probably today. So, like, let’s take each others pictures and shit. I’ll have a new camera to do so.

I had a kick ass weekend with my friends from Charlotte. It is funny how you can forget how awesome of a time you have with people, until you are hanging out and having a blast with them again. I can definitely say that I will be making my way back up to Charlotte very soon… I had such a good time, and it was definitely a nice escape. When I got home yesterday, I also had dinner with some great friends, and really allows me to appreciate how awesome friends can be. I swear, if I could quit my job and just hang out with friends all of the time, I seriously think my depression would go away and I would be one of the happiest people alive. I would be broke, but happy! If only I could win the god damned lottery already!!! Hope everyone is having a great Monday. I want to get out of here so I can go get my new camera! WOO HOO!

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