Month: August 2006

the NTS law/policy

I have an idea, and I honestly think it is a pretty good one. It may even save people some money, and will probably even prevent a few traffic accidents. Here’s what I propose: make turn signals on cars, trucks, etc. an ADD-ON FEATURE. Now, I know what you are thinking, but hear me out. There is an additional thing that will be required if you decided to opt out of the turn signals for your new car; but we’ll get to that in a minute.

First of all, there are so many people out there that never use turn signals, and I honestly think, that no matter what you do to try and make them (yell at them, give them a death stare, honk your horn incessantly, scream ‘fuck off’ with your middle finger held high, etc.), they simply are not going to start using the thing, no matter how important they may be. So, I suggest, that you make the turn signals a feature you don’t have to get on your car. Make them cost about $200, enough for people that really don’t use them to actually take enough notice NOT to get them. Again, I know what you are thinking, “that can’t be safe! Turn signals are important!”

Ah, see, that is where you are wrong. See, through my independent research, I have noticed that even though every car is equipped with turn signals, they are still not legally bound to use them for fear of penalty; in fact, if you rear-end someone that isn’t using a turn signal that stops to make a last second right turn, guess who’s fault it is? It’s yours! So, I suggest, that if someone chooses not to get the turn signals on their car, that their car (both on the front and back) be branded with the letters NTS, very visible at a minimum of two car lengths. The letters would stand for No Turn Signals. This would alert any car around Mr or Ms No Turn Signal, that they may suddenly veer in front of them to make a last minute left turn into oncoming traffic in an even better way that the non-used turn signals could have! You will be able to spot these people as potential hazards to your life, and adjust your driving speed and course as necessary. I, for one, believe that if the NTS law/policy were in effect right now, I be able to lower my blood pressure, and be forced to cuss out a lot less people! Hell, my horn might not even get used again! Imagine that!

If only we could get this idea to really become policy, that would be something. I for one would stay so far away from all the NTS’s out there; because right now, I am subject to their continual stupid driving and non-use of the one thing that is specifically designed to inform me, and other drivers, of what this crazy person is going to do.

I think I am becoming even more of a nerd (if that’s possible)

Last night, I stayed up until 2:30 in order to finish the God of War game I played all day on Sunday. I managed to beat the game, but find that my insatiable new hunger for video games has grown. I have been looking this morning, and have already found new titles to get into. Perhaps I like to play these games because I zone out and forget about all of the problems I am presently going through. Perhaps. Either way, I don’t care how much of a nerd it makes me, I have fallen back in love with my PS2.

I honestly wish I could shake off whatever bad water this is clinging to me. I feel like everything is going on around me, and I am powerless to react, interact, or change any of it; all while being unsatisfied and unfulfilled. Certain aspects of my life are great (mainly James), but other things just drag the very life right out of me; and I can’t seem to make any changes. I just wish I could figure out what to do to make it stop. I just want to be my old self again, or better yet, a new me that can do, can react, and can interact.

I feel the need to apologize to my fellow bloggers, who probably wonder if I even read their pages anymore. It is almost like food has lost all taste to me, and I can’t seem to figure out how to get it back. Just know that this is kind of my whimper of a try to hold on to something. Speak about something that I can’t seem to control, and let you know that I am still here, even if I am barely breathing. I still care, and I want to do more, but I just can’t. Not right now. Hopefully that will change, and even more hopefully, you will all still be there when it does. Thanks for listening.

don’t shit on my parade, buddy!

So today was the magic day… Today, was Q day. I have been waiting for my chance to finally get a new phone after having the one I had for 2 years, and August 11th, was the response I got when I asked when I would be able to take advantage of my $100 off for my “new every two” verizon agreement thingie.

Well, all pleased as pop, I drove over to the Verizon store in the Circuit City in buckhead. I went there, because other stores usually have horrible service, and they were pretty nice the last time we were there. I went in, pointed to the phone I wanted (the Q), and just waited while Mr. Asshole rang everything up. Once he rang it up, he showed me where to sign, and told me my total; $215.99. I proceeded to ask him why it wasn’t $100 cheaper (since the in store and online advertisements for the price both say $199 w/ a 2 year agreement), and asked if I had to mail in for my new every two rebate. He then proceeds to tell me that actually, the phone is $300, and I did get the discount. I asked him, “why do new customers get a better deal than a customer that has been with you for over 5 years?”. The response was that the deal was for new customers who got the data package (which I wanted anyway, so I can get live email and use the internets). Then, I was like, fine, add the plan, and give me the $100 off. He then told me that doing that would be like trying to use two coupons at once, and that I couldn’t do that; it was either new every two, or the other one, not both.

So basically, he was an extreme dick when I challenged that, and basically proceeded to pick up the phone and say, “See this M on the phone? That means it is a Motorola phone. We make no money on that. You have to pay what we charge. End of story.” I still challenged the increased price and the “no two coupons” bullshit, but he held firm, and challenged me with, “Well, do you want the phone or not?”. Since I KNEW I would be able to get this fixed by calling customer service, and because I was about two seconds from cussing his bitch ass out and throwing a fit in the store, I just decided to buy it, and get the fuck out of there; after all, I have 15 days to take it back and/or cancel. So, I jumped in the car, raced back to work, and called customer service. I told them the deal, and how rude Mr. Asshole was, and they gave me the $100 credit to my account, while being COMPLETELY POLITE and kind. The guy that picked up when I called customer service totally kept me as a customer today, because I was livid when I called, and he gave me what I deserved; good service, and the deal I was supposed to get in the store. Now I have my phone, for the right price, and I am happy.

The word is still out on what it does and how I like it. As for right now, I am still reeling over the jerk off (named Ryan J Frantz, who works at the Buckhead Circuit City) that “helped me” get the phone today. But, I am not going to let him shit on parade… I got my new phone! Woo hoo! Birthday month is really working out swell!

Just a side note: if you want to get Verizon, go for it, they have awesome service and great customer care; BUT STEER CLEAR OF A STORE. You WILL NOT receive good service there. Just call or go online.

random thoughts that struck on a thursday

— Birthdays should be changed to birthmonths; then you could get more presents. I have already taken it upon myself to practice this new tradition.
— Indian food rocks. Big time.
— Somedays (most days), I would rather just stay in bed all day long. Anyone else feel like that?
— It makes me mad that music doesn’t just come out everywhere; I am in love with that Will Young song “All Time Love”. I had to buy the CD on ebay… I should be able to get it at Best Buy. Well, at least I can get it on ebay, so I guess I am not that mad.
— I get my new phone tomorrow. I literally can’t wait. (yet another present for birthmonth)
— Isn’t you tube one of the best things ever? I do want more fun videos to watch though (hint hint).
— In addition to these thoughts, I wanted an excuse to post the picture that you see here. We watched Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? last night, and it was, well, weird. Nothing will ever top Mommie Dearest for me when thinking about Joan Crawford (even though it really is Faye Dunaway). I have the real (actual Joan) version of this photo on my fridge (thanks to Parley). God I love that crazy bitch (even though Betty Davis was WAY crazier in WHTBJ).

I may add more to this list as the day goes on. Oh yes, I may.

it’s too damn hot!

Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like it is just too damn hot?? It is 95 degrees today, and it definitely feels like more than 99 (even though that is what this screen capture from the weather channel says). Either way, 95 or 99, I am having trouble getting my brain to work, as I am just too hot to function. Walking from your car into your office should not cause you to break into sweats… that’s just too damn hot! I for one can’t wait for winter! Hmpf!

Just as an aside, is it just me, or do you think that Lieberman should just learn to lose gracefully? I think that it is pretty low of him to run again as an independent when the people obviously didn’t choose him. I guess it goes to show that people really will do anything they can to win; no matter what the costs.

there is no such thing as a right religion and a wrong religion

This morning, I was listening to Air America on the radio, and Jerry Springer was fielding calls related to the topic of this post. Jerry’s point, which I wholeheartedly defend and agree with, was that, just because a person believes that his or her religion is the correct religion (thereby making all other religions false), it doesn’t make it any more true and factual than anyone else’s beliefs and religions. Saying that there is only one God, and only one way to worship that God (such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Muslim, etc.) and saying that the one belief is the only belief, is in and of itself, also incorrect. I am writing about this, because it kind of relates to my post about evolution, in that many people chose to ignore, or worse, invalidate, another person’s beliefs because of their staunch stance that they, and only they, have the correct explanation; and I don’t understand why that is so.

After taking several courses in religion, my own faith in Christianity changed; I finally realized for the first time in my life, that there is no absolute right and wrong with respect to personal religion or faith in “higher power” or spirituality (whatever you call it). By believing and stating that my religion is correct and no other religion can be, I am invalidating my claim in my religion, mainly because anyone else can make the same claim about his or her religion and be equally as correct as I am. By believing that my belief in Christianity was the only way, I invalidated that belief. I see how that has the potential to really shake up someones belief system, but it wasn’t such a shocking revelation that it defeated my beliefs all together. I found it is just as easy to believe what I believe, and at the same time, believe that other people’s religions are correct FOR THEM. I don’t believe in them, but that doesn’t make them any less true.

This is honestly the main reason why I don’t understand how it can be so difficult for other religious people to understand. Just because something you believe to be true has a counter belief or even several counter beliefs, it doesn’t weaken or threaten your views; mainly because they are your views that you chose to believe. There is no need to defend your religion to anyone that believes a completely different religion, because both of you are correct; that is the beauty of something like religion that is based solely on acceptance, faith, and belief; and not on absolute fact.

While it may be a fact to you, it is equally valid for it to be an incorrect statement to someone else. Now that I have said my piece, let the bloodbath begin; I can practically hear you salivating to attack this one. I just had to say my piece about it.

why? just because, that’s why

So, I think that I going to buy a new camera. I love my other one, but it is honestly too bulky (ha! I never thought I would believe that from a small hand-held point and shoot, but, eh, there it is), and as a result, I hardly use it. So, I am going to get one I can slip in my pocket and take places. Here’s the one I am going to get. Probably today. So, like, let’s take each others pictures and shit. I’ll have a new camera to do so.

I had a kick ass weekend with my friends from Charlotte. It is funny how you can forget how awesome of a time you have with people, until you are hanging out and having a blast with them again. I can definitely say that I will be making my way back up to Charlotte very soon… I had such a good time, and it was definitely a nice escape. When I got home yesterday, I also had dinner with some great friends, and really allows me to appreciate how awesome friends can be. I swear, if I could quit my job and just hang out with friends all of the time, I seriously think my depression would go away and I would be one of the happiest people alive. I would be broke, but happy! If only I could win the god damned lottery already!!! Hope everyone is having a great Monday. I want to get out of here so I can go get my new camera! WOO HOO!

why is everyone so afraid of evolution?

I am escaping again this weekend, this time, I am off to visit some friends in Charlotte. Good times should be had.

I have been thinking about something for a few days, and I want to leave you to ponder and discuss this over the weekend; my friend deb sent me an article about a “Creationism Museum” that they are opening in Kentucky. And, in light of the recent “anti-evolution” school standards being overturned in Kansas (article), I thought it would pertinent for me to pose a question that I honestly and wholeheartedly want to understand.

Why do people that believe solely in creationism (i.e., that God created the world and all of the universe) have such a problem with evolution? (note that I did not say, “why don’t they believe in evolution”, I want to know why they have such a problem with it) Seriously. And I don’t want the typical, “people are blinded by religion” or the “people don’t want to challenge their beliefs with other ideas”; I already know that those answer the question. But to me, I just don’t understand how a museum, and laws preventing evolution being taught in school will make it any less true. With that being said, note that I am fine with people believing in whatever religion they want; I believe in one (some of it anyway), and I don’t see anything wrong with belief. I also don’t see anything wrong with NOT believing something, like religion, which is something based on faith anway.

V for Victorious

Valiant. Vigilant. Vivacious. Vigorous. Vengeful. V for Vendetta is all of these things and more. I honestly had no expectations going in to this movie, and for one reason or another, I missed it at the theater; but nevertheless, I was excited to receive my rental from netflix last night, probably more than any movie I have received in a while. And even though I had no expectations going in, I was pleasantly surprised; it was fantastic. Many people raved about this movie, and rightfully so; I am joining their cause.

This movie is excellent because of the way that the vigilant V attempts (and succeeds) to unite people into standing up against an all powerful and over controlling “big brother”-like government. It is not to say that other movies, books, media, or other things don’t have the same message, but honestly, this movie just nails it with the futuristic, not-to-far-fetched scenario V finds himself living in, in future Britain. I won’t say much more about the film, other than how great it was, but I honestly have to say, it made me really stop and think; if we could stand up, mobilize, and fight for our rights and freedoms as V did (without the killing, of course), and we all exuded the courage of that one man, how would this world change? How much better would things be, if we all stood up? I have to say, thinking about that almost gives me chills, because I know that things could, and would, change for the better. (This is not to say that I believe for one second that the way to make things better is through vigilante work or destruction; it is through challenging thoughts, having and stating opinions, and uniting for good.) Now, if we can only find millions of Guy Fawkes masks and capes… we can get right on that! Remember, Remember, the 5th of November. Perhaps someday, we will have a day, event, something that will remind us how strong our voices can be, and we will join together and use them. Only then, can we all be free and equal. It takes a brave person to stand up for what they believe in; so how do we gain the courage to do that? How do we begin to fight?

Definitely check out this movie. I honestly believe it very well could be the 1984 for 2006.