it’s too damn hot!

Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like it is just too damn hot?? It is 95 degrees today, and it definitely feels like more than 99 (even though that is what this screen capture from the weather channel says). Either way, 95 or 99, I am having trouble getting my brain to work, as I am just too hot to function. Walking from your car into your office should not cause you to break into sweats… that’s just too damn hot! I for one can’t wait for winter! Hmpf!

Just as an aside, is it just me, or do you think that Lieberman should just learn to lose gracefully? I think that it is pretty low of him to run again as an independent when the people obviously didn’t choose him. I guess it goes to show that people really will do anything they can to win; no matter what the costs.

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