don’t shit on my parade, buddy!

So today was the magic day… Today, was Q day. I have been waiting for my chance to finally get a new phone after having the one I had for 2 years, and August 11th, was the response I got when I asked when I would be able to take advantage of my $100 off for my “new every two” verizon agreement thingie.

Well, all pleased as pop, I drove over to the Verizon store in the Circuit City in buckhead. I went there, because other stores usually have horrible service, and they were pretty nice the last time we were there. I went in, pointed to the phone I wanted (the Q), and just waited while Mr. Asshole rang everything up. Once he rang it up, he showed me where to sign, and told me my total; $215.99. I proceeded to ask him why it wasn’t $100 cheaper (since the in store and online advertisements for the price both say $199 w/ a 2 year agreement), and asked if I had to mail in for my new every two rebate. He then proceeds to tell me that actually, the phone is $300, and I did get the discount. I asked him, “why do new customers get a better deal than a customer that has been with you for over 5 years?”. The response was that the deal was for new customers who got the data package (which I wanted anyway, so I can get live email and use the internets). Then, I was like, fine, add the plan, and give me the $100 off. He then told me that doing that would be like trying to use two coupons at once, and that I couldn’t do that; it was either new every two, or the other one, not both.

So basically, he was an extreme dick when I challenged that, and basically proceeded to pick up the phone and say, “See this M on the phone? That means it is a Motorola phone. We make no money on that. You have to pay what we charge. End of story.” I still challenged the increased price and the “no two coupons” bullshit, but he held firm, and challenged me with, “Well, do you want the phone or not?”. Since I KNEW I would be able to get this fixed by calling customer service, and because I was about two seconds from cussing his bitch ass out and throwing a fit in the store, I just decided to buy it, and get the fuck out of there; after all, I have 15 days to take it back and/or cancel. So, I jumped in the car, raced back to work, and called customer service. I told them the deal, and how rude Mr. Asshole was, and they gave me the $100 credit to my account, while being COMPLETELY POLITE and kind. The guy that picked up when I called customer service totally kept me as a customer today, because I was livid when I called, and he gave me what I deserved; good service, and the deal I was supposed to get in the store. Now I have my phone, for the right price, and I am happy.

The word is still out on what it does and how I like it. As for right now, I am still reeling over the jerk off (named Ryan J Frantz, who works at the Buckhead Circuit City) that “helped me” get the phone today. But, I am not going to let him shit on parade… I got my new phone! Woo hoo! Birthday month is really working out swell!

Just a side note: if you want to get Verizon, go for it, they have awesome service and great customer care; BUT STEER CLEAR OF A STORE. You WILL NOT receive good service there. Just call or go online.

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