Month: July 2006

don’t forget to vote!

Today’s primary day in Georgia, and if you don’t know where to vote, go to this site, and type in your info. Don’t forget to vote! Remember, if you don’t vote, you have no room to complain!

Also, I find it interesting that they are trying to get the FMA going AGAIN, and are voting on that as well this week. The reason why I find it so interesting that they have chosen to force this issue again to “protect family values”, is because there are 1000000’s of more important issues that should be of way bigger concern, but they waste time with this shit, AGAIN. It is amazing to me how you can say that you are trying to prevent gay marriage in order to preserve family values, while at the same time completely ignoring the issues that affect many families today. My point, is that instead of focusing on gay marriage (which has absolutely no effect on anything, other than discrimination against gays) why not focus on the real issues, like working on preventing homelessness, providing health care, working on insurance reform, working on immigration laws, adequately funding education, working on tax reform, and any other number of issues that totally affect family values WAY more than gay marriage. When are they going to let this go??? I will be glad to stand by and watch this vote on the FMA keep going on and on and on if ONE person that is for it can explain to me how and why gay marriage is actually a threat to family values. And believe me, you better have an extremely great reason, none of this whole being gay is a sin shit, because that is just stupid. Just move on to something more important people! There’s people dieing in the middle east! There are people dieing in the streets here!! Focus on that! NOT GAY MARRIAGE! I completely think the law makers and leaders of this country need to stop thinking so much about gay sex and start focusing on what really matters… priorities people! You know, that makes me wonder about these people… they probably spend more time thinking about gay sex than I do; now what does that say?? Obviously gay marriage is a threat to them, because they harbor thoughts about gay sex! Shock! Awe! Oh just suck a cock and get it out of your system. Then we can move on to shit that is more important, okay?!?!

something in your eye is nothing to laugh about


This weekend, starting sometime around lunch on Saturday, I had something very sharp in my left eye. I am worried that it may still be there too. How in the hell can something stay in your eye that long!? Even when you are flushing it out with solution like every few minutes? Here’s hoping it’s gone.

This weekend, we also went to an Italian Greyhound meet up. While it was fun to see all of the IGs, and let Sydney play (i.e., get humped by) with other IGs, it wasn’t everything I was hoping for. I honestly was hoping that it was going to be a gathering where people actually talked and tried to get to know one another. Well, the only people that we “met” were people that we went up to and engaged in conversation. And of those, we didn’t even get many of their names! It was so strange, honestly, because why else would you have a “meet up”? I know it is for the dogs to play, but that can’t be it? Or can it? Maybe it was the heat. Either way, we will give it a go next month and see if people are friendlier.

Other than that, it was a pretty uneventful weekend. I did watch Superman II, and came to the realization that many of the movies that are made today are WAY better than movies made 20+ years ago. It is almost like they take making movies more seriously now… perhaps it is because their is more money riding on it? Either way, I am grateful movie making has gotten better (although, not in every case… I did see that Basic Instinct 2 is out on DVD).

Weekends should include Monday (or Friday)… I am still set on weekend mode this morning. Eh, you get to enjoy the random train of though as a result. Hope your Monday is more eventful!

come on baby loosen up my buttons…

And spank me. Piss on me. Do what you will with me.

No, that wasn’t an invitation, it was just to start the conversation interestingly. See, this morning, I was thinking about what I have been doing at work lately. See, we read about people’s sexual histories and proclivities all day long. As great as that sounds, I honestly get tired of hearing about unhealthy sex practices. But that is not what I want to talk about. It has been a while since I talked about sex, and I thought that this was pretty interesting; at least one of my coworkers referred to alternative sexual practices as weird and frankly deviant. And, while I agree, I don’t see the allure of having someone piss on your face, I don’t agree that it is weird or deviant.

Now wait a second, okay, just hear me out. It took an awfully long time for me to A) become comfortable with my sexuality and sexual nature, and B) become comfortable enough with myself and my partner to ask for and do what I wanted sexually with him. To me, if you have the courage (and frankly the sense) to ask for what you want in bed (albeit that bed may be covered with rubber sheets), and do what you turns you on sexually, you are actually the furthest from deviant in my mind, you are what I would like to call fulfilled.

we may be experiencing technical difficulties

MT is acting weird. If your comment doesn’t go through, or if you see ANYTHING weird, LET ME KNOW in the comments on this post. I know, I know, that may be counterproductive, but it’s the best I got, people. Work with me here!

UPDATE: It is monitoring comments because of the word “insurance”. WOO HOO! Go spam bots! Go spam bots!

back from the dentist…

$275. For about 15 minutes worth of work. Where did I put that application for dentistry school, again? Jeez. Luckily I have insurance. But oh wait… it doesn’t pay for the whole thing, even though I pay like $20 a month to them. Thanks again insurance folks! And they say that we don’t need insurance reform in this country. HA!

Hope everyone else’s Thursday is motherfucking kick ass!!

come save me from the awful sound of nothing

Apathy. Most people think nothing of it. Some people fixate on it. Some people are controlled by it. I am one of the latter. I would have to say that while it has definitely waxed and waned at times, my apathy (which I now know is directly related to my depression) has gotten stronger over the last few months. Regardless of the activity that I am doing, or even an activity that I may want to or have to do, I find myself more and more controlled by apathy. Take this blog for example. I used to post every single day, and usually found that I had interesting things to write about. Then, apathy stepped in.

I am sure that many of you have noticed that I haven’t been writing that much lately, and well, all I can offer is a letter of blame to my apathy. I really hope that it subsides and possibly even goes away soon, but I can’t tell, and I can’t really control it. I have even tried; with no success. I find that this apathy is preventing me from moving forward, and it often times feels like my feet are stuck in cement, and I am so distracted by apathy, that I am not doing anything to escape. Thanks for listening and keeping up with me. Thanks for (hopefully) understanding why I haven’t been reading blogs and blogging a lot lately; just know that it has taken over more than just this aspect of my life, and is driving me nuts.

I want to get rid of this fucking apathy, but perhaps I am even apathetic to it as well. That makes starting to change a little bit difficult. Le sigh. At least I can focus on the fact that I have great people in my life that do make me feel good, and for that I am eternally grateful. I will hopefully be my fun self again soon.

(this doesn’t mean that I am going to stop blogging or anything like that, it is more of a reason that I have been so sporadic with it lately. Thanks again for listening!)

no more accidents, please!

I am a very accident prone person. I always have been. When I was a TA in grad school, the professor I worked with, (my friend Kara) and I would have a little game each day on the way to class; we would see which one of us could make it there without running into something or falling down. Believe it or not, this was a difficult task for each one of us accident prone individuals. It’s amazing that I wasn’t hurt more seriously than the gymnastic injury I experienced when I was younger (ruptured disk in lower back); accident prone people shouldn’t be flipping around.

For the last few days, it seems that I have been having a few accidents. Saturday, and the pool party, the pool, as I discovered, is actually a rocky bottom pool; not a soft lined pool as I expected when I got a little too close with my face. So now, I have a big old scratch on the bridge of my nose. I didn’t hurt when I did it, but it looks bad right now. Drinking + Swimming = more likely to have an accident. Oh well. No harm no foul.

Then, on Sunday, I decided that a handful of chocolate Lucky Charms would satisfy my tiny craving for something sweet, and I tossed some in my mouth; only to chomp down directly on my tongue piercing and chip one of my teeth pretty badly. Now, I have to go into the dentist for the first time for something other than a cleaning. Let’s hope it doesn’t cost that much to fix. Speaking of which, the cost may determine whether or not the piercing stays in. Thoughts about that? I have had it since I was 18, so I guess chipping the tooth now (um, for the second time, same tooth, same reason) isn’t too bad of a track record though. Seriously, should I take it out, or leave it in?

Hopefully, I will not have anymore injury related accidents. And, I hope that my tooth fixing doesn’t cost a lot; the panic attack I had last week about money doesn’t need to come back. I also wanted to say thanks for all the kind thoughts about being so self conscious. I really appreciate it. I also found out yesterday at the doctor, that I have lost 8 pounds since the last visit (which was about a month ago). Maybe I will loose even more before the next one (in a month). One step closer to feeling better about myself!

thoughts on being so self conscious

I am probably one of the most self conscious people alive. I worry about what people think about me. I worry about how people perceive me. I know that I shouldn’t give a shit, but you know what, I do. In fact, I think that for some people, it is actually a natural reaction. Perception causes me to doubt myself more than it should, and it sometimes can be something that is so big, that I can’t control it. Take for instance my appearance. By all accounts, most people would say that by looking at me, that I am not fat by any accounts. But, when I see myself in the mirror, I see the opposite. I see myself as very fat and wholly imperfect. And it totally affects how I act around other people. Sometimes, I find myself (unconsciously) seeking approval from people in order to calm down my own self consciousness. I know that this can be annoying to people, but the fear that I am flawed outweighs my better judgement, and that honestly bugs the shit out of me. I try really hard to tell myself that no one is perfect and that I should just get over it, but, at least up until now, that has never worked. I guess that I am not really seeking resolution here by talking about this, I am more just reflecting on something that really bugs me, that I feel like I have no power over.

Today, I am going to a pool get together, and already, I feel the self conscious bug creeping in. Drinking at the party will of course make me forget some of that self consciousness, but it will always be there, making me feel bad about myself. Isn’t anxiety and self deprecation a bitch? Is it worse for people that have a history of being made fun of and ridiculed as a child? I sometimes wonder if things would have been different growing up, if I would still be so self conscious. I also wonder if the pressures of society, and specifically gay society, weren’t so high, that I wouldn’t feel that need to be “perfect”. Well, I guess I will continue to wonder that as I get ready to go shirtless for the pool party. Maybe people will focus on the tattoo more than the extra 10 pounds I am lugging around. At least, I those are the words of wisdom I will use to calm my being so self conscious until the beer kicks in!

Note: This is in no means a ploy to get sympathy from folks, it is seriously a airing of my thoughts. This is something that bugs me every moment of my life, and I felt like sharing it, because, well, it is on my mind. Anyone else have thoughts on this? Have any of you overcome your self consciousness, and have great advice on how to do it? I am all ears.

um, yeah. no, seriously, WTF?

I just read that Putin stopped in the middle of a crowd of people, bent down to a little boy, lifted his shirt, and kissed him on the stomach. Putin said that he wanted to touch the little boy “like a kitten”. (article) Does ANYONE else find this completely disturbing? I mean, there are people that do things like that here, and we call them child predators and/or molesters. Wow. I honestly don’t know how to feel about that.

Also, two states, including the lovely one that I live in, still don’t think that preventing gay marriage goes against civil rights. Not that it is a surprise to me, but it just makes me want to distance myself from the hope that we will ever get to have the same civil liberties as all the straight people around us. I just don’t understand what is so threatening about gay marriage, I mean, other than the fact that I stated before; that it would make more straight men want to divorce their wives to get married to gay men (because that is all that is stopping them from jumping on the cock). Either way, James and I will get married some day, mark my words; I just hope that we get the rights that come with it, like having my stuff will pass to him (or vice versa) without taxation, and that we will be able to receive each other’s benefits (like married couples do). Oh yeah, and that our children (very distant future) will be able to see their parents treated somewhat equally. We can hope, right? Well, not today, but hopefully someday.

I also have a headache and an upcoming conference call. Shit.

dreaming about crocs

For some reason, I literally have been dreaming about crocs lately. I don’t know why. So, taking that as a sign that I probably needed some, I was going to write a post today about how I felt like I needed to go and get some crocs. Instead, I decided to go and get some. I love how buying things can make you happy! I know of one other blogger that has these same colored crocs, but I know that the bright orange can be a bit too bright for some… but not me. It is my favorite color, and I am excited that it comes in this color. Alright, enough about the damn shoes. Just know that I am glad I got them! Even though I used to think they were ugly! Now, I love ’em!

(as you can probably tell, there ain’t a lot going on with me right now. I’m just saying.)