one more medical marvel down the tubes

So Bush decided that he wanted to veto the embryonic stem cell research bill because:

It crosses a moral boundary that a decent society needs to respect.

Not because he knows the benefits the research has produced and could continue to produce if allowed to go on. They have actually proven that stem cells can be used to regrow organs, redevelop neural pathways, and many other amazing things. They have proven that they can use stem cells to help people walk again, overcome disease that ravages their organs, and again, many other amazing things. BUT, because it is a “moral” issue as to whether or not embryonic stem cells (the most basic building blocks that can be used for countless purposes in the fight against disease and human suffering) should be used for research, one man uses this issue to stop this potentially life altering research. Does he know that embryonic stem cells can do these amazing things? Probably not, he probably doesn’t care. He, like many other Americans incorrectly see this as “taking a life”; which totally brings back the abortion issue (which I would rather not rehash). See, if using these embryos (notice they are called embryos, not children or babies), which are often donated by people that freeze several extras in order to have success with IF, is wrong, then how is throwing them away is better? I just don’t understand that. It is almost like you would cut off your arm rather than treat a wound on your hand.

I also notice how Bush continually waves around his “morals” and “values”; I just wish he would actually abide by them from time to time, instead of continually acting like a hypocrite. That would be nice, wouldn’t it?

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