no more accidents, please!

I am a very accident prone person. I always have been. When I was a TA in grad school, the professor I worked with, (my friend Kara) and I would have a little game each day on the way to class; we would see which one of us could make it there without running into something or falling down. Believe it or not, this was a difficult task for each one of us accident prone individuals. It’s amazing that I wasn’t hurt more seriously than the gymnastic injury I experienced when I was younger (ruptured disk in lower back); accident prone people shouldn’t be flipping around.

For the last few days, it seems that I have been having a few accidents. Saturday, and the pool party, the pool, as I discovered, is actually a rocky bottom pool; not a soft lined pool as I expected when I got a little too close with my face. So now, I have a big old scratch on the bridge of my nose. I didn’t hurt when I did it, but it looks bad right now. Drinking + Swimming = more likely to have an accident. Oh well. No harm no foul.

Then, on Sunday, I decided that a handful of chocolate Lucky Charms would satisfy my tiny craving for something sweet, and I tossed some in my mouth; only to chomp down directly on my tongue piercing and chip one of my teeth pretty badly. Now, I have to go into the dentist for the first time for something other than a cleaning. Let’s hope it doesn’t cost that much to fix. Speaking of which, the cost may determine whether or not the piercing stays in. Thoughts about that? I have had it since I was 18, so I guess chipping the tooth now (um, for the second time, same tooth, same reason) isn’t too bad of a track record though. Seriously, should I take it out, or leave it in?

Hopefully, I will not have anymore injury related accidents. And, I hope that my tooth fixing doesn’t cost a lot; the panic attack I had last week about money doesn’t need to come back. I also wanted to say thanks for all the kind thoughts about being so self conscious. I really appreciate it. I also found out yesterday at the doctor, that I have lost 8 pounds since the last visit (which was about a month ago). Maybe I will loose even more before the next one (in a month). One step closer to feeling better about myself!

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