I still can’t believe it myself

Last night, we had the monthly blogger meet up, where I am usually one of the last to leave. I must have been under a spell, though, because I literally had to go home at like 9. We came home, tried to watch a little of superman, and I fell asleep around 10. 10! And slept until noon today. I was really exhausted, and don’t even know why. Sorry to bail on you guys… next month I will be sure to sleep up before the meet up. Word.

Also, I am kind of excited, because a friend of mine that I haven’t seen in years will be stopping by my house today. It will be great to hear what he has been up to for the past few years (some of which, he spent in Iraq). Tonight, we are off to dinner at Flat Iron, followed by a night of karaoke at Mary’s. It’s an East Atlanta extravaganza! Hope everyone is having a great Saturday!

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