seriously, $40 worth of azaleas? SERIOUSLY?

James calls me this morning for my usual morning wake up call, and he was all upset for some reason. Turns out, someone came in the middle of the night and stole 4 or 5 of our azalea bushes that we had planted on the hill beside our house. They came, dug them up, and took them. Seriously. They dug up our landscaping and took it.

Now, the part of this that makes me the maddest, is that James has spent countless hours (and money) in the yard trying to make the place look decent. We were finally getting it to look great, and shit like this happens. I just can’t believe that spineless fuckers like that just want to take what you have worked hard to have. Does no one respect people anymore? I know for a fact that I have never stolen anything (well, other than that pack of M&M’s when I was little, which I had to march back into the store, and not only pay for, but my mom made me put back… so I definitely knew stealing was a NO NO), and why? Because I knew it wasn’t mine. And even more so, because I know that the person that I would be taking from doesn’t deserve to have their shit jacked, just because I want it. See, it doesn’t work that way, if you want shit, you have to go and buy it, or have someone give it to you, and we definitely are not giving our landscaping to any old asshole who rolls up in the yard and wants it.

I am glad that it wasn’t very much money that was stolen, but honestly, it isn’t about the monetary value of what is gone; it is the principle of what happened. While we were sleeping, some asshole thought that they deserved to have nice landscaping, and since we had nice landscaping, they figured they could just jack it from us. The best part, is that they came prepared; they had little bags to put the plants in, you know, in order to prevent dirt and whatnot from getting in their car (which I am assuming is how they got away). Not only did they dig up those plants, they managed to trample all of the ones around it, so those are gone too. I really wish I would have seen them, because I believe I would have lost it.

But the worst part, is now we are worried that they will come again; either while we are at work, or during the night again. Motion lights apparently don’t scare these fuckers, the place where the plants were stolen has a huge flood light shining on it. It was just light for them to see what they were doing. All I can hope, is that these spineless thieves get the karma they deserve. I at least hope the plants that they took die; that would be at least an ounce of solace that I will never truly know about it, but want anyway. All I know, is that I am definitely going by Lowe’s today, and getting some of those yard signs and writing the following on it:

Stealing Landscaping? Make sure and smile for the cameras!

Maybe that will dissuade future thieves from taking what ISN’T theirs, and lead the them leaving us the fuck alone. James and I are seriously looking into home surveillance, and even if we don’t get it, there is no way they will actually know whether or not they are being filmed. Maybe that will make a difference. I still just can’t believe it, I mean seriously, $40 worth of azaleas? Was it really worth it? Man, this really pisses me off…


Notice the holes where the plants used to be.

They did leave one of them!

Trampled other plants.

The bags they used to “stay clean”. Fuckers.

The whole hill, where our plants used to be. Sigh.

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