relaxing weekends

I have been decidedly absent from the internets this weekend, in order to get in some much needed relaxation. I even sleep till noon each day. Nice. Nothing going on can be very, very nice.

We went to see the new X-men movie, X3, last night at the drive in. It. Was. Awesome. Seriously, standing ovation to the people who made this movie. BUT… I just want to know why they abandoned pretty well known story lines, and completely went against well known character traits and stories; honestly that part made me a little mad. I am not going to name names, but let’s just say it happens to several different characters, and will leave you wondering, “well, wait a second, that is completely opposite to what happens in the comics!”. Other than that, great action, and great story. The only problem with the changes they made, was it pretty much looks like there won’t be any more X-men movies. Unless they are prequels, or story arcs about one character (Wolverine, etc.). That pretty much sucks, but at least we have 3 great movies to collect and cherish.

Finally, I know I just mentioned it in passing, but the tattoo is done. A painful 3 and 1/2 session on Thursday finished up everything, and even added a little something more; I had him put another ginko leaf on the inside of my arm near my armpit. That shit hurt. It is so bruised and swollen still, so I will take more photos when it is fully healed. Here are some photos that were taken today: (one to tease, and more after the jump)

Here’s one of the big ass bruise that is next to my tattoo. This is on my inner arm near my armpit, which is causing me to have to walk around with my arm held away from my body because it is so tender. Nice. I will be SOOOO glad when this thing heals!

Additionally, my tattoo artist (the awesome Russ Abbott), told me it would heal a lot lighter than this, and will have more shading difference and whatnot. I can’t wait to see it lighten up (everything else did, as he also told me it would), and look less BLACK!!!!!, you know? Either way, those pictures will come in a month or so, when it is finally healed!

Now back to my relaxing weekend! Hope everyone else is having a great one!

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