Month: May 2006

Bank of America vs. the Boy Scouts

Yesterday, I talked about a legislation that I felt was important because it fights discrimination. Some said that a law that prevents it (more specifically, a law that requires inclusion) wasn’t necessary. Well, the following example of that very same discrimination tells me that it certainly is.

When my buddy Josh sent me an email about how Bank of America withdrew it’s funding from a local Boy Scouts troop, and the response to that withdrawal, I just sit here and wonder why people care so much about being bigots. I just wonder what is so threatening about being inclusive, understanding, and compassionate to diversity. I just wonder why those concepts are so threatening, and damning, that they must be treated as they are. Basically, here’s the deal, Bank of America sent this local Valdosta Boy Scout troop a letter saying:

Under the non-discrimination policy, the Bank of America Charitable Foundation cannot provide funding to any organization that practices discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, or veteran or disability status. The Boy Scouts’ current employment and membership practices do not comply with this policy.

Basically, Bank of America told them, since you have a discrimination policy on the books (in this case, against homosexuality) then you gets no money. Nada. None. Not from us, anyway, because we don’t believe in discrimination. Way to go Bank of America! Way to stand up for what you believe in, and show that discrimination of any sort has no place in this country! Way to stand up and send a message to an organization that regularly and continually teaches values of imposed morality and discrimination that you refuse to fund such shit as that. Thank you Bank of America for having my (and every other minority’s… did you see that long list..) back. (more after the jump)

just saw this on google news:

Just got this screen grab from google news:

I just want to say, if they are that stupid, that they think that this fictional movie is worth protesting and not eating over, then go for it. Priorities people! Priorities! I’m serious… we are talking about a movie. A fictional movie! Also, not trying to be mean, but I doubt some of them will make it long… I’m just saying. It is simply an observation, nothing more, nothing less.

a gay history lesson

Right now, the California senate is proposing a bill (that has to be signed by the Govenator) to insert information about sexual orientation, where appropriate, in school history books. In essence, they are advocating teaching about sexual orientation in schools, in an effort to highlight the contributions of gays and lesbians, as well as give gays and lesbians a place in history. This debate, obviously since it is in regards to anything gay, is getting a bunch of parents up in arms in California, and honestly, it just pisses me off. But, you ask, “duane, why does it matter??” Because, the Senate is obviously trying to make inclusion and acceptance part of the curriculum (surprise! who would have thought we need more of that?), and there are parents out there that are showing us that they prefer ignorance and deniability to compassion and understanding. I think the reason that it pisses me off most, is because mainly, if the same were to be said about the contributions of women, blacks, Hispanics, or any other minority group, it would just be unthinkable and a blatant act of bigotry; but when it comes to sexual orientation, it is a debate as to whether you should include anything about a person’s true self, or not. And that just isn’t right.

eh, it’s monday…

I need to write a book. Seriously. I need to get on that… damn you ADD! Damn you repressed anger and depression that prevent me from doing things I want to do! I am seriously going to though… watch out.

Monday sucks. To top it all off, last night my dumb ass tripped over the threshold from the office to the kitchen, and since that threshold is where the carpet ends and the SHARP hardwoods begin, I managed to almost slice off the underside of my big toe. Seriously, cut a little more deeply, I would no longer have a toe print. Now, I get to sport an ever so sexy limp until that shit heals. I love being clumsy!

But… guess what we got yesterday? Isn’t it a beauty? 42 inches of pure joy… I guess 9 isn’t enough in this case. I guess it is true; buying things CAN make you happy. If you don’t believe that, buy something and see how you are wrong. So, so wrong. Now I can’t wait until Saturday when Comcast brings us our new HD cable box with a DVR inside! Which does record 2 channels at once, everyone who wanted me to have that! But I will miss my tivo… blee bloop blee bloop blee bloop. I wil shut up now.


Yep, the East Atlanta Beer Festival was a good time, and yes, copious amounts of beer was consumed. I went with Tony and Gia, and we pushed our way through the thousands (yes thousands) of people and managed to try several very tasty beers. But, because of the fact that I had so many of those beers, and didn’t like write them down, or really pay attention to what I was getting in any way, I kind of have no idea which ones I really like, and would want to actively purchase and drink again. One that I do remember, only because I managed to grab one the stickers, was Oskar Blues, the beer that Tony was all excited about. I have to say that the Old Chub was fantastic, as evidenced by my “trying it” 3 times. 8% alcohol beer from a can. Sweet. In the beginning I thought it was weird that they would only give you a little bit of beer, but as we stumbled to the car, I realized why. I definitely want to go to EABF for years to come.

After the festival, I came home and rocked out some NES time, and amazingly, we text messaged a few people and pulled together a night at the drive in. I am still kind of in shock at how easily it came together. We saw Mission Impossible III, which was actually quite good, and you could totally tell it was a JJ Abrams project. I will miss my Alias, but it seems that he has much more in store for me in the future. After the drive in, we were going to go out, but managed to get caught up in playing Super Mario III until 2 or 3 in the morning. It was awesome. And that is why I am hung-thefuck-over. Oh yeah, and Happy Mothers day, you mothers out there.


Four of the best words, when used in conjunction with one another, are; East Atlanta Beer Festival. That’s right, the EABF is today, and we are probably going to head up there around 2. Come on out! Join us for copious amounts of beer!!! I will try and do a recap of what went down later, but I make no guarantees. DRINK ON! EABF, here we come!!!

the website, if you must.

since I don’t really have anything for today…

Because it is Friday, and my brain is well, fried, I just wanted to know one thing; is there anyone out there that does not want to have sex with Ed Norton? Is there anyone out there that doesn’t think he is smoking hot? (Straight men please save your answers unless they are emphatic “yes please!”s, okay?) Because seriously. Damn.

Hey… maybe I need to have an Ed Norton movie fest soon… yes, yes that’s it! And don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about Jake… or you either James!!

picture from

three things for thursday

1) I just saw this at planet dan; make your own stereogram!!! Remember magic eye? I do! It was like one of the best days ever when i learned how to see those things, and I love getting all cross eyed every once and a while and hurting my brain looking into the colors trying to find a unicorn or something. Now, you can create your own! What do you see in this one? (you can click on it and make it bigger)

Click and drag here for the answer: it’s a sail boat! For bonus points… what movie am I referencing? Now go make your own! ROCK! (link)

2) I can’t believe that Chris Daughtry was voted off last night. BUT, in his defense, it isn’t the first 4th place “upset”. Remember Tamyra Gray and Latoya London? We all do. And hey Chris… they got record deals. Just do me a favor; at least one picture in the album booklet with you shirtless… please?

3) Mother’s day is this weekend, kids, so I hope that you sent out your cards to your moms and grandmas. With that being said, I was signing my card for my mom yesterday, and getting it all ready to mail, when I read over it again. Much to my surprise, this is what I found:

Yep, that’s right. I took a picture to prove it; they misspelled ridiculously. Wow. I honestly can’t believe that it made it through to the final stages of product development, and actually was printed, and is now being sold with a misspelled word ON THE FRONT! There are only like 20-30 words on the whole card, and they missed this one? Wow. Now THAT is ridiculous. My apologies to the person at Carlton Cards who gets fired over this… hey, maybe your boss doesn’t read my blog!

she’s baaaaack!

That’s right, my favorite comedienne is back. June 6th, the second season of Kathy Griffin My Life on the D-List makes its season premiere!! And how did I find out this lovely jewel of information? Well, yesterday I was randomly looking at some of my ‘various links’ and I went to her page; only to find out that she had a special on last night called “Strong Black Woman“. Well, I watched it last night, and she is just as fabulous as ever. During the show, I managed to not fast forward through all of the promo spots (thank God for tivo!), and saw that her show is coming back on June 6th! Rapture! Joy! Also, there is this thing she is doing where you can vote to get her off of the D-List. While her fans don’t think she is a D-lister, I do think it is hilarious that she is willing to do things like “join Scientology” or “adopt a baby from Namibia” just to get off of the so called D-list. Either way, go vote here. I am voting on the sex tape; naughty!

I have spoken in the past about my intense love of Ms Griffin, and my utter and sheer desire to be one of “her gays”, and I must say, that the dream grows each and every day. I want to be the one that Kathy is talking about when she says her gay ________ did the gay sigh. I want to be the one that Kathy takes to see Kelly Clarkson. I want to be one of her main gays! Pick me! Even if I don’t get to be one of her main gays, I will always love her. AND, I am so glad that she and Matt are working things out… those two are just the cutest, and I hope they work it out! We love you Kathy! Now I can’t wait till June 6th! (It’s crazy how a TV show can make you so happy!)

This is random as hell: I just noticed that some of my pictures from past posts have disappeared. Seriously, not even on my server anymore. Thoughts as to how in the hell that happened? ARGH!

ticked off tuesday

Today, I am going to talk about things that really tick me off, ready?
1) When people are driving, and there is a car parked to their right, why the hell must they come completely into my lane in order to avoid it? Don’t they know that a head on collision is way worse than sideswiping a car (not like that would happen if you knew the dimensions of your car, douchebag)?
2) Why does Alias have to end? Seriously? (for those of you that want to use this time to make fun of Alias, save it… you are barking up the wrong tree, fuck-pal-face).
3) Why do I have to pay bills? I am so over that. Bills suck.
4) I can’t believe that Jack Bauer didn’t make a copy of that fucking recording, let alone let anyone else hear it before he brought it back to CTU. I just knew something would happen to it. What the fuck, Jack?
5) Why does Family Guy and Desperate Housewives come on at the same time? How is that fair?
6) People stealing bushes. (Hey, if James is still on it, I’M still on it; only because I still have to hear it.)
7) People that get in their car, put their foot on the brake, and even indicate that there is a possibility that they will begin to back out and give you their spot, only to sit in their car and be a butthole for the next hour. MOVE IT!
8) Having to work for money. Can someone please give it to me? No, seriously.
9) The current government administration. Health care. Immigration. Bigotry. Hatred. ENOUGH ALREADY!!
10) The fact that I can’t be America’s Next Top Model, and the possibility that Jade might rob Danielle of the title too.
11) The fact that I have to pay shipping and handling, AND have to wait for crap to come in the mail. COME ON! Instant gratification!
12) Not being able to fall asleep until 4am.
13) Having to pick and choose what shows I can and can’t watch, because all of the good ones come on at the same time (see number 5 for an example). Seriously, there is practically NOTHING good on… why must all of the very little that is good be on at the same time? I am talking to you ABC and UPN!
14) The fact that I can’t eat chicken fingers everyday and not get fat. Hey skinny genes, why not me?
15) I mean, how often do those blogspot blogs NOT work? I miss my blog-friends!
16) Spiders. Those fucking things suck. In fact, I say get rid of all bugs for that matter. But spiders first.
17) Nicole Riche. I don’t know why, but she just does.
18) The fact that when someone has an affair, the person that people always blame for the entire debauchal is the “other woman”. Famous example: Angelina Jolie. BRAD LEFT JEN! And that is how it is for all affairs! Someone leaves, and someone gets left! The person at fault is the one that does the cheating/leaving! Seriously, this just doesn’t seem that hard to understand for me.
19) People that STILL think that pro-choice means pro-abortion.
20) The fact that we can’t all be equal and just get along long enough to realize that we are all the same, we are all people, and we all deserve to live freely and equally, together. Wow, what a Gandhi statement.
21) David Blaine. Seriously, how does he keep getting so much attention. The man is literally one step away from needing a straight jacket, and people say that he inspires them. Inspires you to do what? Be a crazy fucking moron? Well, if that’s your dream, I guess. Yeah, I hate that guy.
22) Those Volkswagen and Allstate commercials where they show people getting into wrecks. FUCK THAT. I don’t want to see that shit. STOP IT! It is scary enough assholes! (Thanks Alyssa… you made me think of this one!)

Anyway… there are 21 things that tick me off. I am not in a bad mood today at all, so don’t think that is where it comes from; some of it is legitimate venting, and some of it is shallow humor. Now that it is out there, why not tell me what really ticks you off? Don’t hold back, bitches!