what’s so wrong with being NORMAL?!

After reading an article about the fucking Easter egg roll, of all things, this morning, I am LIVID. I just want to know one thing, why is it so weird and hard to understand for straight people that all we want is to be seen as, and treated as, NORMAL??? That’s right! Being normal isn’t a fucking political agenda! It is just us wanting to be seen as we are; NORMAL! We want you to get off of our backs and stay out of our bedrooms. We want you to stop telling us what we can and can’t do, and stop taking our rights away! This nation is supposed to be free! We are all supposed to be equal! So why then, is it so weird, and strange, and hard to fucking understand that we want that too!???

I sometimes forget what I have. I sometimes forget who I am, because living in Atlanta, and having the great friends that I do, being gay doesn’t really matter. Being gay is just part of who I am, and they accept me for that. But, when I read articles about the hatred and bigotry that still festers and grows in this nation, it is a chilling reminder that there are tons of people out there that hate me; because of who I am, and who I have always been. And those that don’t hate me, but just don’t “care for my kind” aren’t any better. They don’t see me as normal either, and that is a problem. It isn’t who I have sex with, IT IS WHO I AM! Being gay is being me. And I AM NORMAL!!!!!!

I guess I just don’t understand, nor will I ever understand, how wanting to be normal and be treated fairly is a political issue. Those gay families were not there protesting for gay marriage, in fact, all they were there to do, was be visible, and show that gay families exist and are NORMAL (there’s that word again!). That’s all that they wanted, and so many people had a problem with that, and had a problem with gay families identifying themselves with leis. How are letting you children roll eggs, while you stand back and watch wearing a lei, political actions? How is being normal and doing something that EVERYONE else is doing, political?! People like this TOOL (ha!) said this:

“I think it’s inappropriate to use a children’s event to make a political statement,” said Mark D. Tooley of the Institute on Religion and Democracy.

Well you know what I think is inappropriate?? Your judgement and persecution! How is bringing your children to an event, and allowing them to participate, a political statement douchebag? HOW? HOW????!?!??!?!?!?!?! I am serious. Very serious. Explain to me how being a normal gay parent and wearing a lei showing that you are a PROUD gay parent, is a political statement? It isn’t! It is a “hey, mutherfucker, I am NORMAL” statement, douchebag. So get off of our backs already, PLEASE!

Sorry for the rant, but things like this really break my hope that we will one day be able to just be people and not have to worry about stupid shit like this being thrown in our faces all of the time. Straight people (even the ones that I LOVE) cant’ truly understand what it is like to be gay, and I believe that is therefore the reason why it is taken for granted. Every new situation we find ourselves in, be it shopping, getting gas, meeting new people, starting a new job; all of those things require that we come out ALL OF THE TIME. Sure, there are a few instances were it isn’t even mentioned, or may go unnoticed, but for the most part, we are constantly coming out of the closet, and I believe that may be what can’t be understood, and leads to this justification of calling everything we do to normalize ourselves, “political”. I wish that people could just understand that we are in fact, not different, we are just people, people who love, and want to live like everyone else. We are people too goddammit, and I am sick and fucking tired of being treated differently. I am sick of that fucking look when I order something, and you realize that I am a cocksucking faggot. I am sick of it, and I don’t think I am the only one.

All I can say, is that you have pissed off one more… And I can honestly say, that I am going to remember this shit for the rest of my life, and I hope that I don’t lose this fire I have right now; because it can only help me and the rest of us. And some may think that I am sweating the small stuff, but when you are a second class citizen, it is all small stuff. It always will be until we are treated as NORMAL.

Here’s the article.

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