why not censure?

I just have to comment on the impending censure bill that should be introduced against the president today; comment on the republican response, that is. Seriously, what planet is Bill Frist living on? In response to Fiengold’s efforts to censure the president, and rightfully force him to answer for his crimes (remember, breaking the law is a crime, even if you are the president) of illegal wiretapping, Frist responded that:

“attacking our commander in chief … doesn’t make sense.”
“We are right now at an unprecedented war where they really want to take us down,” he said. “A censure resolution … is wrong. It sends a signal around the world.
“The American people are solidly behind this president in conducting the war on terror.”

See ya’ll! You too can become Senate majority leader!! Just ignore everything that is going on with the constituents you are supposed to be representing, ignore the response of almost 70% of Americans, and shove your head up your rich white ass!!! Then, you are a shoe in! Apparently, since only about 30% of Americans actually even believe in the president anymore, then that must mean we are “solidly behind him”. I love crazy people.

I better be careful, I guess, ’cause you know that the NSA and Dept of Homeland Security are reading this right now; I am probably just giving them one more reason why we should enact martial law. Seriously though, anyone else see that things are kind getting out of hand these days? I mean, a censure is kind of a big formal slap on the wrist, right? What’s so bad about getting the president to admit to criminal action? It’s not like he is trying to impeach him for something silly, like, oh, say, a blow job, right? Whatever. I say censure him, because it does send a message around the world; it says that Americans DO believe in democracy, and that even though you are the elected president, you are not above the law. Doesn’t THAT make sense? I think that I am going to have to start a category for “crazy republican sayings that cause me to react” or something. Happy Monday, ya’ll; hope your weekend was scrumptious.

(oh yeah, quote above came from this article.)

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