take the good, you take the bad, take them both and there you have the facts of life…

Yep, that’s what you might hear coming from my cell phone in the future; because I have gone crazy for nostalgic TV themes. It all started last night when I added… wait for it… the Golden Girls theme song as one of my ring tone options. Now, when someone calls me, you get, “thank you for being a friend…”; um, let’s just hope that I am not at Target or somewhere, and I am not able to get to my phone in time, you know what I mean, and I have to fumble for the damn thing while that song blares out and everyone stares. You know how you have that cute little ringtone on your phone, and then you actually get a call, and everyone is staring at you because you have the Golden Girls theme song blaring from your phone. You know what they are thinking, it is in their eyes: He. Is. So. Effin. Gay. Well, in this case, they would be right; I mean, who else would choose the Golden Girls theme song as their ringer? Here’s the other ones that I am going to add tonight:
Thundercats (HO!)
Family Ties
Growing Pains
Facts of Life
Perfect Strangers
Who’s the Boss (come on, I know I am stretching here, but it is fun)
Northern Exposure
Laverne and Shirley
Knight Rider
Charlie’s Angels

Any other suggestions of must have show themes that I need to further embarrass myself for not other reason than just to do it; and to solidify the notion that strangers may think that I am gay with no other information than my ringtone? I’m all ears!

I also added some Joan Crawford wallpapers, and some Jake ones as well… Man, I love technology!

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