Month: March 2006

a menagerie I tell ya!

First off, I just want to say thanks to everyone that had kind words to share yesterday. I have said before, and will say again; the best thing about blogging and the internets, is that you get to share things with people, and learn that you are not alone in how you feel or what you experience. I love that we get to do this. Now, let’s get together for a rousing game of who’s in my mouth. Just kidding… thanks people; may we all get started on making those changes and end our feelings of drowning, I know I am going to no matter what! Now if I could just find that magic box of “unlimited answers and resources as to how…” that I misplaced…

Second, it is 70 degrees here today. Now, I know that it is the first day of March, and technically, getting closer to spring, but seriously. In Atlanta this year, we completely skipped over winter. I am not joking, I really only remember like 2 days where it was below 40 degrees. It snowed once; and that was just a freak occurrence. Is the trend going to become no winter in the south? I refuse to believe that this has “nothing to do with global warming”, as many scientists have said. I am calling BS. I am also calling for someone to come and fend off the massive mosquitoes that are going to stalk and hunt us all this summer, er, I mean in a few days. This summer is going to be a squelcher; I will just have to get the blender ready (ahem… James, baby, let’s get that fixed fast!); we are going to need some daiquiris.