universal truths and whatnots!!!

Welcome to Universal Truths and Whatnots!!! Today’s segment is about things that are universally true and not at all false!! That means that they are, you guessed it, true!!! That’s right folks, I am here to bring you things that are true, no matter who says them or believes them! Things like:
–> gravity! (it does exist!)
–> math! (2+2 always = 4! cool huh??)
and one of my personal, all time favorite absolute universal truths:
–> pro-choice and pro-abortion are NOT THE SAME THING! A little known fact, that I have uncovered for today’s segment, is that pro-choice refers to freedom and the RIGHT to CHOOSE; and abortion has to do with what comes out of that choice (but only if you choose to do it! so not in every case, right? right!). Kind of like cause and effect, but only sort of, because sometimes there is no effect!! Kind of like, not wanting to eat chocolate because the effect will be fat thighs, or saying “fuck it, I love chocolate” and enjoying your fat thighs! So if you don’t agree with abortion, you can choose NOT TO HAVE ONE! SWEET!


That concludes this episode of universal truths and whatnots. Thanks for stopping by and we’ll see you next time here on universal truths and whatnots; the place where all that is universally true and whatnot is uncovered!!!

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