beginning of the end…

I am feeling much better today; it is amazing what a little alcoholic excursion and some trivia can do for ya. More of that (the alcoholic excursions, that is) tonight, tomorrow, and Saturday… so, things are looking up! HA!

Anyway… The reason this post is titled the beginning of the end, is in regards to the ban that lawmakers voted on in South Dakota, which if signed by the governor, will outlaw most abortions in South Dakota. Things like this really scare the shit out of me, and should really strike fear in the hearts of all Americans:

After more than an hour of fierce and emotional debate, the senators rejected pleas to add exceptions for incest or rape or for the health of the pregnant woman and instead voted, 23 to 12, to outlaw all abortions, except those to save the woman’s life.

(from this article)

Now, I have a question here; are they nuts??? We are so worried about our freedoms and liberties that we are willing to wage war wherever we want, and do whatever it takes to secure our national security and safety, but we are unwilling to let women make a choice as to what to do with their own bodies?? I thought we were FOR freedom?!

What kind of fucked up double standard is that? Even if you don’t believe in abortion, which if you are a guy, I, AS A GUY, don’t think you have much ground to stand on… but anyway; you have to admit that there is a serious potential injustice that can send shock waves of oppression throughout the country that we so “dutifully” “protect”. I see this form of oppression to be the burka that we are enslaving American women with, and it is just plain wrong. Not to mention the severe ramifications that will follow. Yikes.

I am not going to debate what I think about abortion; you all know that I think that it is the woman’s right to choose what she does with her body. That, as I have said countless times before, is not an issue of abortion at all, it is an issue of freedom. This is an issue of choice and freedom; and this bill represents the dissidence of all that is “decent” and “sacred” in the “ideals” in which this country was founded; and the (apparently false) pretenses in which it is ran today. And frankly, I find it completely and utterly reprehensible, and totally hypocritical of our nation to even entertain the idea of banning abortion. And that doesn’t even consider the way that this bill specifically falls deaf on pleas to include circumstances of rape and incest??? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!!!!??

It is the beginning of the end, I tell you. Here’s hoping this doesn’t happen (even though the fucking person that will be signing the bill, the governor, is against abortion, so it probably will. Oh yeah, and he is a man… typical.) Please, let these people grow up and respect the rights we “are entitled to” as Americans. I fear for this country. I fear for the women most.

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