Month: January 2006

my tummy loves bloghungry

Those of you that know me IRL, and even some of you that don’t, probably know that there is stuff I am good at, and stuff that I am not really all that good at (I don’t really consider myself to be BAD at anything). Case in point; I am good at designing things and stuff like that (remember the kitchen that you all gushed over?). But one thing that I am not so good at, is the cooking. This is not because I am a bad cook, it is honestly because I never actually try recipes because it is usually too much effort. I end up making easy stuff that satisfies me and James; which is always good, but isn’t “great cook” worthy; like my old roommate Robert, now he’s a great cook. But that may have all changed; or at least, shifted.

There is a blogger out there that I follow, BlogHungry, whose blog focuses on delicious sounding recipes and cooking tips, and until now, I had never really tried one of his recipes. But last night I made a goat cheese stuffed chicken recipe that I found on his blog a while back, and to be honest, it was a meal of the gods. It was probably one of the best things I have ever tasted; and I was so shocked because I made it. I made it! I couldn’t believe it. And it wasn’t even that hard! Look at the picture I took, doesn’t it even look scrumptious?

Since my meal was so fabulous, I wanted to show BlogHungry the love he so very well deserves, and say thank you for this delicious recipe. I am definitely going to try out some of your other recipes, now that I have a new sense of cooking confidence in myself. Thanks for making my, and my man’s, tummy happy!

If you guys want the recipe, I have posted it below. For more, check out BlogHungry’s site; your tummy will be glad you did.

am I being unrealistic?

James and I just got in a fight about him not calling me; which was only a fight, because he stayed at work for an extra hour and a half, and I was left under the impression that he was “on the way”. James told me that he was leaving work at 3:30, and that he would call. Naturally, when he hadn’t called by 4:30, I was more than a little worried. All he had to do was call me/email me and say, “I’m staying a little later, call you when I leave”. Am I being a completely insane boyfriend by worrying and freaking out over the fact that he could be laying in a gutter somewhere? Or, is it too much to ask for the consideration of letting someone know that you are in fact not on the way, and will simply let them know when you are? I just want to get some outside perspective on this, it is something that comes up a lot.

Seriously… two worry wart posts in one day; I promise I am not going mental. But should I be worried about going mental? Ugh…

paging Dr. Freud…

I know that there are like 2 of you out there that are still waiting on my top movies of 2005 list, and I promise that I will post it soon, but I felt like I was inundating people with lists so I wanted to give you some more of the real me before I posted that final list. But, it is compiled, don’t you worry; I don’t procrastinate when it comes to things I like.

As for this post, the reason why I chose this title and subsequently the subject, is because of some dreams that I have been having lately. Mainly I wanted to post about them to kind of get them off of my chest, and sort of see them in front of me, so that I could put them into perspective. Or perhaps, someone may be able to add their analytical insight, and tell me what they think about the hidden meanings within my subconscious. Either way, here goes.

Last night’s dream was pretty simple, but evoked a lot of feeling in me, and enough anxiety to wake me up. I was going to a meeting at work, where all of my bosses would be there. When I got to the meeting, I was so bored that I was overcome with sleepiness, and fell asleep (despite my best efforts to stay awake). When I woke up, everyone was gone, and I was in a bed in a different conference room; and I was even changed into sleeping attire. I was so freaked out by this dream; and I can’t figure out why. I would never actually fall asleep in a meeting (although who hasn’t done the jello-neck droopy head before?), so it isn’t something that is a real threat; but, the feeling of waking up in that bed was so real and scared me. I just knew that it was going to effect me negatively, and without even seeing them, I knew that all of the people in that meeting were going to judge me, and perhaps punish me. Scary!

Happy New Years!

One thing I learned first hand this New Years Eve:

Irish Car Bombs + more Irish Car Bombs + Drunk girls + Dancing = Dangerous (but lots of fun) and Hungover.

And… Anderson Cooper is a babe; he even counts down with a “drag queen drop”. How cool is that?

Happy New Years, bitches!