Month: January 2006

blogger partay at my house!

Last night, we had a little get together with some of the bloggers that I know IRL, at our house. I wanted an opportunity to hang out with some cool people, and if I do say so myself, it was a cool bunch indeed. Conversation flowed like the alcohol; all night long. I didn’t get very many pictures, but the ones that I did can be found on my flickr page, and will soon be added on my photographs page. I am really glad that everyone came, and I honestly wish that we could do more things like this! And! The floor didn’t fall in, which was a total plus!! Next time, we will have to integrate Irish Car Bombs somehow, rather than just talking about them…

PS: If I talked your ear off, sorry about that… When I get a little of the devil’s juice in me, I lose the ability to turn off my motor. Also, (especially to dave, barry, and rebekah) I have no concept of something called “the passage of time”, so sorry I was still trying to get people to go out at 3am; I didn’t realize it was so late!! THAT’S how much fun it was!

And dave… any time you want, I will still beat you at Soul Calibur III. I am a champion.

for friday: a window inside my head (bonus: Jake!)

I don’t know what is wrong with me today (maybe it is because it is the 13th, or something), but I really am so bored and scatterbrained, that I cannot think of any coherent and meaningful thing to write about. So I’ll hit you with a random sampling of things that I have been thinking about today:

– I really want a new job. Maybe I should be an interior designer. No, seriously. (There are times that I actually do have to try and convince myself that something is a good idea. Sometimes, this is not easy.)
– Why can’t I win the lottery; then I wouldn’t have to worry about that job thing? Then, I could just hang out all day. And drive a Mercedes. Oh yeah… a Mercedes. (I love my car, but I do find myself thinking about Mercedes Benzes a lot. Perhaps I was a rapper in another life.)
– I hate the crap on TV and in the movies. I know that I have a thousand stories that are just as good. Why don’t I write them up already?! (This is more of me trying to convince myself to do something. But I am also good at convincing myself to procrastinate, so let’s see who wins the cock fight.)

did I really need another reason to drink?

Last night, James dragged me to a hockey game at Phillips arena. The Thrashers (who knew that they were named after the Georgia state bird, the Brown Thrasher; or more importantly, who knew that the Thrasher was the Georgia state bird?) were playing the Nashville something-or-others; eh, I’m not gonna lie. I really wasn’t that into it when we went; but, I found myself actually having fun! Who knew that hockey was cool, no pun intended, and that some of the players were so hot! I did actually have a good time, a 24oz beer is always a good thing (Martha, write that down, it’s a freebie, from me, to you).

Yeah, we had a great time, well, except for having to experience all of the overcompensating anti-gay shit people at sporting events do. For example, people kept yelling, “hey ref, get off your knees!”, which obviously is a derogatory statement about him blowing someone, rather than judging the game. Real mature fellas. Maybe you should read the post about sex, then we can all grow and mature and realize how wonderful blow jobs can be to give and receive. Moving on…

to circumcise or not: that is the question.

Apparently, it’s a sexy, sex-filled week here at; here we go again… A friend of mine just phoned to tell me that her and her partner are having a boy! While I am very excited for them, she did ask me a question that got me thinking; and that I am curious to get other opinions on. And, since it kind of continues on the sex binge we have been having this week… why not, right?

She wanted to know, truthfully, if I were to have a son, would I circumcise him, or not? Well, I honestly have about 10,000,000 reasons why I wouldn’t circumcise my son, so I emphatically said ‘no’. And let me tell you why I feel this way. And then, you can tell me what you think about all this skin nonsense… First of all, I believe that the practice is completely barbaric. If you want your child circumcised, I think that you should watch a video of a boy being circumcised. Any type of circumcision is not good in my book. Female, male, whomever, circumcision equals bad news.

I’d like to have a talk about little thing I call… SEX.

After my post on Sex and the City yesterday, I just couldn’t get the thought of sex and sexuality out of my head (no, not like that dirty birds). I also found it interesting, which totally inspired this post (in a way), that people tended to focus on things like ratings and revenue; rather than the issue I was actually trying to get at: why is the subject of sex so risqué for television, so much so that it must be edited to the bare bones, rather than just celebrated and shown? This is not to say that anyone that focused on revenue and ratings is wrong, in fact, quite the contrary; it shows me that you and I are thinking about the same thing, but looking at it in different ways (at least in this case). It also illustrates that we tend to look for other reasons than the marginalization of sex and sexuality, before we examine the taboos that we sometimes unknowingly abide by. But we’ll get to that, so hold on.

What I really want to know is: why is it that sex is so demonized in this country? Why is it that sex has been so demonized over time? Is it just the church? Is it just religion? Why is sex seen as something that is so dirty and forbidden; so much so, that we either don’t talk about it, fight against it, or make fun of it? (The resulting thoughts are actually a long post, so I do apologize for the length; but, it is a topic that I find very interesting, and I am very interested in your thoughts. If you can bare to make it through – it’s not that long -, let’s have a discussion, shall we?)

scared of sex (and the city)?

It seems that Comcast took my statement that no one reads the blog on Saturday or Sunday a little too seriously; we were without internet service all day yesterday. It is funny though, because we actually went to the park, walked around, ran errands, and stuff like that. Usually, it would have taken us forever to get motivated, and we would have just sat there forever… maybe it was a blessing in disguise. But, the side effect was no blogging. But enough about that…

Lately, and since there really is nothing of substance on TV to watch anymore, James and I find ourselves channel surfing at night, and as of late, have ended up more than one night watching Will and Grace followed by Sex and the City on TBS or the WB. While I generally enjoy both of those shows, I must say that the eternal analytical anthropologist in me has taken notice of at least one major flaw in our new nightly programming; someone took the sex out of Sex and the City.

eh, it’s Saturday, no one is around anyway…

I went on a photo stroll through Little Five Points with my good friends Deb and Byron this afternoon. I sit here and wonder why I don’t do stuff like that more often… Not much else is going on this lazy Saturday; but no one really reads the blog on Saturday anyway, so no big deal, right?! HA! Anyway, look for the pictures on flickr soon, and then on my photographs page… I haven’t abandoned/forgotten about the photographs page! Happy Saturday, folks! Hope your’s is going swell!

congrats Jake!

I just wanted to take a moment and congratulate Heath, Jake, Michelle, and the entire cast for their 4 Screen Actor’s Guild award nominations! That gives me the opportunity to make this awesome Friday even more awesome; by giving me an excuse to post one the cutest Jake photos of all time! Here’s hoping they win!

Oh, and Jake, I am free to go up to Brokeback anytime. Let me know what your schedule is like. (James would come too…)

[awesome Jake image from]

Songs for the day:
Peter Presta – Totally Hooked (this is so hot for me right now)
Sara Bareilles – Undertow
James Blunt – Goodbye My Lover

the final list: My Top 12 Movies of 2005

I know, I know, it is a little late, but better late than never, right? I wanted to take a little “list break”, to prevent inundating people who check out the blog with lists. But, here is the final list for 2005. The movie list. Now, I know that there were tons of great movies out this year; many of which I saw (and are probably listed here), those which I haven’t seen, and some of which I still want to see. But, if I didn’t see it, it isn’t on this list. So, if you are thinking, “Man, movie A is much better than one of his choices”, then you have the wrong idea here. These are MY favorite movies of 2005; out of what I have seen in 2005. I hope that you enjoy. Here are my top 12 movies of 2005:

Diet Vanilla Coke, I bid you farewell, and goodnight…

How could you forget this face?Today marks a new day. A revolution. An ending, and a beginning, if you will; I have tried the new Diet Black Cherry Vanilla Coke, and the results are in. It is actually pretty good. But, it is not my love; Diet Vanilla Coke.

Many of you may remember when I made my plea to Coke, in order that I may possibly sway them in the flagrant disregard of my years of dedication when they decided to cancel my favorite beverage. (If not, click here, and read that post). Now, as the cases of Diet Vanilla dwindle in supply at my house, and I scramble like a drugged up monkey coming down from a heroin high trying to score more and more with less and less success; I finally figured I should bite the bullet and accept my fate. My baby is almost gone. I must move on. So here I sit staring at a can of Diet Black Cherry Vanilla Coke (DBCVC), wondering if I can ever love again. Was my true love wasted on a fickle romance with such a delicious and decadent beverage? Did I put all of my eggs in a basket that was bound to break? Possibly. Nothing truly good ever lasts, as they say; but at least I have one iota of solace glimmering in the night. DBCVC is actually pretty tasty, and, perhaps best of all, it has a reminiscent taste of my soon to be long lost love.