A few people said they liked my template, but I did feel the need to tweak this one a bit… thoughts?? Or do you want the old one back? Or do you want me to change more?! Feedback is appreciated. Thanks! Happy Friday!
UPDATE: For the record, IE sucks ass. SUCKS ASS!!!! I fixed it for all you IE viewers though. Damn!
UPDATE 2: I know that this isn’t the most exciting post, but I did work on it, so I figured I would get you to comment on it. Either way, really. Now, about the drinking stigma post from yesterday; basically, I got the message that I shouldn’t worry about it, because other people feel it too (on both sides of the fence). So to celebrate, I am going to go out drinking tonight with blog buddies. Join us, if you want; but we will be… dare I say it… DRINKING!
9 comments for “new-ish template?!!”