33rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Today, January 22, marks the 33rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the monumental case that deemed the laws against abortion of that time, to be a violation of a citizen’s constitutional right to privacy in the United States. While I am definitely pro-choice, I know that there are many out there that are not, and by maintaining a constant and more centered focus on this very important issue, I believe that those of us that believe in the right to privacy and the freedom to make the decision on how one’s own body and life are treated, can have a positively effect on lawmaking and decision making. By continually talking about and fighting for these rights, we can get those that oppose it to listen.

Having these rights are fundamental, and are essential, especially in our current political climate. If Roe v. Wade were to be overturned by the Supreme Court, it would undoubtedly be one of many laws that would restrict freedom and impose unfair and discriminatory laws on many of the citizens of this country. I will always maintain a pro-choice stance, for I believe that it is the right of every woman to choose what she can and cannot do with her own body, health, and life. Please, let’s continue to rally for these freedoms, in hopes that the right wing agenda and regime doesn’t defeat and silence our freedoms.

Speak up and speak out: Roe v. Wade needs to hear from you. We all have to keep up the fight to protect our freedoms, and rights to privacy. Women should be able to have control over their own bodies, now, and forever.

Here’s the wikipedia entry on Roe v. Wade, if you want more info. Also check out Bush v. Choice, a pro-choice blog, where the image above is from. Thanks, Amber for the heads up.

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