Month: December 2005

whoever said it doesn’t pay to play gay!?!

Apparently, I am not the only one with Brokeback on the brain… it was just nominated for seven golden globes. SEVEN. Including best picture. I haven’t even seen it yet, and I have goose pimples thinking about it. I can’t wait. But, I did notice that there is no love for Jake. What is up with that? Doesn’t this boy deserve something!? Did they not see Jarhead? That was worth something! I’m just saying.
Other than Brokeback Mountain, there were a lot of other very noticeable nominations, at least to me, that prove you really aren’t risking your career by playing it gay (or transgendered), as it was said in Entertainment Weekly earlier this month. (Hello! Look at Hillary Swank! Nuff said!) The amazing Felicity Huffman was nominated for her role in Transamerica; Cillian Murphy was nominated for his role in Breakfast on Pluto; and the AMAZING Phillip Seymour Hoffman was nominated for his role as Truman Capote in the aptly titled, Capote. So, um, eat that EW; and anyone else that thinks playing a gay or transgendered character could some how harm your career! It pays to play gay (and transgendered)!
I want to wish everyone in those films the utmost success and, while you all can’t win (since you are in the same categories… dammit!), I do thank you for stepping out there and playing gay. It does take courage, and we surely appreciate it! Now if only some smoking hot actor/actress in Hollywood would come out of the closet; I figure since so many are playing, it is time for some to start being!! I’ve got my fingers crossed about a few people…

I wish I knew how to quit you…

I heart Blogabees

You know, something has really kept me thinking longer than I anticipated; last week, when my site got all crazy, and went down for a couple of days, I wondered what people thought when they came to my site and found nothing. A couple of people emailed me, and wanted to know what was going on, but I wonder if the casual browsers of bothered to ever come back?

Well, being that I am who I am (a borderline neurotic/perfectionist gay man), that sent me into a borderline “blogsestential” crisis, where I started to question why I write for this blog, to wonder who reads it, to freak out over whether people like it, to ponder what people want to read, etc. Now, I know that there are my loyals out there, and I do love you all, seriously, don’t ever forget that; (in fact, I have met some of you IRL recently, and it is has been awesome… I want to do MUCH more of that) but I think these thoughts came up for a different, yet particular reason. I believe that I sit where most people do in the blogging world; yeah we do it for fun, yeah we do it for ourselves, but overall, truth be told, we like being liked.

file this under dumbass…

James just left to go and get us some food, and there, hanging in the door, were my keys. Yup. Not only did I leave the keys to my semi-new car outside merely steps from the actual vehicle, but I left the token of entry to our home in a place where it would have required no effort to break in and kill us, rob us, etc. Wow… Let’s also file that under firsts. Now, I will never think badly of people that leave their keys in the door, or that leave their doors open because they were distracted. I am now one of you. I just hope that never happens again!

happy holidays! NO! merry christmas… WAIT, what about us?!

I honestly didn’t think that I would be writing this post, but alas, here it is. I want to know why it is such a huge deal to say “happy holidays” as opposed to “merry christmas”. Now, I understand that Christians feel the need to focus on the holiday season as Christ-centric; but I would like to believe that in this day and age that the notion of Christmas, or whatever you celebrate during the holidays, has transcended just a 24 hour window (especially considering that Christmas pretty much starts 3 weeks before the actual day, and all culminates with the actual Christmas-orgasm of presents and turkey on the actual day). I do believe that it is necessary to focus on being all inclusive, and consider other world religions, many of which celebrate similar holidays around this time, and deserve the same consideration that Christians get; after all, they don’t get a day off of work for their religious celebration. I think that this is more than just being “PC”, I think that it shows the ability and desire to be considerate and understanding. I think that it shows compassion and togetherness; which, for those of us keeping score, is supposed to be what the “holidays”, and even Christmas, are all about.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; my overdue review

At long last; here it is!

First of all, I have a few things to say before I get to the review of the Goblet of Fire. If you are like, “dammit, this is like the 108475893749857389475893745983475th review I have seen of Harry Potter…”; save it, because I asked before I wrote it to see if anyone was interested. I felt 5 was a good number, and 5 obliged, so we are moving forward. Second, my review may have quite a few spoilers in it, but, and I believe I have said this before; the book came out several years ago containing, miraculously, the entire story the movie is based on. So, well, the book beat me by several years on the whole spoiler thing. If you don’t want to see these so called spoilers, look away children. Third and final thing, I just want to say, I can’t believe they strayed so much from the book by letting Ron die instead of Cedric Diggery. I mean, how are they going to fix that in the next movie?!?! (here’s where I am fucking with you!!!) Enough with the silliness. Here’s my review of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire!

the wait is over…

See, I told you that wouldn’t take long! I am back! I still have several things to move over, so if you see something that doesn’t work, don’t worry, it will be fixed soon. I will post my Harry Potter review in a little bit… I know that you are just dieing to read it… I see you shiver with antici……….pation. Thanks for coming back!

“what is going on with your site?!?!?!?”

Let me tell you. If you can even read this, that’s great… but who knows for how long. My shitty ass web hosting service decided a couple of days ago that they were not so committed to sparkle motion and shut my shit down FOR NO REASON. Then, when I alerted them to their indiscretions, they were like, “oh, we didn’t know. We will look into that”. ASS. So, I have bought myself a new hosting package over at bluehost, and will be transferring my site over there over the next couple of days. This was honestly the last straw with ace-host; so now, I am off. I will leave this up for a while, so all of you that actually do read my site don’t think that I have abandoned you. There is still love. There is still no doubting my commitment to the motion. I just want to make it bigger and better for all of you. Stay tuned. Good things will come. (and please be patient, because we all know that when I do move the nameservers over, it is like a BS 24 hour wait or something…)

See you soon!

chew on this, if you care…

I have spent a good deal of time tonight getting my photos I took when I was home for Thanksmas ready for my flickr page (yo, I am a pro now! thanks… deb!). Also, in that time, I decided, for those of you keeping score, that I would add a ton of new banner images to the top banner. Here’s hoping your experience is fresh every time you come. I don’t want you to get that “not-so-fresh” feeling when you stop by. Also, feel free to take a delectable bite out of my bandwidth and let the juices from the new banners run down your cheeks, by holding shift and refreshing a lot. I know I did… (but don’t go crazy… you do want to stay fresh right?)

Late night:
Belly – Seal My Fate

boy + boy & girl + girl = big money (a new strategy)

So, basically, I have decided to move to England. After all, they are the latest in a string of progressive countries, being that they have legalized gay “marriage”, and couples can register to marry as of today. Interestingly enough, South Africa made a similar move about a week ago, when they too legalized gay marriages, and showed us who was boss of the “free” world. My only question is, America, what the hell are we waiting for? Countries all over the world are starting to realize something that we were freaking founded on; freedom for all. Why can’t we at least follow suit? It isn’t like we are asking for a lot here; well, I guess we are, we are asking for the religious right to suspend all of their hatred and evil will towards homosexuality, and just let us live together in peace. I mean, that isn’t too much, is it?

to ponder Potter; or not?

Well, this weekend, I managed to FINALLY see the new Harry Potter movie. I was going to write a review, but I am unsure if I would be treading too much on already heavily travelled ground, so I thought I would ask; do you want me to write one? If so, then I would be glad to do one ASAP. After the great response to my RENT review, I figured I would ask. Just comment and let me know. If 5 or more people want to see it, my review that is, then thy will be done; so to speak. So let me know. (This is where you start commenting…)