Month: December 2005

I want .jpg NOT .JPG… HELP!

There are a lot of smart computer people out there; so hear my plea: Can you tell me how to force the default windows xp file extension to be lowercase? Here’s the deal, when I go to save a file, the default windows extension is uppercase; but I want it to be lowercase. Is there a way that I can configure XP to do that? Many thanks in advance to the genius that shows me the light on this one… Seriously, I am pulling out my hair here!

Yo Mimi, drop that Pillsbury Remix!

In honor of Mariah’s success this year (did you hear, she has the top selling album of the year); and since so many people felt that I didn’t give Mariah the love she deserved (whatevs), I am bringing you “Shake It Off (Pillsbury DoughBoy Remix)”:

I gotta bake it off
Cause the cookies they ain’t playin’
You know I’m eating all my pain
Because your lovins gone away,
I just gotta bake, bake it off
Just like the Pillsbury commercial
I really gotta eat up in here
Don’t need to go nowhere
I gotta bake it off
Gotta make that move
To all the fattening foods
Appreciate all the chocolate that I have
Boy I’m gonna bake, bake it off
I’m gonna gain ten or twenty
cos boy I’m eating plenty
You know I gotta bake it off

Eat through that pain, girl! Congrats on 2005, Mariah! (I know Mariah is all thin and beautiful, so picture like a pre-stomach surgery Carnie Wilson covering it or something, geez).

And this in no way means I don’t like fat girls, so don’t even go there folks. Who else do you think helped me come out of the closet?

My Top 10 Albums of 2005

I hope ya’ll ain’t tired of this shit, cos it just keeps on coming. This is list 3 in the series of end of year, best of lists; and with this list, I will illustrate what I believe to be the best albums that were released this year. In fact, it will be the 10 BEST albums I believe were released this year, cos after all, I own them all! Like I have said before, this is not the end all be all of lists; there is a ton of stuff that was released that I have never even heard of. So, that is where you get to leave a pretty little comment mentioning said left out album; word? Unlike the other lists, I am not going to rank these, so I guess you could kind of consider them tied. The only way an album made this list, was because the entire thing is consistently good. For it to be included, you can be that all, or almost all, of the tracks were thoroughly enjoyable.

Now on with the show! (There are reviews for each album, but if you just want to see the list, there are pretty album covers to accompany each entry on the list.)

ATL: A look back in time

This has got to be one of the coolest websites I have seen in a long time. Amber posted a link to this website,, where someone has done A LOT of work chronicling Atlanta then vs. now. The result is a look back in time at good old ATL, where you get to see that a lot has changed over the last 50 years. Thanks Amber! I hope someone else will get the same “how cool is that?” effect from the site, as I did.

My Top 23 Dance Tracks of 2005.

Damn! I must have dyslexia or something, because here I am bringing you the exact inverse number of dance tracks as my top singles of ’05. Deal with it. I own it; I love it..

I have to say that making this list was a lot of fun; mainly because I absolutely love a good dance track, and because I know all too well, that without the proper resources for finding new and GOOD dance music, it can be difficult to locate. There is so much that comes out each month, and only a fraction of it is good. I can bet that out of every 15 songs I hear, only one is worth re-listening to. All of these songs have passed the test, and are all songs that I put the stamp of approval on. If I were the DJ, you would be sure to hear these beating on your eardrums; and trust me, you would probably want to dance your ass off.

Many of these songs are super girly, and totally fun; because that is what I like. I like dance tracks that make you want to dance, and all of these definitely make me want to put on my dancing shoes. Some of them make me want to pull out a wig and… well, let’s not go there. Either way, I hope you enjoy my list, and if you haven’t heard any of these, try doing a search on iTunes; or other unmentionable “illegal” downloading software (I totally didn’t say that). If that doesn’t help, because many of these mixes are hard to find, and if you are super duper nice to me, and show me lots of love, I may be willing to help you hear some of these gems. Just maybe. Anyway, here’s the list; I hope you like these songs, I know I do:

My Top 32 singles of 2005.

Yes, it’s finally here; as promised, I am bringing you the first installment of the best of 2005, with my top 32 singles of 2005. No, this isn’t what you are thinking; it is not actually a take on that Ani Difranco song, 32 Flavors. It also is not a ploy to get an endorsement from Baskin Robbins (although, now that I think about it, why not, right?). I have just narrowed down my top singles of this year, and the list happened to come to 32. Aren’t coincidences fun? (At least one person on this list could take note that coincidences are not necessarily ironic, but can still be fun, ahem, I am not naming names, Mrs. Ryan Reynolds.)

Now, I do want to say one thing before you get to see the list; let me say that I no way think that these all qualify as the BEST songs of 2005 for anyone but me; after all, it’s my list, right? These are just 32 songs that happened to be memorable to me, songs that I liked for at least some part of 2005, and/or are songs that I feel represent 2005 for me. (I totally added a little piece of commentary to each one to kind of explain why they are where they are; but it ended up making this a more than 3 page post… and I figured people wouldn’t read it, so I took it out. If anyone wants to see that, just let me know in the comments and I will post a follow up post with the explanations included within the list). With that being said, if you don’t like them, or if you think something should have been at #16 as opposed to what I put there, then feel free to comment. Perhaps, we will all learn more about each other’s music tastes that way. And, worst comes to worst, I may even get some ideas for singles I can jam to for 2006 out of the deal! With that being said, here is my list of the top singles for 2005: (expect the other lists over the next couple of days!)

we’re back from TN!

Glad to say that we made it back safely. First I went to TN for Xmas. Now, James’ mom is here till Thursday. Should I be nominated for sainthood? You be the judge.

Obligatory 10:26pm Update: I have had 2 martini’s, am making a third, and wanted to let you know, the night isn’t going half bad. I added a shit-ton of new banners for all my loverly viewers, many of which are from my trip to the aquarium; the pics from the trip should be up later tonight under the photographs page. Hope you enjoy. Muwah!

How I found out what NOT to watch with family…

James and I decided to get some movies last night, and we went with movies that we hadn’t seen but wanted to see. So we picked, of all things, Unleashed, Serenity, and the 40 Year Old Virgin. Oh yeah, that’s right, the 40 Year Old Virgin. I had seen the previews, and it looked pretty funny, but even though I knew the subject would be sex, I never expected what we got. The movie is pretty much one of the most crass and inappropriate movies I have ever seen. The overuse of the word “fuck” is only outdone by overuse of the word “pussy”. Nice. Imagine all of this with James, me, and his mom and dad. I think that a highlight was when James’ mother described the fact that the main character had an erection, as a “slight problem”. James’ father followed up with, “I think they call that a Woody, dear.” Ah, yet another lesson I have learned; if you don’t know exactly what you are getting, don’t rent a movie that is potentially only about sex to watch with your partner’s sixty-year old parents. There was more than a little egg on our faces… But hey, all in the spirit of the holiday season, right?

greetings… from Tennessee

ho, ho, ho; or some shit...Wassup bitches? I am writing you from my home for the next couple of days; Nashville, TN. James and I are home with his rents for the holidays, and well, let’s just say, we are here. I am still working on my end of year charts that I mentioned earlier, and hope to bring them to your salivating lips shortly. Hope that everyone out there in the blogoshere is having a happy holidays (ha! I ain’t no hypocrite!); and I hope that if you are home with yours or the partner’s rents, you are having a good time, are drinking, or both. Everything is more fun when you are drinking! I just can’t wait till it gets a little later, so that I can drink without looking like an alcoholic… we all have to make good impressions.

Another good reason for me to get my drink on, is the very real threat that James has thrown out; his family goes “caroling” at midnight on Christmas Eve. Um, can I get a big order of “hell”, and you can put that in a “to the naw” so I can take it to go? This queen only carols of it involves lots and lots of alcohol. Hey, you know what, that is something to carol about. It would probably go a little something like this; “Bartender, can I please have 12 buttery nipples, 11 jager shots, 10 kamikaze’s, 9 vodka tonics, 8 dry martinis, 7 black and tans, 6 bud lights, 5 Irish car bombs!!!!, 4 scotch and sodas, 3 apple-tinis, 2 margaritas, and one long island iced tea” (sung in the key of “the 12 days of Christmas”) Can I start a tab? Uh, James’ parents will be picking up the bill. Happy Holidays bitches!

Georgia Aquarium… our first visit

I bought James a season pass for Christmas, and this was our first opportunity to check out the new Georgia Aquarium. The place is pretty huge, and definitely impressive. Only downside is the number of people. Since everything is kind of “tanked” off, you have to wait and kind of push your way to see anything. People are pretty much not caring that you want to see it to, either. Regardless, I managed to snap several shots, all of which I will eventually edit and get up on flickr, and on my photographs page. Here are a few teasers to wet your appetite: