I am still battling this damn sinus infection today, I just wish it would GO AWAY already! Also, my friend Deb and I were talking yesterday about how it was getting colder, and she was telling me all about growing up in England in a house were her room did not have central heating. Well, I experienced a little of that last night. Coincidental to our conversation, our heat has now stopped working, and we woke up to a frigid house this morning. Thank God for down comforters, right!? I think that something happened when they were under the house fixing the floors; here’s hoping that it is easy and inexpensive to fix. Ugh! It is always something with home improvement!!!!
On a different note; Brokeback finally opens in ATL today. It is only going to be at one theater (!!!), the Midtown Arts Theater in Midtown, which is one of the smallest theater’s they could have chosen for such a big movie! (to celebrate, I give you the cute Jake photo above!!) The queens are going to be swarming around that honey this weekend, so I think that James and I are going to hold our horses til Wednesday… Oh how I shiver with antici…… pation. Damn it, Janet! I want to see that movie NOW!
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