greetings… from Tennessee

ho, ho, ho; or some shit...Wassup bitches? I am writing you from my home for the next couple of days; Nashville, TN. James and I are home with his rents for the holidays, and well, let’s just say, we are here. I am still working on my end of year charts that I mentioned earlier, and hope to bring them to your salivating lips shortly. Hope that everyone out there in the blogoshere is having a happy holidays (ha! I ain’t no hypocrite!); and I hope that if you are home with yours or the partner’s rents, you are having a good time, are drinking, or both. Everything is more fun when you are drinking! I just can’t wait till it gets a little later, so that I can drink without looking like an alcoholic… we all have to make good impressions.

Another good reason for me to get my drink on, is the very real threat that James has thrown out; his family goes “caroling” at midnight on Christmas Eve. Um, can I get a big order of “hell”, and you can put that in a “to the naw” so I can take it to go? This queen only carols of it involves lots and lots of alcohol. Hey, you know what, that is something to carol about. It would probably go a little something like this; “Bartender, can I please have 12 buttery nipples, 11 jager shots, 10 kamikaze’s, 9 vodka tonics, 8 dry martinis, 7 black and tans, 6 bud lights, 5 Irish car bombs!!!!, 4 scotch and sodas, 3 apple-tinis, 2 margaritas, and one long island iced tea” (sung in the key of “the 12 days of Christmas”) Can I start a tab? Uh, James’ parents will be picking up the bill. Happy Holidays bitches!

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