what is going on in TV land?!?

Last night, I was watching a rerun of Wonderfalls on logo, when it really became apparent to me, how good of a show it was. Luckily for me, having never seen the show while it was on the network, I had never experienced, until now, the devastation of having the show canceled. This observation made me think about something, and honestly, I really want to know what the hell is going on; what is up with TV stations and TV executives? How can they cancel shows like this? Funny. Poignant. Interesting. Clever. VERY WELL WRITTEN. SOOOOO many shows having this same criteria have met the same demise, and I want to know why!?

Obviously, the first show that probably pops into most people’s minds, at least as of late, isn’t Wonderfalls, but is Arrested Development. Now, I am not really, nor have I ever been, that into Arrested Development (stop the screaming, gasping, and awing). I watched a couple of times, but it didn’t do anything for me. I thought it was cute and all, but it didn’t do it for me. With that being said, I definitely feel like it is a member of this select group of shows; I thought it was a show that was deserving of its place on TV. Mainly, because it was well written, and even more rare, actually funny in a weird way. But, now that it too is going to be canceled, it begs me to ask, what the fuck is up, you crazy-ass TV execs??

First, start by answering this: what is your criteria for keeping a really good show? It obviously isn’t because you gave the show a real fighting chance (case and point Wonderfalls… canceled after only 3 episodes were aired). It isn’t like you actually care what you show instead of a good show (namely stuff like Fear Factor, Stacked, the Bachelor/ette, most of the stuff on UPN, for starters). It isn’t like you can’t build a following for a show, even though it may not be the top rated (ahem… Alias?!?!). Isn’t that good enough? I just don’t get it, why do you have to cancel such good shows, and then replace them with SHIT? I seriously want to know. AND, I want you to bring back the following shows… NOW:

Miss Match: this show was fantastic. Alicia Silverstone was even nominated for a Golden Globe. COME ON!
Wonderfalls: This show was great! GREAT! GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keen Eddie: LOVED this show. Seriously… never even saw it when it was on fox… found it on Bravo and watched what would turn out to be a bittersweet half season. At least I got to tango at all… thanks Bravo.
Kitchen Confidential: technically, this one hasn’t been canceled (or has it?), but it is definitely worth saving. A second Darren Star vehicle axed?? Did no one see Sex in the City?

I have only had this experience a few times in the past, but I must admit, the biggest hooray, and sadly, probably the only, came from when one show in particular, Family Guy, made a comeback! Thanks to a massive fan push with DVD sales, that were long overdue by the way, the fans got very LUCKY and go that show back. In fact, it was the first one ever! I doubt, however, that these great shows I have listed will ever get the same treatment. I guess, if you are not going to bring back these shows, can you at least do us these favors: a)Give us the opportunity to watch enough of the show to decide whether we like it or not; b) give the show a chance, for real (none of this putting it on Friday night and then saying that 20-30 somethings aren’t watching so you yank it… bright); c) actually watch the show yourselves; and d) listen to your audience. Give us what we want; not bullshit. Don’t hold out for another Friends, because it probably isn’t going to happen. Friends wasn’t even that great anyway! Give us something funny, smart, and possibly a little hard to understand; we are smarter than you give us credit! Well, some of are. Anyway… Be nice to us. We watch TV too, ya know.

Now release Miss Match on DVD, you bastards!!!!

Monday Music Madness!!!
De-Lovely Soundtrack – Blow Gabriel Blow
Smashing Pumpkins – Set the Ray to Jerry
Cardigans – Losers

And… in honor of the “I couldn’t care less news” (aka Jessica and Nick split):
Jessica Simpson – With You
Nick Lachey – Edge of Eternity (that’s right! I bought that CD bitches!!!!)

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