time to fly north for “Thanks-mas”

It’s that time, kids; time for old duane to go home for Thanksgiving. But this year, we have decided to have Christmas at the same time as Thanksgiving (since James and I will not be going back, and will be spending Christmas with his folks); which gives us the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. So, for this year, let’s call it Thanks-mas cool? This is a notice of sorts, as well. Are you sitting down? Okay. Um… how should I put this; well, uh, they don’t really have internet access where I am going. I am talking no dial up, nothing; so… I will not be able to blog until I return (even I just started shaking). I look forward to getting back though, because I will take detailed notes on any and all “good” things that happen during Thanksmas. Feel free to keep on commenting on what I have already written though; and hey, now that I think about it, look at this as an opportunity of sorts, you now have a reason to go through the archives! YEAH!

On a side note: Hey Bank of America, quick question. What time would you think would be the best time to make one of your only two ATMs unusable, by putting it out of service? Lunch time? The time when everyone would be able to run errands and get to the bank to use said ATMs? Yeah… that’s what I thought. Oh, and PS: BOA, you suck!

HAPPY THANKS-MAS EVERYONE! (except you Bank of America) See you on the other side!!!

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