Month: November 2005

…and a tranny was the judge.

Apparently, you shouldn’t blog when you are drunk, case and point:

Tonight, I finally went on the sweetwater brewery tour, which I have been wanting to go on for like the entire 5 years I have been living here. It is so cool. You get a glass and 3 beers for $6. It used to be all you could drink, but sucky Atlanta laws stopped that… assholes. Either way, if you are around at 4:20 on a Monday or a Thursday, I highly recommend it… good beer, and good music, good times are sure to follow! Drink on! Now I am going to lay down, after drinking took place, and I am now in for the night… man, what happened to my twenties???

With that being said, looking back on last night, a lot of fun was had. The sweetwater tour was awesome. I recommend it to anyone. Good booze, good times, and a free glass!! After getting our drinks down, James decided it would be best to purchase $55 worth of t shirts that said Sweetwater in some fashion or another on them. He was calling out things like, “blue or brown?”, followed by, “I’ll take them both!” Following out stint at the brewery, we headed over to Monterey’s for some delicious Mexican food and margaritas. We proceeded to get more tore up, and after two margaritas I was ready to challenge Bree to a high kick contest; right there in the restaurant. So, Bree and I showed our best high kicks; and our fierce tranny waiter was the judge. Too bad for Bree, my high kick cannot be rivaled, and I was determined the winner. After that, it pretty much turns a blur, but needless to say, there was an attempt at blogging; thank GOD for the spell check feature on the Google toolbar, otherwise I would have really looked like a drunk. Well, even more of one. Anyway… tonight, we are off to wetbar, for the grand opening. If you are out there, give me a shout, I will be the one dancing my ass off to Jr. Vasquez. Woot!

Dance baby, dance!
Madonna – Sorry
Kelly Clarkson – Because of You (Jason Nevins)
Freemasons – Love on my Mind

sweetwater tour, YEAH!

Tonight, I finally went on the sweetwater brewery tour, which I have been wanting to go on for like the entire 5 years I have been living here. It is so cool. You get a glass and 3 beers for $6. It used to be all you could drink, but sucky Atlanta laws stopped that… assholes. Either way, if you are around at 4:20 on a Monday or a Thursday, I highly recommend it… good beer, and good music, good times are sure to follow! Drink on! Now I am going to lay down, after drinking took place, and I am now in for the night… man, what happened to my twenties???

I got the flu shot this morning…

And in honor of my pain, I thought I would bring you this hilarious tidbit about a worldwide flandemic possibility published on (thanks to Deb!)

New Custard Could Cause Worldwide Flandemic
ATLANTA””A recently discovered strain of custard could cause a worldwide flandemic, Centers For Dessert Control warned Monday. “We are warning people who come into contact with milk, egg yolks, sugar, and whole vanilla beans that they are at risk of concocting this custard,” CDC director Paul Liddleston said. “All reports indicate that it is extremely non-resistible.” Liddleston said the government’s present reserve of dried tapioca is “useless” in combating a flandemic, and until a more effective vaccine is created, “the proof will be in the putting of containment teams in high-risk areas.”

why is Tyra Banks so utterly and completely fierce?

Cos I'm Tyra Banks, that's why!Because the bitch can bring it. Tonight on America’s Next Top Model, she totally stunned the hell out of those girls when it came down to do the elimination. Tonight, Jayla (bitch!), and Nicole were in the bottom two, and in my opinion, deserved to be there long before tonight. Tyra looked them both in the eye and told them how much they sucked, before announcing that they both would have to pack their bags tonight. WHAT?? Two girls going home in one night? They sucked that bad (well, Jayla did, but that is besides the point)?? Then, after they start boo hooing, and the other girls are having a freak out, Tyra pulled a “nah, I’m just fucking with you”, and announced that they all had to pack their bags… for London. I can’t believe she even kept a straight face through that whole thing. It was fierce as hell! If I would have been Jayla or Nicole, it would have taken every ounce of my strength to restrain myself from hitting that bitch.

Does this mean that I am mad at Tyra for pulling that stunt? Hell no! But I do have to say this: Tyra, honey, I know you have your own talk show now, and that while you are fierce beyond belief, we must remember one thing; you ain’t Oprah. Nope. Not today, not next week, not eva! We all heard you yelling, “You get to go, and you get to go, and you get to go!” I know, you were excited to be handing out free cars, I mean, free trips to London… so, I guess it’s okay. But in the end, I guess I should post this as a warning to both Tyra and Oprah: Tyra, calm it down, your tits are real, and don’t have to be Oprah; and Oprah, that skinny bitch is on your heels, watch out!

Tyra’s Bringin It Music:
Tyra Banks – Shake Ya Body
Scissor Sisters – Tits on the Radio
Fall Out Boy – Sugar We’re Going Down

[top image from, bottom image from (but tweaked a bit)]

exciting news, well, sort of…

I am very excited, about a weird thing; James and I went to get wills and power of attorneys yesterday! It is the closest thing that we can have to achieving some semblance of the protection that marriage bestows; if one of us were to die, our shit will go to the other one, and if one of us gets sick, we can visit the other one and make decisions on their behalf. I am excited, because it is good to have things like this in place before you need them, and there is no time like the present. Things are still being “Å“drawn up” and will be finalized in a week or two (expect another post when that happens… exciting stuff!). After reading one fellow blogger’s story, I was compelled to act on this as fast as I could, with the hope that we will never need them. I hope that this is merely an expensive precaution, and nothing more. But I strongly urge other gay couples out there to take similar action; just in case.

This doesn’t mean that we aren’t going to get married someday (do you think we could pass up an event as fabulous as a wedding?), so you bitches still get to hear ALL about that.

I’m famous, don’t hate me!

First things first, people seem to be hating on Aeon Flux. I think that it is going to be some great mindless action-y/special effects goodness, and I can’t wait. My anticipation for that one is mostly based on my love the for the comic, so I guess if you didn’t like it, then I can see why you wouldn’t care. And Jen’s right, it should have been Jolie in the part…

Which brings me to the topic the title of this post implies; why do people hate certain celebrities and give some celebrities such a hard time? I have noticed that people tend to take sides and stances when it comes to certain celebrities, and I guess, as the curious little bee that I am, I wonder why that is. I want to know why some people hate Lindsay Lohan, Angelina Jolie, Britney Spears, and so on. What is it about these people that we just can’t stand? Or, what is it about these people that we just want so desperately to hate, we find reasons; regardless of how ridiculous they are? Suspend the obvious reason for a moment (jealousy), and let’s take a look, shall we?

I see you shiver with antici…….. pation.

I thought that it would be fun, since I wrote such a long review of Jarhead, to look at other movies that I really want to see this movie season. Also, it would be nice to see what other people think about these upcoming shows. Here it goes:

Obviously, these are the ones that I MUST see:

Brokeback Mountain — I will RUN to the theatre to see this. Unfortunately, I have a insatiable curiosity, and, I happen to know how it ends. I don’t care. I am going with tissue in hand. Here is hoping that I don’t do that wheezing cry. Just a simple quiet cry would be okay. Also, here is hoping that I can wipe up before the lights come on; or at least run to the car. Can’t wait. Antici…pation: 10/10

Rent — I don’t care what anyone else out there says about this movie. At least one person has been getting flack for his excitement, but I am right there with him. Rent is a great musical, and I truly believe, after seeing several trailers and a music video for “Å“(Let’s Go) Out Tonight”, that it is going to be phenomenal. I cannot wait for this amazing show to come to the silver screen. I will be right there with the rest of the Rent-heads, singing every song. Which reminds me, I need to be practicing, if I am going to learn La Vie Boheme as good as Josh! Antici…pation: 10/10

Jarhead: the review

First things first. We went to the new Atlantic Station theater to see the movie, and it was, as expected completely packed. Unfortunately, it was so full that we had to exchange our tickets for the 12 am show (which made it so the movie wouldn’t end until around am… Nice). The only other stitch about the theater, which was extremely nice, was the fact that it was about 90 degrees in there the entire movie, and considering it is a movie about a war in the desert, it wasn’t something that heightened the experience, it made it miserable. Luckily, that has no bearing on the actual quality of the film.

And without further distraction, my review of Jarhead. (At the risk of pissing anyone off, here is your warning that there may be some spoilers as to the nature of the story and what happens. As far as specifics, I tried to be pretty vague. Consider yourself warned!)

Interesting tidbit: If you google blogs of jake gyllenhaal, I am the #2 result. This is bound to make that stick.

say it ain’t so!!!

I just went over to my buddy Parley’s site, and read this shocking news; Coke has decided to “phase out” Diet Vanilla Coke!!!! And to that, my response:

Dear Coke,
My name is Duane, and live in your home city of Atlanta. I am writing you about my concern that you have, for some unknown reason, decided to discontinue the most heavenly concoction you have ever placed on the shelves of a store; Diet Vanilla Coke. I remember that summer that regular Vanilla Coke was released, and I was sure that a Diet version would soon follow, and, much to my pleasure, there was; and it was good. Not only was it good, but Diet Vanilla Coke is the best beverage Coke makes. Hands down. Period. Fin!

So my question to you, as I sit here clinging to a case of the delicious beverage in question, is why?