Month: November 2005

First my Diet Vanilla Coke; now this?!?!

I think that it is pretty fair to say that *gulp* I am fairly upset. I found out yesterday… wait, I need to sit down for this… that Alias has been cancelled. I literally have a lump in my throat as I am writing this. And oh, let’s not even mention the twisted, sick irony that I happened to write about this very same thing not even 2 days ago happening to other shows that I like. NOT EVEN 2 DAYS! AND I used Alias as an example of a show that had a following that the networks actually gave a chance!! WTF!? Come on ABC! What is going on!? I really hope that it doesn’t get to the point where I don’t even watch TV anymore, because that is seriously the direction that you crazy network execs are pushing me in. I have an idea, ABC, why not cancel all of your good shows; like Desperate Housewives, Invasion, Lost (which really isn’t all that great in my opinion), etc. (wait, are their any other good shows?!?! I know, I know, Grey’s Anatomy, right… but I don’t watch it. I am not going to, if I get into it, they’ll cancel it). Then, you can just force-feed us horrible shit like WifeSwap, Dancing with the Stars, and reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond and Friends 24/7. Then, it wouldn’t be hard for me to completely stop watching your network. In fact, with this move, it is actually getting easier each day. Now, I can just limit my exposure to ABC to 2 times a week. You completely suck. In fact, I am giving you the middle finger right now; and a “Å“neyeh”-style grunt (in the key of Avril Lavigne).

rebuilding…… take two!

So last night, I posed the question of whether or not to switch away from the breast milk that I have used to feed my child since birth, i.e. Movable Type, to formula or something “better”, i.e. WordPress or another equally good blogging software. While many of you agree that a move to WordPress is undeniably the way to go, I wish to provide you with a few more pieces of anecdotal evidence, as to help you understand, and perhaps, to gain compassion for my steady hold on good ole MT.

First of all, I know MT. We are old friends. In fact, I switched to it from b2evolution because of how easy it was to use (remember, I said use, not install). When I was with b2evolution, the main reason I left, was because I didn’t feel like I had any control of templates or anything, and most of all, I really hated the MySQL database feel; which incidentally, was one of the main reasons I opted not to use it for my MT database. I felt like I had no control over MySQL, and while I feel I may not know enough about it, I know enough to know that my server has MySQL database use restrictions, and I have seen what those can do… it ain’t pretty. An ugly “you abused your MySQL privileges bitch” message instead of your blog. Not nice. So there’s that; my aversion to MySQL (which WP totally cannot work without). (btw… I use Perl, so Amber or whomever, I don’t know if that means anything to you)

rebuilding…………. sort of?!?!?

Now, I know what you may be thinking; telling MT to rebuild won’t make it necessarily rebuild. In fact, clicking on rebuild doesn’t even make it rebuild half of the time. I wanted to post this, in order to see if there are others out there that are still using MT, and if you are experiencing similar issues as myself: whenever I try to rebuild my site (which has about 200+ entries and over 800 comments; not to mention categories), it usually snags up, and times out. I can’t seem to get it to stop doing this, and is progressively more annoying each time it happens. Should I just switch to WordPress (or something equally awesome and better than MT)??? Should I try and learn something that would be practically “impossible” to me; i.e. learn how to use php or something else to build/modify my own system (if so, we need to be reasonable here… I don’t want to undertake something that will take months to do)? Or, can this problem be solved easily? Help me out here folks! I know there are tons of smart, smart web people out there! I am at my wits end, and I have started pulling out my gorgeous hair.

And, the irony here lies in the fact that I must now rebuild the site, in order for you to see this entry. NICE!

what is going on in TV land?!?

Last night, I was watching a rerun of Wonderfalls on logo, when it really became apparent to me, how good of a show it was. Luckily for me, having never seen the show while it was on the network, I had never experienced, until now, the devastation of having the show canceled. This observation made me think about something, and honestly, I really want to know what the hell is going on; what is up with TV stations and TV executives? How can they cancel shows like this? Funny. Poignant. Interesting. Clever. VERY WELL WRITTEN. SOOOOO many shows having this same criteria have met the same demise, and I want to know why!?

Obviously, the first show that probably pops into most people’s minds, at least as of late, isn’t Wonderfalls, but is Arrested Development. Now, I am not really, nor have I ever been, that into Arrested Development (stop the screaming, gasping, and awing). I watched a couple of times, but it didn’t do anything for me. I thought it was cute and all, but it didn’t do it for me. With that being said, I definitely feel like it is a member of this select group of shows; I thought it was a show that was deserving of its place on TV. Mainly, because it was well written, and even more rare, actually funny in a weird way. But, now that it too is going to be canceled, it begs me to ask, what the fuck is up, you crazy-ass TV execs??

I made it. I. am. back.

My sinuses aren’t the only thing thanking me for returning to the good old ATL; the rest of me is glad to be back at home sweet home. I must say, that the “holiday” weekend was not as long as it could have been, and I did at least get to see almost all of my family. I did learn a few things while I was in NC though, and I thought that I would pass these gems on to you:
1) Everyone in North Carolina smokes. If they don’t smoke, they smell like smoke. Everywhere you go, is like a bar. Take lots of changes of clothes, or wear lots of cologne. Either way, your sinuses are going to pay; big time.
2) Spending time with family should usually involve the consumption of alcohol. This is not specific to NC; it is a general rule that should be applied at any family function. It is best to stock up.
3) Everything in the Research Triangle Park area of NC (where my family lives) is at least 1 hour away from wherever else you need to, or want to go. You will do a lot of driving.
4) Everywhere in NC is now to be referred to as “the middle of nowhere”. No, seriously.
5) Probably the best thing I learned: My sister is pregnant, and when I asked her how long she was planning to breast feed, she replied, “6 weeks”. When I recommended 6 months, and sited several benefits, including the inability/decreased likelihood of getting pregnant again within that time, she insisted that you are actually MORE fertile while breastfeeding, so it is best to keep it short. I think that we should notify Nestle of this new information, so that they can use it, along with their other tactics, to convince more and more women to abandon the healthiest way of raising their children, and latch their kids onto Nestle’s products. The things you learn, right?

I learned other things, as I always do, but I am seriously pooped from the 6 hour car ride that actually took almost 9 hours. I need to rest. At least I have my friend back… civilization. See you tomorrow kids! It’s good to be back!!!

time to fly north for “Thanks-mas”

It’s that time, kids; time for old duane to go home for Thanksgiving. But this year, we have decided to have Christmas at the same time as Thanksgiving (since James and I will not be going back, and will be spending Christmas with his folks); which gives us the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. So, for this year, let’s call it Thanks-mas cool? This is a notice of sorts, as well. Are you sitting down? Okay. Um… how should I put this; well, uh, they don’t really have internet access where I am going. I am talking no dial up, nothing; so… I will not be able to blog until I return (even I just started shaking). I look forward to getting back though, because I will take detailed notes on any and all “good” things that happen during Thanksmas. Feel free to keep on commenting on what I have already written though; and hey, now that I think about it, look at this as an opportunity of sorts, you now have a reason to go through the archives! YEAH!

On a side note: Hey Bank of America, quick question. What time would you think would be the best time to make one of your only two ATMs unusable, by putting it out of service? Lunch time? The time when everyone would be able to run errands and get to the bank to use said ATMs? Yeah… that’s what I thought. Oh, and PS: BOA, you suck!

HAPPY THANKS-MAS EVERYONE! (except you Bank of America) See you on the other side!!!

RENT… the review

Lucky enough to be given a free screening pass for one my most antici…pated movies of the entire year, I went and saw RENT last night. And here’s what I thought:

RENT opens in silence, but then, when you hear the first few notes of “Seasons of Love”, it strikes you hard; for you realize you are about to experience something different. Either different because you have never heard this song before; or different, because this is not the way RENT is supposed to open. It becomes apparent very quickly that Chris Columbus has changed some things; moved songs, removed songs, reworked story boards, and refocused characters. But don’t worry; overall it works.

Every song, every scene, you will feel even closer to the musical that so many have loved since its debut on Broadway, almost ten years ago. While some of you will scoff at the changes, and may see them as a detriment to the overall feeling the musical was meant to portray (the bohemian spirit of living for the day, and the undying sense of true love), fear not, because the spirit of RENT is whole and intact. While watching the movie, my overwhelming sense was the creation of a third dimension; to both the characters and the scenes, either of which may have been somewhat two dimensional in the stage version. The movie provides a visual landscape, that contextualizes many story elements that, while present on the stage, were limited by the nature of stage presentation. Overall, I felt the movie went deeper, and with that, it succeeded. It brought me back to the early nineties, and gives the viewer the effect of opening a time capsule, where they find grunge, poverty, spirit, and youth tucked inside. The movie stays true to the original intentions of the play, and establishes the feeling of the early nineties wonderfully; it even feels like this movie was made in the early nineties.

coolest. news. EVER.

Dane Cook is hosting Saturday Night Live on December 3. WHOA… SAY WHAT? That shit is so already tivoed, it is not even funny. AND, I burned to a DVD. I practically already have it in my collection, and have seen it like 1000000 times. Practically.

To tide you over:
Dane Cook – The Nothing Fight
Dane Cook – Making Up
Dane Cook – Someone Shit on the Coats

*and Amber, A cashew contours to the tip, as if to say, I’m a cashew, LET’S DO THIS!!!!

it’s raining, it’s pouring… really???

Why is it that people feel the need to say, “Å“It sure is coming down out there”, or, “Å“It’s really raining out there, huh?”, when you walk into the building and are obviously completely soaked from the aforementioned rain? Did they think that I didn’t notice the rain that just soaked my pants? Did they think that I am so stupid that I don’t realize that it is rain that has just soaked my pants? Or, is it more likely, that they are mocking me for having gotten wet while they stood inside, all dry and warm? Just for the sake of argument, I am going to go with the last one. I would like to believe that people aren’t that stupid, as to think that I don’t know when it is raining, especially when I have just stepped inside out of the very same rain. I would hope beyond hope that they were not so stupid as to think that I don’t know what rain is. But perhaps? I mean, what would warrant such a response to my coming inside, soaked through from the rain? I must say, based on my “Å“rain experiences” that I may have been led to believe that people tend to just be mean, and are prone to going out of their way to mock you, whenever the opportunity presents itself. And apparently, when it is raining, is a great time. Because it is always funny when someone gets caught in the rain, right?

sunday bloody sunday

I have not done anything to be considered a “value” to society today; and it feels awesome. I have this feeling that if I were fortunate enough to eventually be able to work from home, I would be a complete bum. I haven’t even left the house. And I love it.

What I have been doing today, is painting. I love painting. And I have been doing it. The picture above, is off an incident that occurred during said painting activity; Sydney decided that he wanted to be a part of it. I went to grab him before he got in the paint, which only forced him to back up quicker; where he proceeded to lay his tail in the paint. That would have been totally okay, if he hadn’t decided to trash that newly paint-coated tail around in the air. All the mixing you see; totally dog induced. There is no editing here folks, the dog does it all.

Other than painting, I have been drinking a 40. I sent James to the store last night to get beer, and told him I wanted 2 double deuces of icehouse, you know, to drink before going out last night. Instead, I got two 40s. I am not complaining, because we live in the ghetto, and now, I can really connect to our neighbors. I may even step outside so that I can pour a little on the ground, you know, for the ones we have lost. This one’s for my homies!!! Now, I need to get back to my day of “nothing”. God I wish I didn’t have to go to work tomorrow.

Sunday tunes:
U2 – Sunday Bloody Sunday (for the record, I hate U2)
Alanis Morrisette – Crazy (James Michael Mix)
Pras feat. Mya – Ghetto Supastar (that is what you are)