I’ve got two words today, folks…

Hung Over. That is what I feel right now because of the activities that I engaged in last night. I had been hearing about, and was even invited to a previous, Atlanta blogger meet up; better known as the Atlanta People With Blogs Who Get Together To Drink (APWBWGTTD), but had never gone for one reason or another. Not bad reasons, of course, but, for one, I have never really entered into activities where I don’t know anyone. I have also never gone to a bar alone. Seriously. I have always had people with me. Think whatever you will about that, I’m not ashamed.

Regardless, last night’s meet up was at the Limerick Junction in the Highlands; a bar that I have never been to. When I got there, I didn’t see anyone that looked like they may be of the ATL blogger group, so I ordered a drink. My fear of going to bars alone was now a reality, and I quickly decided that I needed to find these people. I totally and uncharacteristically, approached a group that were luckily the bloggers. First try… thank GOD. I must say that all in all, it is a great group, and I had a great time!

I definitely will be attending future meet ups; as long as I am invited. It was cool to finally talk to people that blog and that don’t think your blog is just some stupid hobby. It is refreshing when people treat it as something that you like to do, and have a passion for. I also really enjoyed talking to lots of different people; people that I probably never would have met otherwise.

Once I sat down and started to get acquainted with everyone, the beers started coming, and after something called an Irish Car Bomb, I managed to get psychotically fucking drunk; so I apologize if I talked anyone’s ear off. But no apologies are probably necessary, as I have been told on more than one occasion, that when I am drunk, people can’t really tell. Perhaps I just act like a drunk all the time, and when I actually am drunk, people think that I am normal. Who knows. Either way, it was a great time, I am so glad that I went. Thanks for inviting me into your circle, ATL bloggers! Can’t wait till next time…

One more thing, which has NEVER happened to me in my entire life, ever, so I felt the need to express my sincere amazement (in a good way). When the bill came (I was on a different tab, which I started right when I got there), everyone started putting money in, and to my complete disbelief, there was MORE than enough money to cover the bill and enough for a generous tip. Needless to say, I was completely floored! I am so used to going out with people who drink like a fish, while I slowly sip on water, and they end up wanting to split the check, and I end up having to continue giving more money to cover the missing amounts. Not this group. These guys rock. That was probably the awesomest pay-your-server-for-the-collectively-high-bill experience ever.

Music for your Friday pleasure:
Bjork – It’s Oh So Quiet
Blur – Girls and Boys
Weezer – Best Friend

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