First my Diet Vanilla Coke; now this?!?!

I think that it is pretty fair to say that *gulp* I am fairly upset. I found out yesterday… wait, I need to sit down for this… that Alias has been cancelled. I literally have a lump in my throat as I am writing this. And oh, let’s not even mention the twisted, sick irony that I happened to write about this very same thing not even 2 days ago happening to other shows that I like. NOT EVEN 2 DAYS! AND I used Alias as an example of a show that had a following that the networks actually gave a chance!! WTF!? Come on ABC! What is going on!? I really hope that it doesn’t get to the point where I don’t even watch TV anymore, because that is seriously the direction that you crazy network execs are pushing me in. I have an idea, ABC, why not cancel all of your good shows; like Desperate Housewives, Invasion, Lost (which really isn’t all that great in my opinion), etc. (wait, are their any other good shows?!?! I know, I know, Grey’s Anatomy, right… but I don’t watch it. I am not going to, if I get into it, they’ll cancel it). Then, you can just force-feed us horrible shit like WifeSwap, Dancing with the Stars, and reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond and Friends 24/7. Then, it wouldn’t be hard for me to completely stop watching your network. In fact, with this move, it is actually getting easier each day. Now, I can just limit my exposure to ABC to 2 times a week. You completely suck. In fact, I am giving you the middle finger right now; and a “Å“neyeh”-style grunt (in the key of Avril Lavigne).

With that being said, I honestly just want to understand what the deal is here. Alias, while I admit was not too great last season, has been regaining a little of its steam this season (oh come on, you have to admit it folks), and has actually shown signs of serious improvement; but now it won’t get the chance to actually improve. The show obviously has a following, and you network execs should recognize, that is way better than a flash in the pan with something that you can barely even count on. What I think, is that they have gotten lazy, and don’t see the ratings they want; and the obvious thing to do in that case is to cancel the show. I am calling bullshit, ABC, because that is such a fucking copout, and you know it. BOO. We are fans for a reason, and we can handle change. If we could stick it out through last season, we could weather anything. I have lost pretty much ALL respect for network execs now. It is pretty clear that the only thing that you want is money. You don’t give two shits about what is on TV, so long as someone is watching it. BOO.

All I can do, is hope that you will hear my last request, and at least give me something to possibly regain some semblance of hope that you do actually give a shit about your viewers. Since, apparently, you are going to cancel the show, whether we want you to or not, at least honor the fans with one request. My last request, (please, please, please) is that you make the last part of this season so outrageous and so fucking “Å“uh uh! No way!”, that we at least have a little something to take away from it all; and enjoy on DVD for years to come. Make me actually want to come back to you and believe in you again. You owe us that much. You owe us for our loyalty. And just so you know, this should be considered more of a borderline demand than a request. Um… Pretty please?

Now, I know you may all be reading this, and some may think that I am silly for getting so upset about my show being cancelled, but I say, why not? Why shouldn’t I care about something that I enjoy being wiped off of the face of the earth? Why shouldn’t I be upset? It isn’t trivial to me! It is something I like! I don’t care if you like it or not, these are my thoughts on Alias getting cancelled; and, admittedly I am upset. So now, I will just have to go and mope around; in fact, I couldn’t even write this yesterday because I was so distraught. If I had enough of it, I would even wear black for the rest of this week. Shame on you ABC! Shame, shame, shame!

You’ll be missed Sydney Bristow, dearly.

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