fighting the battle of the meme-less

Those of you that graciously come to my site, and those that happen to get really super bored and look through the archives (which, by the way, are not boring, and are actually filled with juicy goodness and marshmallow filling), will notice that I have never, to this day at least, participated in a meme or other blogger grouped activity. The reason, I guess, is because I have never tended to be a follower or a participator, and not because I look at that as a bad thing; in fact, I am pretty much the weird one that usually sits just over there, on the periphery. I guess, I just never really got into making toys with the others; I guess, I just wanted to be a dentist.

With my lack of participation laid out before you, I feel the need to assure you that I do believe in the meme. I always read other people’s meme entries, and wonder, what would it be like for me to take the plunge? Would it mean that I sold out to myself? Would I be able to look at myself in the blog-mirror again? Would I judge myself? The answer is that it probably doesn’t matter at all, but it is something that I contemplated. I guess the reason that this comes up today, is because I really have been thinking about careers, and things, and wondering what makes websites and blogs so successful and popular. I have noticed that a lot of blogs participate in memes and things, kind of like a ritual of acceptance and an activity of community, passed throughout the blogosphere. It is something that bloggers do to feel unity and share thoughts, similarities, differences, etc. with one another, in order to spark imagination and communication. And it is cool; so I am not judging you because you meme and I don’t. In fact, I want to know if that is something people would like to see; me memeing. Or do you care? Do you wear underwear?

I guess I also wanted to just post this as a little thank you for keeping the memes going folks, cause I am still intrigued; both in the information they provide, and the fact that they even exist and thrive. I also want to thank anyone and everyone that has ever “Å“tagged” me, in an effort to prevent you from shining your rifle for the next time you see me; because I didn’t do the meme. Geez, you have serious anger issues, but seriously, here is a snickers, cos I loves ya.

Maybe someday, I will be memeing the hell out of things here on my site, but just to warn you, probably not. I do believe that I can take this away from it all: I would venture to guess that not too many people post posts that are dedicated to memes, without them actually being memes, while having never done, nor plan to do, one themselves. To ponder the meme and not meme oneself… Le sigh. Dammit, I need a fucking beer already.

Meme these song stylings: (hey wait, does this count as a meme?!?!)
Fiona Apple — Paper Bag
Sara Bareilles — Undertow
Eurythmics — 17 Again
Ben Folds Five — Battle of Who Could Care Less

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