lost on LOST, and my newest TV obsession…

Okay, I must admit, there were several times last year, when I was watching Lost, and thought, “this show is really weird, but is it good?”. Before this season had started, I gave back into the JJ Abrams quotient (you DO know that Alias is my fav, and Felicity is one of the best shows ever, right?), and settled in for a weird, but good season. But last night, that feeling was back: this show is weird, but is it any good?
To go in the scary hatch, or not?
Case and point: whether or not to push that button. I honestly must say that my response is a resounding, I DON’T CARE!!!!!

Now, I think that the premise of the show is cute, and the cast is great, and the story is blah, blah, blah… but enough is enough. I love suspense. I love action. I love weirdness, I do after all own Rocky Horror AND Elvira Mistress of the Dark on DVD. But, every once and while, you have got to give me a little piece of the puzzle. Something to make me feel that watching this show is all worth while. Make me feel that I am not wasting an hour every week, just to find out there is another hatch on the other side of the island and they blew off the hatch of the wrong one, or something. Give me more info!!! I am not saying spill the beans, but at least let me have a few to nibble on… that’s all I am saying. I am going to keep watching it for now, but if these feelings continue, I might just have to “miss a few episodes”, like I did last year. After all, I do have all those Netflix movies I can watch now, so I am definitely not at a loss for new media.
Which one will win...
Now, I want to shift to a new show that I have recently discovered (thanks to Rich over at four four) and have subsequently become mildly to the early stages of severely obsessed with; Americas Next Top Model. Now, I know that you are probably looking around your feet to see where the purse and shoes that just fell out of my mouth are, but hear me out: it is a good show. I also never thought, in a million years I would ever be able to keep a straight (ha!) face while suggesting that someone actually watch a show on UPN, but here it is… I ain’t laughing.

I don’t know whether it is because I want to be any one of those girls (well, the really pretty ones… you know…) modeling and doing all of those modeling things, or if it is the silly things they put them through to get a great photo. Who knows. The chemistry between the models is great, and it is always nice to see a bunch of wannabe divas duking it out to prove which one is more beautiful, and which one has the fiercest walk. And, you get to see lots of Tyra. LOTS. Don’t worry, it ain’t that bad… it is like Tyra icing on ANTM cake, but it is not an end piece… it is just enough without making you sick.

All of this definitely sounds like something I would want to be involved with. The show can get pretty intense (i.e., most of these girls are bitches, and Tyra loves to call them out and put them in their places), but it is always good, and and is filled with hilarious moments. So, to get acquainted with the show, I suggest that you head over to four four and check out his recap… and then start watching; you won’t be sorry. Well, at least you won’t be any worse off.

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