I am sure that you all are dying to know; is he keeping up with his workout?? Well, after an unfortunate nosebleed that kept me away last night (damn this dry Atlanta weather… guess it’s time to get out the humidifier), I was back in full force tonight, doing 15 on the treadmill, 3 back and bi exercises, 100 sit ups, and 10 minutes on the bike. With this pace, I will be back to my old self in no time.
Strangely enough, the Y reminds me a lot of the ECU rec center; which is a good thing, that is where I got so serious about working out and maintaining it in the first place. Now, what you were really waiting for, more gratuitous man torso! (click on read more for the torso-liciousness)
OF COURSE I would bring you Jake Gyllenhaal… he is so hot. That is the body I aspire to have… in so many ways.
[photo from iheartjakemedia.com]
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