Month: September 2005

farewell, sweet Kathy G’s D-List show, farewell…

Sadness. Gloom. Despair. And it hasn’t even been 24 full hours. BOO HOO!!! I miss you already, Kathy Griffin!!! In case you are like, what is this nut job talking about, then you must have missed the season finale of Kathy Griffin: my life on the D-list last night. Kathy brought me something that many only taunt me with, and for that, I want to issue this thank you to her: Thank you Kathy, for making me smile, for making me laugh, and most of all, for making me enjoy my time with you.

most anticipated movie of 2005… for me

Of course I am speaking of Brokeback Mountain, the movie starring *gasp* Jake Gyllenhaal (swoon!) and Heath Ledger as gay cowboys in love… say what? Yes, a full fledged wide release of a gay LOVE story that, if it is anything like the preview, will be a welcome addition to the lack thereof in gay cinema!!! I think that I have watched this preview like ten times, and I may even go watch it again after I write this. Check it out at Let me know what you think… Is conservative America ready for gay cowboys, in love?

I heart Baton Bob (aka the Ambassador of Mirth)

Pure joy and elation could not fully describe what I witnessed last evening: Baton Bob is a regular at Joes on Juniper, as the host of Monday night bingo!!! WHAT??? How did this get by me??? All of you that know of my intense, and often touted as strange, love for the batoned one, must think that I have died and gone to heaven; but luckily, I am still alive, and I was merely right here in our very own neighborhood, at Joe?s! I only wish I would have brought my camera? be damned that it was dark? I don?t care!!! Bob was wearing a fabulous, as always, tutu and some fierce Jackie O glasses, and walking up and down blowing his whistle and twirling his baton.

to paint or not to paint?

James and I are in the process of beginning to prime the new front porch for painting and staining. We spent the entire day today priming the columns and tomorrow, we begin on the railings. There really is only one problem that I see here: I don’t think that we will be able to do a good enough job on the final coats of paint, to make the porch look as good as it should. I don’t think that we can do a professional job, and that concerns me. All day, we were stopping, in order to get rogue paint splashes up off of the places where it was not supposed to be, i.e. the deck floor. So now, I sit here, sore from painting, and wonder, what should we do?

my thoughts on Katrina, and the reponse of our government (or the lack there of).

What is wrong with America? What is so wrong that we just abandon the sick and the poor, for no apparent reason whatsoever; and chock it up to ignorance? This, of course goes beyond the current tragedy in New Orleans and Mississippi, but the tragedy is a shining example of where we continually look the other way; when all of the warning signs are so crystal clear, a blind person could spot them at 50 paces. So WHY??? Why GW? (And don’t think that I am just talking to GW… I am talking to the rest of the government, FEMA, and all those guys.) Why do you continually operate under this intense level of ignorance? Does it make you feel better that you are doing nothing to make people lives better? Does it make you feel better to take all these vacations and essentially remain “out to lunch” intellectually; so much so that a disaster strikes the nation, one that was touted as eminent, and we remain unprepared and unwilling to take action? What about this works for you?

soaring gas prices, birthday gifts, and continuing the workout routine

In the wake of SOARING gas prices (I heard that there were some places that were gouging prices to as high as $8 a gallon yesterday), due to the shortened supply from Katrina, I have decided to consistently carpool with my buddy Deb. This way, we can both share the increased costs of this catastrophe.

Related, but only slightly, I got a new car for my birthday. NICE! you say? Totally nice. It is a 2005 Acura TSX, and it is SUUUWEEET! It has just about every feature ever made for cars, and I love it.