Month: September 2005

monday afternoon life-changing thoughts…

I have recently been toying with changing careers, and honestly, I think that I have come to an all important decision: I don’t think that I am ever going to figure out “what I want to be when I grow up”; and honestly, I am okay with that. All I want to do is something that pays pretty well (i.e. NOT less than I make now), is decently entertaining and not utterly boring, and doesn’t stress me out. I know that I will probably have to go back to school for this, but I say, “bring it on!”. I loved grad school, so I totally think that I could go there again… now all I need to do is worry about that pesky living expenses thing; that always seems to get in the way during grad school! If I could only win the lottery!

“new” tattoo

I am getting a tattoo of mine covered up in the next couple of days, and I have to make a decision; but wanted to see what people thought. I have pretty much already decided, so this isn’t a make or break type thing, but it is always good to know what people think. I was thinking of covering the tattoo, which is an ankle band, with a tribal freehanded design. I am leaning more towards a Maori-influenced piece. This would also mean it would be badass black, and would be only for me. Does that sound cliche at all? OR I was thinking that I could get some sort of northwest Indian design, I have one in mind, that would be more “spiritual” or whatever. Also cliché¿ Whatever. Let me know what you think.

2 YEARS!! (completely un-blog related!!!!)

Yesterday, James and I celebrated our two year anniversary. (!!!) I don’t want to get all mushy, but I did want to say that this has been two of the best years of my life. I never thought that I would ever be able to meet someone that complements me so completely; nor did I see that I would be this happy those many years ago, when I sat lonely in the closet. If I would have known that James would be what I would have to look forward to, then I would have come out a long time ago!!

Two convicted in transgender killing: but it isn’t a hate crime???

I just want to know how something like this can escape being defined as a hate crime? It is very obvious that this was more than simple assault that unfortunately ended with murder. If this girl had not been transgendered, then it is pretty much a given that it would not have even happened. How can we live in a country, where you can be killed for a hatred of who you are, and not be punished any differently than any other criminal? This type of crime (hate crime, that is), is one of the most violent types of crime, that is fueled by an intense hatred of who or what someone is. By not labeling this crime as a hate crime, and giving these people, what I consider a minimal sentence for something so horrible, diminishes the crime; and leaves the door open for things like this to happen in the future.

A new day; a new Martha! (it’s a good thing)

Last night, when I came home, I was flipping through the Tivo guide, looking for something to watch, when I stumbled upon it: the new Martha show was about to come on. I quickly turned to TLC, so that I could see what this new show was all about, and I was met with something wonderful. Martha is back, and she is better than ever. Now, I know that a lot of people don’t like Martha for whatever reason, but frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn. I have mad respect for someone who can not only make, grow, paint, and create anything; but someone that can also own up to something, go to jail for it, and then come out unscathed; with both her reputation and dignity intact.
Welcome Back, Martha!

oh yeah! Brokeback Mtn wins top award!!!

Turns out, Ang Lee’s Brokeback Mountain, the movie I was plugging here, won the top honor, the Golden Lion award, at the Venice Film Festival. Looks like this movie may be even better than I could have possibly hoped! Hopefully it will do well here in “Jesusland”; I know that I will do my part to make sure that it does. Can’t wait for December!
I wonder what part in the movie they are talking about, in this photo:

indigo girls… let me walk you through it

Last night, we saw the Indigo Girls at Chastain, and it was awesome. They deliver like no other band, seriously. It is like popping in one of their CD’s, and just sitting around listening to it with 100’s of other people. It was great.

As expected, there were tons of other gays and lesbians around, so the atmosphere was so welcoming, that it was practically palpable in the air. The cute lesbians next to us (Ashley and Victoria) were fun to be next to; it was obvious from the beginning that they were there to have a great time.

an indigo weekend

Nothing much to say about the upcoming weekend, other than James and I are going to see the Indigo Girls at Chastain tomorrow night. I will try to post some stuff about it sometime next week. I can’t wait!

“I’m trying to tell you something bout my life, maybe give me insight between black and white, and the best thing you ever done for me, is to help me take my life less seriously, it’s only life after all, yeah!”