Monday’s vent: “Intellegent” design in schools – NO WAY!

It is all over the news right now, that there are people fighting to keep intelligent design in schools; and alternatively, people fighting to get it out (since it has no business being there). I absolutely love that there are people out there that not only don’t believe in evolution and want to go so far to push religion down everyone’s throats, but that they will go all “back door” with it and call it intelligent design; only to then insist that we teach it in our schools. Now, stop me if I am wrong, but don’t we “theoretically” live in a country that is supposed to have a separation of church and state?

Now, I don’t really give two shits about prayer in school; I never prayed in school. If I wanted to, so what, as long as it didn’t bother someone else, then I am okay with it. If someone who is Muslim, Jewish, or whatever wanted to pray in school; I say let them. As long as it isn’t done in an offensive way, and isn’t required by everyone, I don’t see the problem. I really don’t. But, given this stance of prayer in school (and I do mean individual, private prayer; NOT mass prayer and whatnot), I have to draw the religion-in-school-line somewhere. Religion has absolutely no place in school. If you want to be religious, fine. Keep it to yourself. Teaching kids that there is an alternative to evolution, which by the way is a very well supported theory that is substantially backed by MOUNDS of evidence, is just wrong. Plain and simple; wrong, wrong, wrong.

If, for no other reason, it is wrong for the simple fact that it is a device of trickery, in which there is a disguise placed on religion by calling it “intelligent design”; in order to get what you want: mass learning of one religion. Religion has no place in schools, and certainly not as a “viable” “alternative” to evolution. How can one even consider pitting one clever creation myth against scientific theory (which, again, is backed by lots of evidence)? I guess I can see past the end of the nose on my own face, and that is why I can consider something OTHER than what has been force fed to me my entire life. I think evolution is the best thing we have got, when it comes to understanding where we came from, and how we developed into who and what we are. (FYI: the fact that hold two degrees in Anthropology, one of them a Masters, only supports my belief that evolution is pretty much fact.) The signs are all around us, and we would be complete idiots not to just open our eyes and see them. It doesn’t take a scientist to see the similarities between us and the other primates, yet still, you have people that deny these similarities (which point to our divergence and evolution, if you will) for no other reason than “God”. And I say “God”, because I believe in God, but I also think that evolution isn’t something that didn’t happen, just because there is a God. That doesn’t even make sense to me. Believe it or not, you can believe in both; after all, religion is a philosophy, not a law. And evolution is a theory, not a law (even though it does have hard evidence, unlike the former).

I guess the synopsis of my diatribe is this: why is it so important to force our nation’s youth to learn about Christianity, through any means necessary? By denying such things as evolution, when it is pretty obvious that it is pretty much a spot on theory, just proves ignorance and shows contradiction; and children are smart, they will figure that out. If you want your kids to learn alternatives to evolution (*shudder*), then teach them that at home, or in church; where it belongs. But don’t force the rest of the children who actually want to learn something that will be USEFUL, to go along for the ride. And another thing, get some fucking balls and call it what it is, calling your trek to force Christianity on the American school system “intelligent design”, is just embarrassing; because we that believe in evolution are smart enough to see through your “little disguise”. Free the nation’s youth. Say no to intelligent design in school.

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