To the homophobic BIGOTS at 99x:

when does free speech become slander? When does free speech become hatred? Well, that is the line that 99x has been skating, and I believe that they have finally stepped over the line. I posted earlier about 99x?s bigoted and homophobic slander that they portray and laugh about during their juvenile morning show, and I feel the need to speak even further on the subject. I just heard a radio spot for the Toucher, Jimmy, and Leslie morning show, and quite frankly, I was completely disgusted. In the radio spot, one of the DJ?s (either Toucher or Jimmy) made the proclamation that he would not like his kid being taught by a gay teacher.

Not only that, but they all (with the exception of Leslie? who really does need to grow a backbone and speak up if she doesn’t agree) proceeded to make fun of gay people, talk about how gay people should not be allowed to teach in schools, and how gay sex would have been the topic of an elementary school math class (in the vein that all gay men know how to do is talk about each other?s butts and link everything to gay sex). I am sorry, but doesn?t that sound like pure and utter homophobia and slanderous gay-bashing? They use the radio as their forum to bash homosexuals, who, in many counties of this state (GA), are subject to being fired if they are outed or live as openly gay. Does that sound like freedom? Well, Toucher proceeded to post this little tidbit on his website:

The issue of free speech in the media is bigger than ever right now. The government is coming down on broadcasters claiming that shows with millions of listeners are violating “community standards of free speech.” I have received hundreds of e-mails from listeners who believe that it is not the government’s job to legislate morality. They believe in the American way of free speech and want to let it be known

(Updated following emails from 99x: This is no longer directed solely at Toucher; who emailed me and told me that I probably had the wrong show, which is both insulting and completely false. This was a radio spot FOR YOUR SHOW. Either way, the comments about the gay teacher were made by someone named Wally… see the comment from the 99x person… BUT Toucher and Jimmy proceeded to “make a fool of him” by stereotyping and perpetuating the slander. That is STILL unacceptable.)

Now, Toucher (and yes, I am speaking directly to you and your fellow radio hosts), there is such a thing as free speech. I am all for that. But do not hide behind free speech and the regulation of so-called morality in speech here. This is far beyond that. You are a homophobic bigot. Not only are you a homophobic bigot, but you are using your forum of the radio to commit verbal abuse on the gay community, which can be considered a hate crime. Now, I know there is no hate crimes law that can punish you for this, because the ones that would see us beaten to death on a fence and not care (because ?we had it coming because we are gay?? such a ?Christian? way to be there, folks) kept that from happening. So you are safe. But have you ever thought about the message you are sending to your kids? I fear for the day that one of your children may come out to you, and I fear that you would treat them in this way. I fear that they would find out that their father hates them, and is such an asshole, that he would tell the whole world how afraid he is of what he does not understand. Is that the message you want to send? Because if so, we got it, loud and clear. I am all for free speech, but there comes a time when even you know that you are encroaching on those rights, and stepping on the freedoms of others. Slander, such as this show, breeds fear and hatred in the minds of those that listen. Seemingly ?innocent? statements and ?musings? about how much you hate gays and poking fun at gay stereotypes, does have an effect, and you should not only be aware of it, but should be held accountable. I hope that this message has enlightened you, and made you realize that hiding behind ?free speech? does not diminish, nor invalidate the level of hatred and verbal abuse you continually unleash on the gay community. I can say this for certain: I will think twice before EVER buying/endorsing anything having to do with 99x, and consider this a testament that I will certainly delete your station from my radio dial. Continue to be the bigot you are, if you shall, but just know, that I am calling you a bigot, right out here in the open, the same way that you cowardly poke fun at me, and the rest of the gays. Honestly, you should be ashamed of yourself; and maybe you are. That would explain the level of ignorance and hatred you convey.

By the way, I emailed that to 99x.

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