seems I am always a few steps behind, or is it ahead?

I just read that the next line of ipods will all have color screens, *gasp*!, and the 20 GB model will still be $300 *double gasp*!!! Now, I know that I should be grateful that I can have two ipods, and yes I have two, but I can justify having both of them. I bought the first one like two years ago, when the 2nd Gen 10GB model was $400 freaking dollars, and was bigger, bulkier, and did not hold as much music. Just in case you are keeping score, it was really before they had caught on… see, there was no USABLE interface between ipod and windows. After being pleased with my purchase for a while, I held out as long as I could, and then bought the 4th Gen 20GB, as more of an upgrade, to hold all of my music.

Naturally, given my luck, the color ones dropped in price from $499 to $350 only 45 days after I got mine, just barely outside of that return window at Best Buy. After much distress, I realized the photo ipod wasn’t necessary, but now I must say that I look at that decision differently after reading this. All of us that pioneered the desire to have an ipod back before it was super cool and everyone had one, are now stuck with the colorless ipods. We are the ones that worked out all of the bugs that come along with trying out new things. All those other people that waited, and are FINALLY going to buckle down and get one, are going to have the luxury of having the newest and best for the cheapest price. I know that is how everything works, but I still feel the need to rant about it a bit. And now that I have, I must say, that I do indeed feel a bit better. Now I will go and listen to my colorless ipod. Sigh.

read the article here

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