Month: June 2005

think for yourself-ers

Why is it that there are so many “think-for-yourselfers” in Atlanta? I am all for taking care of your own needs, and watching out for yourself, but being a selfish prick, just because you think you are better than everyone else is where I draw the line. I have noticed that most of the times that I encounter these TFY’s, is when I am driving throughout Atlanta. People will block an intersection, cut you off for no reason, and even disobey known traffic laws. Why you ask? Is it because they are special… like as in they are royalty? No. Is it because they are dumb, and don’t know the traffic laws? Well, honestly, that is probably the case for some, but not the majority. Or, is it because they just don’t give a rat’s ass about anyone but themselves? BINGO!!! So, here is a message to all of you TFY’s out there, especially the lady that totally cut me off and almost hit me this morning:

The rest of us want to get to work too. The rest of us want to get home too. The rest of us want to get wherever we are trying to get, in a timely fashion too!!! So, obey the damn traffic laws, don’t be a prick, and start looking out for someone, once and a while. Eventually, some of the others, like me, are going to get fed up with yo shit, and hit you!!!!

And then I will get to meet a TFY face to face!

more artistic expression on the rise

So I have finally gotten around to taken pictures of my paintings that are in my home. I actually really love to paint, and find it a great means of expression, but you would have never known that before today (if you have never been to my house). I also made a decision to sell any and all of them, if people should want them. This doesn’t mean that I think that people will or will not want them, I just believe in having things out there, and I don’t want to stop someone from enjoying a piece of my work if they want to. I also kind of like the idea that someone might want some piece of me in their home, hell, I have my work hanging up all around me! But anyways… check out the art: by d page, and see my paintings. I will add all of them eventually, but, I want to make sure I have pictures that adequately represent the beauty in each work. I wouldn’t want someone selling me short, so I will pay my work with the same respects.

Contact me if you want something.

new blog… a new day!

Well, now that I have fiddled with my blog php settings for like the last hour (man I wish I knew php like I know html… but I digress), I am actually pleased with the results. The point is to make it flow more with my site, and make it less of a “outside” thing. This way, maybe I will stop separating my site from my blog, and treat them as one. And who knows… maybe I will write more. I guess the main reason I don’t write more is because I don’t want to bore people, but I guess if you are bored enough to be reading blogs, then what is the harm right?

Sidenote of the day: Do you have people in your life, whether at work or wherever, that you encounter at least once every day or so that just piss you off for no reason whatsoever? There is this old guy; and I refer to him as old guy; who I see very often who just makes me mad. I feel heat in my face when I see him, and I want to slap him around or something. Maybe that would make me feel better. I don’t know why I feel this way, I have never even talked to him or anything. He just looks at me weird, like he is judging me, and then hangs around forever. He is also really slow, and that really pisses me off. Maybe I need one of those little rubber things you can squeeze when you are upset, but I would probably break it after seeing him. Oh well. But honestly they weirdest part of this, to me, is that I don’t even know why I feel this way!!! I have no reason to. He has never done anything to me, other than annoy the piss out of me. But ah, isn’t that enough?

mr fangs, part deux

Okay, so as I mentioned in an earlier post,, I have become a teeny tiny bit obsessed with tracking down and documenting as many mr fangs as I can. Well, so far, I have been pretty successful. Check it out

my mr fangs photos

If you have sightings that I don’t, drop me a line and let me know where I can spot it. Also, if you see one you like, I can tell you where it is, as long as you aren’t a cop. I do think that this is one graffiti that should stay!!!!

Spears, what are you doing?

Not like I should be surprised, but what exactly is Britney doing? Is she single-handedly trying to get every girl in America pregnant like her? It was said that Britney believes pregnant sex is the best. (Bleck…) So all I have to say is thanks Britney, for coming in, once again, and telling us WAY TOO much information about you and sex-hungry K-Fed’s bedroom sports. For the record, we don’t really want to know all that stuff, there is something called tact, and we all really wish that you could start exercising a little bit of it, um-K? So for the love of baby-Fed, let’s not discuss how much better pregnant sex is, alrighty?

Update: Apparently, she referred to it as “crazy good”. And honey, as we look back on your life, when has crazy ever been good? Just a thought.

the best news I have heard in a while!

NEW DANE COOK… Release Date: JULY 26th!!! YEAH!!! In case you are going, huh?, well, listen up. Dane Cook is the funniest frickin’ guy in the universe, and he will make your stomach hurt from laughing so hard. Check out his CD/DVD: Harmful if Swallowed, it is the best time you could have on $15. Seriously. But I am super-hyped about this new double CD/DVD coming out. I really think that I will be running around in a delirious circle dribbling on myself at the nearest Best Buy on July 26th, but what is to say that I won’t do that every day until then… Nothing. I am that damn excited, and you should be too.

Oh yeah… He mentioned on his website that it is imperative to sign up for his mailing list, due to some surprise. I recommend it. It will be worth it, whatever it is. If it is just that he will come and slap me in the face, I am all for it. Go sign up at www danecook com, I already did.